How To Break Out Of Jail

What happens after you break out of prison jail?

It is very hard to live off the grid in the modern world, granted they can get a new identity and not associated with none friends for at least a few years. But like others have already said, it depends on the crime, if it was not violent they might not make an effort to find him, just wait till he slips up and does something dumb.

How do I persuade Socrates to break out of jail?

The cynic in me wants to say write your own term paper. For the initiated, this question derives from a debate between Crito and Socrates, wherein Crito attempts to logically persuade Socrates to escape prison.  Socrates is to be executed the following morning. Essentially, Socrates has resigned himself to his fate. Socrates rationale about why he cannot reject the laws and courts of Athens is analogous with the idea of a social contract.  Crito's challenge, or your challenge as the author is to persuade the perfectly rational Socrates to either reject critical thinking, or that rational thought supports his defiance of the state's sentence. The tactic I took as a freshman in college was to attack the foundation of Socrates critical thinking. That is to argue that divorcing ones self from emotion is not only unnatural, but illogical. Critical thinking is inherently biased by the human experience. Ultimately, I decided I failed at my task, because Socrates was emotionally attached to own biased world view.  I presented to him a choice, that he could choose to remain in prison, and become a martyr to a cause of eliminating graft and corruption; his martyrdom being a corruption of his life's work. Alternatively, he could escape, and publicly protest the irrationality of those who aided in his escape.  I can't remember the debate about the paper, but I did get an A.

Should I break out of prison?

Have a go.

In sims 3 how do you get your sim out of jail?

I don' t think the sims 3 goes to jail unless they are police officer and work there :)

How do i break out of jail on the legend of zelda twilight princess?

I take Midna broke your chain for you. There should be a box in the room in the front where the bars are. break it by swinging the WiiMote in front of it like your sword moves and go right into the corner and press down on the +Pad on the wiimote. You should dig your way out.

Is there a statute of limitations if you break out of jail? Is it different for minor and major crimes?

Statute of Limitations only apply if you are available for prosecution. If the criminal is a fugitive, out of the state in which the crime was committed or otherwise living in hiding, this tolls, or suspends, the statute. “Time Limits for Charges: State Criminal Statutes of Limitations - FindLaw.”See also answers to the Quora question: In what countries is attempted prison escape not illegal?

MOVIE: Toothpaste used as acid to break man out of jail?

In what movie does a man's friend(s) give him a tube of toothpaste, which he puts on his toothbrush, but it is actually acid that burns through the toothbrush. And he's supposed to use the toothpaste to break out of jail.
For some reason this is the only part in the movie that I can remember.

What does it feel like to break out of prison?

I'm wondering why I was A2Aed...  I've never been in jail let alone prison, let alone escaped!I will say prison escape is the act of a truly desperate person.  It might sound glorious, beating "the man", and getting free again... but in actuality it would be terrifying, for the rest of your life you will be hunted like an animal.I read about an actual case of a person who escaped, I think one of the southern US states prisons, and ran something over a hundred miles through briars and brambles and swamps, being chased by hounds before he was captured.It was such an incredible tale of endurance, they now have an ultra-marathon in the area to honor it, but I guarantee the escapee was not having fun.I have been on extreme endurance hikes, including several 60 mile, 24 hour hikes, carrying a 40-50lb pack.   That's half of what he did.  I've never been in more pain in my life.  Even with the best gear, you still get blisters, chafing, and an incredible level of tortuous food pain.A convict with no proper gear would have looked like hamburger when he was caught.  Especially considering all the thorns and brambles if your off trail down south... I've done that too, its no fun.  I participated in some search and rescue/recovery operations where are searching a grid, and need to walk in a straight line regardless.  Our arms were a complete mass of scratches.Doing this kind of thing while being chased by men with guns and hounds?  Hell no.I'll do my time thanks.Even if you manage a "Prison Break" type plan, that series shows how you are ALWAYS hunted, and how you can never plan for everything.Who wants to live their life looking over their shoulder?Now if there are reasons making you desperate, I can understand.    I can see a person sentenced to either death, or life in prison deciding its better to risk death escaping than staying.Or a person being severely abused in prison.Or a soldier being held by the other side is often considered to have an obligation to try and escape, so as to force more resources to keep him contained.