How To Become A Millionaire Fast And Without Working

How can you become a millionaire somewhat fast without becoming famous?

Trade stocks, invest in real estate, trade currency on the foreign exchange, start your own business, make an invention that sells well or is worth a lot, or become an exec, ceo, or hedge fund manager, neuro surgeon. Pan for gold or look for treasure in some sunken ship or temple, find oil, win the lottery, gambling, sell drugs or guns on the blackmarket, start your own cult, write a book that sells well, marry someone rich, i dunno there's probably a bunch more but that's all i can think of off the top of my head. 90% of rich people aren't famous so i dont know why you stipulated not being famous

What's the fastest way to become a millionaire without robbing a bank?

I am really tired of being broke; tired of minimum wage; tired of being a realtor in a "BUSH wacked" economy; I have 2 yrs. of college but never finished; I'm in my early 50's; I am totally broke; unemployment checks are done; I'm borrowing from my son; still can't find a job; welfare would only pay us $205./a month (that isn't enough for a child in Borneo to live on!!!). Can
all of you reading this donate $1 towards helping me? If a million people on the internet did this, I'd become a millionaire, right?
There's at least FOUR BILLION people in the whole world; and of this there's 3 or 4 HUNDRED MILLION people in the United States ALONE.
I had a very sad childhood, my 5 week old baby died of SIDS back in 1988, mother died in 2000, my father went insane; my dear aunt died Feb. 14, 2008, I am about to lose the home I've been in since 1989 and have no where to go. I also have an incurable condition called MORGELLONS, CDC just NOW
starting an investigation on this!!! PLEASE HELP

What's the fastest way to become a millionaire?

just go to it took me just over 8 months and im still working at it 1 million,when you get it you will only want two million!
it's like a drug so addictive!

Fastest way to become a Millionaire on 10K/month savings?

My plan would be something like...20% in HTE, 20% in PWE ( both put money in your account every month ) then about 30% in a good Latin America mutual fund...( Brazil sitting on oil..but running their whole country on grass !!) Then get into CGMFX and/or FAIRX... two funds with different approaches one heavy into Warren Buffet...the other a snappy, young investor ( about 70) named Heebner who really has a handle on these changing markets.
( Buffet"s got to be 70 something, too. So why does everyone figure Obama is the guy...and McCain's too old?)