How To Ask My Guy Friend If He Likes Me

Should I ask his friends if he likes me?

Me and this guy have been a flirting for a few months. Like I'm SO sure he likes me. And his friend joey asked if I liked him but I wasn't sure if he liked me so I said no.
Every time I talk to another guy he just glares at me. And recently one time when he talked to me he started blushing.
So I think he likes me but he won't ask for my number or anything.

Should I ask his friends? Should I ask them what he thinks of me or what should I do. I don't want to sound desperate and make the first move but I'm tired of waiting around.

Help plz?

How do you ask a guy if he likes you?

It’s all about confidence and humour. If you’re confident, you’re sexy so…This sounds weird but it really works for me.… set yourself up to expecting the answer to be no but not in a bad way. Tell yourself, y’know what? I’m asking him. He’s going to say no but that’s okay, I’m expecting that and it won’t kill me if he does. I just want to see what he says to me asking”. That way, you’re not setting yourself up for a massive fall and you can approach the question confidently because you’re more than half expecting a no already. If you get a no, no biggie, you expected it.. if you get a yes… wooo hooooooo!!! I call it reverse optimism.With regard to approach I always find that using humour is a good way to broach the awkward, because if you get a no, you can laugh and shrug it off and leave yourself and him room not to be embarrassed.For example, start talking to him about the movie you’re thinking of going to see and how much you’re looking forward to it and then say “the only problem is, a movie that good needs interstellar company and the big box of popcorn…what about? Want to join me? No way I can eat all that popcorn on my own, you know. Oh go on, say yes! I’ll even ask for extra butter” and give him a cheeky, flirtatious look.If they say no, just laugh and shrug your shoulders and say, “damn, now I’ll have to look for recipes to recycling popcorn. Not to worry, I just thought it might have been fun” and change the subject. That way neither of you have to be embarrassed and you can still continue the friendship without it disintegrating into awkwardness and embarrassment.Good luck, I hope he says yes!

I asked my guy friend if he likes me as more than friends, and he said yes. But he doesn't want to date because we're on the same sports team, and his past relationships with people from his former team haven't ended well. What should I do?

You move on. He would have said it for one of these two reasons:A) He is being honest and that he doesn't want to date from his sports team. It didn't end well before.B)It's too close to home where everyone on team will know and he can't be himself.C) He isn't into and doesn't see you that way.It doesn't matter which one. He said he's not interested and so you need to respect his wishes and move on.  Nothing else you can do about it.

My guy friend likes me but why doesn't he ask me out?

I do believe you answered your own question when you said he gets flustered with girls a lot! There can be many possible reasons for this, including…He may have extreme respect syndrome! So he wants to but a little voice in his head stops him because he somehow thinks it would be disrespectful to move in on you with the physical side of things. !He may of course fear rejection. He might have some kind of mixed up idea that if he tried to push the relationship to a new level he may get rejected and fail!Fear of failure could be his issueMaybe he simply does not have any real idea of how to move this along, maybe he's just truly very inexperienced?Maybe he has fantasies of being led by the girl? Maybe he is naturally submissive. Two submissives in a relationship will typically take a long time to get it on!Given the above possibility he may be waiting for you to make the first move?He may actually be socially challenged. He may not do too well in public situations and so prefers a private one on one scenario but can't figure out how to get to that.I do believe that maybe you should have the confidence to move this along! Maybe make a joke like ‘ are you going to ask me out any time soon or do I have to ask you out instead? Give him an undoubttable indication you are ready and willing, all he has to do is ask!If he still doesn't then do not assume he's not Interested but rather he is just very shy. In this case maybe gently use your friendship to broach the subject of his confidence and see if he opens up to you about it.Good luck ! i hope this helps a little!

Should i ask my crush's friend if he likes me?

So there's this guy and i really like him, and i think he likes me back cuz he's always staring and looks away when i caught him and then blushes and smiles and stuff like that and his friends also tease him and point at me when i'm around.. so i wanted to know what he thinks about me, but i'm too shy to ask him.. should i ask a mutual friend or something?

My friend asked a guy I like if he likes me back and he said “dunno”. What does this mean?

I understand not asking your Crush yourself if they like you or not, in fact it’s not a question I think Ive ever personally asked anyone…and it is what young teens get their mates to ask others, or they just ask anyway so they can pass the reply to you. That’s normal. “Dunno” might mean he wasn’t wanting to reveal his private feelings to a 3rd party, so he gave an uncommitted reply, or, he doesn’t think he knows you well enough yet to have an opinion as to whether he finds you to be likeable or not. Both possibilities are 100% reasonable. Don’t spend too long hiding in the shadows. Be brave. Connect with people you like, or who make you feel fizzy inside. It’s the route to emotional maturity and will serve you well in both attaining & keeping new personal OR friendship relationships if you learn to stand up for yourself and take the strengthening risk of being ‘rejected’. Before you ask, or have someoe else ask a Q. on your behalf, put yourself in the other person’s shoes. How would you feel if someone else asked if you liked Person X? Would you want them to go back and say “He/she says No”? If your Crush is a half decent person they won’t do that. Don’t hold yourself back from people you’re attracted to for whatever reason. Get in there; Introduce yourself….start chatting.

I like my guy friend. I think he likes me too. What should I do?

It definitely sounds like he likes you a lot. If you believe he should be the one to ask you out, then start flirting with him very heavily. Touch him lightly on the arm, the shoulder, maybe the chest when you laugh at his jokes, when you want to get his attention (“Oh look at that puppy!”). Give him massages or ask for him to give you one. Through text, send him more kiss emojis ( not . If you’re typing them out on Facebook don’t type :* type ;* and you’ll get the flirty kiss) and hearts/heart-eyes. Casually call him “babe/baby” or some other pet name. Tell him how much you like hanging out on him, you’d like to do it more, tell him what you admire about him. Mention something you’ve noticed that most people wouldn’t say (“I like the way your eyes crinkle up when you smile,” or “I like how confident you look when you drive,” etc). Since you’re already hanging out one-on-one, treat it like a date. Hold his hand. Get cuddly. And then, at some point during your prolonged eye contact, look at his lips and lean in just a little bit. He’ll probably take the hint and kiss you.

Should I ask a friend if my crush likes me?

Involving a third party WILL backfire. It always does. Think about it. You ask his friend how he feels. That looks like you're curious but not interested enough to ask your crush out on a date. Or like you're interested but too weak to ask your crush out on a date. It will never look like you're just afraid to ask him out, which sounds like the case here.You will become the topic of conversation at best, and the subject of merry ridicule at worst. If you honestly try to visualize yourself approaching the friend and having this conversation, how do you see it going? What do you imagine the friend will do the minute you walk away? More importantly, how long before the whole incident hits Facebook?You know these people. I don't. I'm just playing the odds here. Wait until you have the guts and deal with your crush directly. Anything else isn't a good idea.

MY guy friend asked me if i liked him ?? does that mean he likes me ?

He could of been testing the waters or really wanted to know if he stood a chance. If your decision has changed then you need to tell him.

I asked my best guy friend if he likes me because he acts like he does. But he answered he doesn't know. What does that mean? What should I do?

From personal experience I have learned this is a no no. When you like one of the closest people to you, all the bad thoughts come along. What happens if we breakup?; What if we lose interest and find out we're better off friends. You won't know until you try. In your case it seems like he has these thoughts and he doesn't seem to want to lose this kind of bond he has with you. This might be his way of telling you he doesn't like you in that way, but doesn't want to hurt your feelings by just blatantly rejecting you. Give it time, if he really does like you back he'll make a move or action to show you. In the meantime nurture the friendship but also explore with other guys. You may find someone you like even more ! Good luck