How To Ask A Girl I .

Can i ask a girl to kiss her?

listen to me it shows the girl that your a gentalmen by asking i always like it when guys ask before they kiss and doent force it make it natural
nake her feel comfertible
hopes this helps and always remember to do it at the right time
put your hand on the side of her face gentaly right on her jaw under her hair
after your doen kissing her look her in the eyes and hold her tight :D

How can I ask a girl for her number?

Ok !! It happened a few days ago with me.I was having a conversation with a guy on facebook, whom I just met once at a party. We became good friends while talking but had not exchanged the numbers.That day I was kind of sad and he figured it out with my messages. He was asking continuously and I was reluctant to share. Then something like this happened.He : I know a magical trick.Me : Share with me.He : Ok! Let's do it. Write first 4 digits of your phone number.I did so.He : Now write last 4 digits in a reverse order.I did.He : Now multiply the middle 2 digits with 2 and write.I did.Within few seconds, I got a call from an unknown number. I picked and asked, “Who are you?”He :Your magician.“I burst into laughter.”The trick was not to get number but how he actually made me laugh.This was my story of sharing number.Edit : I haven't friendzoned him. Don't understand the reason of so much hate in the comment section. This piece could have been taken as a light humor.Edit 2: Those who call this lack of presence of mind,Guys ! I have already mentioned earlier that we became good friends and I didn’t find any problem in sharing my number with him.The question is “How to ask for number?”. So what I have shared is the way he asked me.

How to ask a girl to prom?

First, it's not weird to ask a freshman to prom, I am a freshman and my boyfriend is in 11th grade. If you like her, go for it! (:
Okay so, shy guys are often thought of as 'adorable' by girls, but what we really like is being blunt and maybe a little creative.
You should try going to her house and bring a large white board with you. Try to surprise her, make sure she does not know you are there. Call her and stand outside of her window. Have "Will You Go To Prom/Homecoming With Me?" written on the white board and tell her to look outside her window.
or if you want to 'ease' into it a little more like you said you should get a bouquet of her favorite flower, (ask one of her friends what it is) and put it in your locker before hand, then tell her you have a surprise for her and then take her to your locker, just talk about normal stuff and as you're opening your locker say "Oh, by the way, would you like to go to prom with me?" and hand her the flowers. That's how I would like to be asked.
I hope it works out for you! (:

How do you ask a girl out you have never talked to?

cant really be done.. unless you mean like out to grab a cup of coffee or something.. You can get her number in like 3 minutes.

3 minute email/number technique -- approach!

If shes single and reasonably friendly, it will work
Getting her number doesn't mean its gonna go anywhere.

You: Hey.. whats up
-Interesting comment
-Something funny
-Ask a couple of normal questions (hey, you live around here, what are you doing here, you go to school around here, make a couple jokes)
-When its time to go separate direction, YOU want to end interaction, don't let it fizzle out.
-When you're talkin, things are clicking, fun convo going, that's when its time to end it..
You say "alright imma get back to my friends, it was good talking to you (or w/e)"
*You turn away*
Then say "Hey.....Do you have email?" (DONT GET ALL FANCY WITH IT)
Most women will say yes, You treat the yes as a yes i would like to write it down for you!
Whip out your pen and paper and say "here. write it down"
As she is writing the @ symbol say "make sure you write your number there too.. and your name"

If you wanna have fun say " is this real? is this your real number?" "is this a number you'll answer?"
Say "alright take it easy" (then leave)

Its important to note you aren't communicating you want to date her or that you're in love with her or anything of that sort. Mystery is involved in the situation.r anything of that sort. Mystery is involved in the situation.

Obviously this technique is more for real life, real world situations and for when you're a little older, but i imagine it would still work for Highschool.

How to ask a girl out on a double date?

Well you should just ask her out. Then after you should tell her its a double date, you could even ask her which she'd prefer, being alone with you or going on the double date. Make sure she's friend with the other girl, otherwise she would be kinda uncomfortable. Ask her out at a good time, make sure its not like in the middle of the hallway when everyones pushing and shoving to get to class. Something I think would work is if you leave class to go to the bathroom or whatever, then walk by her class and motion for her to come outside, then when you guys are in the hallway together you ask her. If she rejects you, dont worry. Just remember that there are some girls that have liked you that you didnt feel anything for. It's life. Good luck andh ave fun on your date ! :)

How to ask a girl you like for their email address?

1.Be blunt as hell. Even interrupt her if you need never know when she is jusy going to disappear into thin air!!
2.Don't even worry about her email address at first. Just go er and say hi, and try to rekindle the friendship..if she jumps for joy about seeing you again, you won't even have to think about how or when to ask her for her email..which by the way would be after you have spent some time say hey, it was really great seeing you again, I'd really like to stay in touch, can I send you an email? or call you?? (you will be able to call or text if you have her #)

How to ask a girl to be your valentine?

Ask it on V-Day. It's much more meaningful and romantic that way.