How To Be A Better Leader

How do I become a better leader?

Here are some tips.Remember the name: If you are meeting your group for the first time or starting a project, try to remember the names of the people you work with. This creates a bond with them as they think that you are making efforts to know them. This falls in the EQ of a group leader and creates a sound impression of yours with them. If you can't remember names, try earnestly to do so and show efforts.The team is your priority: Whatever you do henceforth, it should be with keeping your team as the priority. It's the team's goal that's more important than your goal.Keep your Public speaking skills strong: If you see, all orators not be good leaders. But all leaders have been good orators. You don't need to mug up speeches but simply be confident while speaking to your team.Be bloody competent: No body likes leaders who have no damn idea what they are doing. A leader should ideally not only know his job, but also the job of his teammates. In case, a leader does not know his job, he accepts this fact and asks experienced teammates about how he should go about his work.Praise in public reprimanded in private: No explaining required here. You'll find countless examples on the net. In case you find someone acting over smart, talk to the person privately. Appreciate his involvement in the team but point out his actions and promise strict action if repeated.Understand the thin line between being friends and being friendly: Fact be told. Friends can be taken for granted. You aren't a leader who gives into his subordinate's request or whims. Be friendly but let your team know that your instructions on them are binding.Be fair: “Always do everything you ask of those you command”– Gen Patton. Continuing on the previous point, if rules apply to the team, they apply to you. If a meeting is called at 10, make sure you are there. In case you are getting late, make sure you convey such a thing before 10. And have a reasonable and real excuse.These are just a few points you can use.I'll definitely add more if I come back to this question.

Men or women make better leaders?

Under equal opportunity I believe they both have the ability to lead with their own strengths. And yet, in light of this question I also have to say that I believe a woman has the skills necessary to persue an issue with more force than a man on the basis that a woman is usually the last to let anything go, be it the last word or a fruitful debate. And when in doubt, a woman will fight with everything in her to prove she is right when a man will walk away with the belief he is right and leave it at that.

Who make better leaders Aries or Leo?

I know two people under those signs and I say (out of those two INDIVIDUALS) an Aries would make a better leader, but this is not by a long shot, a Leo would make a great leader as well. My Aries friend bases mostly on logic, wit, and strategy while the Leo shares those same qualities (and maybe even offer more drive to achieve that goal) but would allow emotions get in the way of their actions and would be too stubborn to do anything else. Both of them together would make a knockout team, but you are only asking for one.

Edit: My Aries friend has a chart with mostly air/water/earth (Libra Moon, Gemini Rising), and my Leo friend has a chart with mostly water/fire/earth (Scorpio Moon, Cancer Rising).