How To Bring Up A Sensitive Topic In Conversation

What are good conversation topics?

Im a guy and wanna know different conversation topics and things girls like to talk about with i know most of them dont like talking about sports or cars like guy talk but what do you like to talk about like on a date or just chilling with someone you like......and lastly what are some good flirting topics to talk about....i asked a question on how to flirt and got help about body language but now what do you talk about when flirting.......i know this is a long question but i want detail and if you please me i will give you 10 points.

I posted this question yesterday and couldnt believe no one answered.

Why is religion such a sensitive topic?

This is to all religious people, atheist and agnostics. No offence intended, I'm just really curious. Every time I hear/read a conversation related to religion (especially between catholics and atheists) it usually ends up in a fight. All opinions are welcome.

This comes from an atheist.

Why is religion such a sensitive topic?

Really, it’s a sensitive subject for everyone. As you were probably told growing up, there’s three things you never discuss in public: money, politics, and religion.Honestly, I suspect it’s because those three are largely correlated with the most deep-seated beliefs that people have, the ones that are hardest to uproot. Things such as the purpose of life, the definitions of right and wrong, what it means to be responsible/mature/rational, etc. If you change your view, you’re forced to reconsider all of those things, so there’s a huge resistance.By the way, read some of the other responses, and that should give you a good idea it’s just as sensitive for atheists as religious folk. I didn’t even read the comments, and I’d bet you solid money that at least 3 idiots have already replied with the obligatory “because all religions don’t make any sense and only irrational people believe them.” Which may very well be the least rational argument ever made, because truly intelligent people rarely claim that there’s no possible reason to disagree with them. If that’s true, your evidence will speak for itself. If it’s false, you look like a complete ass. As they do here.For one thing, it’s intuitively obvious to any intelligent observer that belief stems from one’s starting axioms, not a deviation in logical process. Ergo, belief in a higher power must similarly be a result of fundamental assumptions, not logical fallacy. Furthermore, studies have consistently shown that belief in God is well above 50% among scientists, university professors, even nobel laureates.But, obviously, the people posting here are so incredibly rational that they can clearly see the transparent logical fallacies of mere nobel laureates. /sarcasm

What are some sensitive or controversial conversation topics that would trigger people from your culture?

In Australia you never dis Vegemite like honestly we will personally throw you out. But to be on the more realistic side it is the mass immigration from those 3rd world countries. Some examples are Melbourne ever since Melbourne has started taking in loads and loads of Sudanese people crime rate has gone through the roof and these people keep doing the crimes because when they get caught they play the race card and since NSW is the weakest state the judges let them go. Another example is mass immigration from middle eastern countries these people come over and rickety boats illegally and they cause trouble and yes I understand that not all Muslims are terrorists but you never know they could be converted in Australia and or a already converted terrorists is on the boat with them.

Why is it some people can't stick to one topic of conversation objectively without branching out to other topics?

Its called tangential speech, lots of peoples minds are quick and jump about too. It's how they think so thats how they speak. with direction and training most folks can learn to stay on topic. Unless its caused by brain damage. Thats a tougher thing to overcome.

Why is it people can't stick to one topic of conversation objectively without branching out to other topics?

For example, person A talks about getting a car. But person B decides that is not possible and tells person A. Person B doesn't stop there. Person B starts talking about getting other things. Unfairness. Life being unfair. So and so. Until the topic of conversation becomes about life being miserable. And people wonder why communication is not practice more often.

Should teachers/teaching refrain from bringing up sensitive topics?

No!There are 3 paradigms that teachers can use to appropriately control topic discussions about sexuality, religion, mental health, politics, etc. in the classroom.Liberation Pedagogy. The aim is to develop a “critical consciousness” among students. They are encouraged to bring their own experiences and perspectives to the problems investigated in class. This way, the classroom should be seen as the group of people who are invested in the problems of the social and political world.Civic Humanism. Students need to have a sense of social responsibility and teaching should help them be prepared for the responsibilities of active citizenship.Academic Detachment. The aim is to make sensitive topics list into objects of academic investigation and analysis rather than just having random and subjective discussions about them.All you need to do is to make clear rules, not to go above and beyond the material, avoid ugly arguments by asking the students to share some of their feedback anonymously.Hope this will help, good luck!

Why can't I carry a conversation? (10 points)?

Like, when I am talking to people, even friends, they bring up a topic and I have NOTHING to say because nothing COMES to mind...

For example: If we're talking in a group, they are talking about whether to get a drivers license or wait, everybody seems to have some input and can continue the conversation, but for me, NOTHING comes to mind as what I should say....

It seems natural for other people where idea just come to them automatically. However, I am able to carry conversation for some stuff like school, careers, universities.... I want to be able to carry conversation about fun and subjects that aren't so serious.... It is like nobody can have fun when talkin with me.

What are some good ways to approach a sensitive topic in conversation?

Try and find someone who is emotionally mature and in touch with their own feelings. It’s very hard for people who are out of touch with their own pain to empathize and understand the pain of others. These emotionally immature people will minimize, brush over and/or want you to feel better immediately because it often triggers their own unresolved pain.If you choose a mature person, they can give you the space to deal with the complexities that might come up from discussing the sensitive topic. They will have experience processing difficult thoughts and feelings. They’re less likely to be triggered and project their issues on to you.It also helps to find people who have some scope on the topic you want to discuss. For example, I wouldn’t talk to someone who thinks they have a perfect family about dysfunctional family dynamics.