How Telephone Change Of The Medium In Every Stage

What is the average lifetime of a smartphone?

Phones this days become obsolete faster than going bad of a manufacture issue or just by plain wear and tear.A mayor example of this is memory size: A 2 year old phone is perfectly fine, that is if you can handle the now visible and annoying lag that you will face as you try to run the latest versions of some of your applications, that is if they work at all. By this time you probably have less than 20% left on your internal memory and you are basically unable to download anything else unless you pop in a good SD card. (Sorry iOS, you are screwed)The other issue is the battery, on most phones of the new generation you start to see a big drop at the 3 year mark and by the fourth year your charger is your best friend. This makes me long for my 2006 feature phone that I had to charge every 5 or 6 days

Which will give a stronger wireless signal? A shorter "true" distance with many walls to go around or a longer distance with fewer walls?

If by “wireless” you mean indoor Wi-Fi, or cordless mice, keyboards, cordless telephones, and bacon-slicers, the open air range is usually very adequate. Walls, unless made of paper or thin cardboard with a skim of gypsum plaster as in British houses are fairly transparent, too. Brick and stone cut down range markedly, despite outrageous lying [= advertising] claims by telephone/internet providers. Three walls of good masonry, and you might as well be on Mars. Mains-borne internet creates appalling electronic fog, and such loathsome devices should be banned.T R M

Capacitors used in everyday electronics?

A capacitor is always found in any machine that produces sound, as they are an integral part of any amplifier. They are used in this sense mainly to pass on alternating current and block direct. A capacitor can be used as a coupler to connect one stage to the next or as a decoupler or bypass to rid the circuit of excess DC which can cause unpleasant humming in the speaker.
Technically, a capacitor stores a charge in an electric field. It consists of two or more plates separated by a dielectric, which prevents the plates from contacting. This can be a man made insulator, but can also be air. Commonly you will find ceramic, mica,polyester, polystyrene and gels made of various compounds.
An extremely important use of a capacitor is in a tuned circuit which you will find in radio sets. When placed in parallel with an inductor it creates a resonant circuit which responds to certain frequencies.
Capacitors are measured in Farads. A Farad is extremely large and it is common to see microfarads (a microfarad is 1/1000000th of a farad) nanofarads (1/1000000000) and in radio picofarads (1/1000000000000).
If you make the capacitor variable by giving the plates the ability to be turned, this lowers or raises the area of contact between them and thus the capacitance it has. For example, if your variable capacitor is capable of 30 picofarads minimum and 150 max, and you have an inductor of 370 microHenries, you can tune between 675khz and 1511 khz. On the medium wave you can pick up 5 live, Talksport, Absolute, and if you live in SE England BBC World Service, as well as any local stations.
The job of a capacitor is to charge and discharge, and as such it can be used in time delay circuits. When coupled with two resistors and a 555 timer chip you can make any delay you wish and this is commonly used in pop-up toasters and anything that's got a lot of flashing LEDS like those horrible Christmas decorations.
You can do with one resistor, one capacitor and a transistor too. The equation is known as the RC constant.

What's the difference between "content" and "media"?

Medium is the channel through which content is being sent and received.Content (as of today) includes: written words, spoken language, still pictures, moving pictures, audibles (like e.g.) music, graphics, data, simple expressions (like votes and ratings) etc. Content has three dimensions: syntactical (information)semantical (meaning)practical (purpose)This content needs channels to get from here to there or vice versa. The channels that cater for that need are the media, like TV, newspaper, radio, DVD but also the telephone, the telegraph and the letter. The internet however is not really a medium by itself, but rather a platform providing the general technology and architectural basics necessary for creating and using channels, just like the smartphone is, too. Online media would probably be referred to as "applications" nowadays, because the communication channels are "inside" of them.These media have historically different characteristics, dependent on their purpose, structure, response options and speed … and, nowadays, also public access to the sending/publishing side.One-to-one communication media include: Letter, Telegraph, Telephone, Telefax, Personal Message etc.One-to-many communication media include: Radio, TV, Cinema, Email, Print publishing (newspapers, books), SMS, but also Blogs and Social Networks like Twitter etc. … and also the organic human (and also animal) voice generation systems plus the environment (air, water etc.) necessary to let the sound waves progress.Many-to-many communication media include: Online services like voting systems, forums (it should be "Fora"), Wiki-, Q&A- and discussion sites and plugins, but also platform like YouTube, that are actually "multichannel" or "multimedia" belong here.So a messenger or herald in ancient times or a letter at the times of mail coaches are examples of a slow one-to-one medium, while Quora or Disqus are fast many-to-many media.What is being communicated through these media is the content.Funnily enough, there is one famous exception where content and medium are not differentiable: while the professional that calls himself a "medium" for communicating with the dead pretends to be a channel, in fact he/she creates/invents/produces the entire content.

I am a married man. My wife never shares her phone password. Keeps it under a password. It is bothering me very much. Why she is behaving like this?

Dear person,I understand your concern. I urge you to ask her phone for calling someone on some pretext if she gives the password then it is okay. if not, then please talk to her and tell that “I trust you but you should also trust me. i am not doubting you and not checking your phone like CID will do to find some evidence, but it just bothers me. if there is nothing to hide then why you do not let me know the password ?”I agree that everyone should have his/her space but maintaining this kind of secrecy is not about giving someone his/her space. it clearly indicates that this lady wants to hide something from husband-whats that and how objectionable is that , we do not know.if some non-harmful flirting or non-harmful chats with her ex-bf or something like this, this lady surely can let her husband know.- and if he is understanding , trusting, he would not mind and take it playfully. That should happen. not the other way round.We are individuals and should have ‘space’, but in marriage, essentially we are sharing our lives, expenses, beds, dining tables -everything and we have mutual respect and trust. if it is still there then why not let each other handle (not check, mind you!!) each other’s phones? maybe husband needs to call someone, has no balance or anything like that. if this does not share the password, even to call or for anything, then I do not know what is there in her phone.see this is not about being ‘19 year old insecure, immature teenager’ as Varsha said, it is just about trusting each other. People said make your wife your best friend, then advice this wife - the make your husband your best friend, share things with him, not hide from him.I still do not understand, in the name of ‘space’ what sorts of concessions, you are going demand? Be natural, care for each other, do not cheat.