How To Be Stuck Up Like A

How to act stuck up and rich?

Well its a long story but there's this girl in my ballet class and she SUUPPPEERRR stuck up. She only joined not long ago and her and her friend are really snobby.
So me and my friend (who goes to my dance class) are gonna pull a prank on her just to set her back in her place. She doesn't go to our school so we're gonna act really rich and stuck up cos she thinks she's top dog and stuff. Well my dads rich (if you consider having a Mercedes, Jaguar, Porsche, 2 classic cars and living in a really big house rich) but I don't show it cos I'm not that type of person. How do I act really stuck up and rich? Thankies! By the way I don't normally act like this.. just to get this girl back in her place.

What is it like to be stuck in an elevator?

I have been stuck in an elevator early last year.  After a tiring day of work I went to my room, left my bag and decided to go the restaurant at the ground floor for dinner. I don’t know why I decided to take the elevator, i could have easily used the stairs as I had to go only 2 floors down in the 15 storey hotel. When I entered the elevator the door acted like it didn’t want to close. I was trying to close it by pressing the close button multiple times; at the same time a gentleman entered the elevator talking on his mobile phone. When the door was about to close he left the elevator and took the stairs as his mobile signal was disturbed. Elevator started to move. The moment I realised it’s a mirrored elevator all those scary pranks from just for laugh gags flashed. I have always hated mirrored elevators. Within seconds, the elevator grounded to a stop and the power went off. ​​I was alone, the lights were off and it’s a MIRRORED elevator! I stood for a moment in stunned silence. All I could think was ‘no way, elevators don’t get stuck in real life!’ I totally regretted watching too many movies with broken elevators.  I was terrified; with the help of the light from my mobile screen I pressed the open button; nothing happened. I pressed all the buttons, still nothing. I pressed the emergency alarm and heard nothing. After almost 10 minutes of yelling and screaming, I settled at a corner of the elevator sobbing and hoping there is no little devil inside.  After lot of tears and screaming, it finally opened; I rushed back to my room taking the stairs still sobbing until a colleague of mine found me. The cause of the elevator malfunction has not determined. Now I have serious phobia for elevators :( Thanks for asking Peniel Jacobson

Why do guys like stuck up girls?

well, to be blunt, most guys, when they're young, have raging hormones.
and as a stereotype, the girls that are snobby (that you're referring to) aren't the ego-tistical ones that have no friends, they're probably the richer, more well-off girls that are probably popular, wear all name-brand clothes, and may possibly look better than other girls (in the guy's eyes...) so these things cause them to be snobby
so if these girls are the ones referred to as "hot" and guys are more attracted to these girls, they probably try to go out with them. keep in mind these girls aren't snobby to the guys, they're probably really sweet (although that's probably fake)
and personality does matter to most guys. alot of those guys dating those snobby girls probably don't like them all that much.
i think you'd be surprised at how many guys that you think see you as a friend actually see you as more than that. since you seem really nice, probably some nice guys like you, but are too shy to say so. yes, edgier people do tend to attract more guys. for example, flirting a little or like talking back to people that tick you off.

hehe lengthy good luck :]

I feel like i have a chip stuck in my throat?

i was eating tortilla chips and i swallowed one and now it feels like its like stuck in my throat, like i breath fine and everything and i dont feel it all the time but i feel it every now and then when i swallow. what should i do? i just swallowed it and i dont think this is the first time ive done this so i shouldnt feel it by morning.

Another phrase for 'stuck out like a sore thumb'?

It stood out like a diamond in a goat's a$$.

How to act like a stuck up popular girl?

admit it. We all are somewhat self-centered ( obviously some are more self-centered than others). Just try to feel like the audience isn't there and just feel like you don't care. Don't just act stuck up. Be stuck up and mean it when you say each and every line. Another tip is try imitating a cocky person you know. Just feel like nothing matters.

Why do shy people seem stuck up?

Talking from a hopefully one day former shy person’s point of view.Having seen other shy people during my school years I would always sympathise with them because, obviously, I knew what they were going through. But as I grew older, I started to be more conscious about how people may perceive my shyness and I also started to notice some strange things about shy people, and I had to acknowledge that I exhibited them as well. But it was really difficult to see that part of myself I disliked in someone else.As many other shy people, I projected a standoffish attitude. Me being reserved and not letting anyone in, I totally could see why some would interpret it as arrogance. But it wasn’t that. Oh, the irony. I wouldn’t talk to people or interact with them, because I myself felt insecure and worse than others. I was so uncomfortable with myself. With my thoughts, my behaviour, my appearance, even the way I walked. I would think that I’m dull, that whatever I have to say is stupid, and also no one cares, that others are thinking the worse about me, that they’re constantly judging me, and looking at me with disgust, that they would spot every freaking odd micromotion of my body and comment on it, or at least think about it and give me a certain look… which brings us to…The worst part about being shy is being completely self-absorbed. You can lie to yourself, but if you are shy, that means that you are enormously obsessed with yourself, and consequently, what others you think think about you. That’s anguish. And no one wants to live in anguish, especially if you are the one who brought that hell upon yourself!*Small digression*Let’s get real for a sec. Whatever you do or say, who cares? You do. And only someone who’s very very close to you would too. Maybe your mum, not everyone is this lucky though. And that’s the complete list. Everyone else’s got their own life to sort out. Who on earth is gonna think about you for more than seconds or even notice your existence, when you’re merely a colleague, or a stranger to them, and there’s just so much they’ve got to deal with? You do that? Use your common sense.There you have it. That hopefully gives you a better sense of what it’s like to be shy.