How To Build A Nazi Time Machine

It is true that Nazi Germany had time travel machine?

The machine that you’ve heard about was called Die Glocke. According to Joseph P. Farrell (author of The Nazi Brotherhood of the Bell and other books), who I know personally and interviewed on this matter, Die Glocke created time dilation effects around it but there is no evidence at all that it was an actual time machine. Let me explain -Time dilation, causes a reference frame under its influence, to begin to experience time differently than those in reference frames outside of it. To apply this principle to Die Glocke, the machine, create strong magnetic and perhaps electromagnetic fields which made time inside the field to be experienced at a slower rate than outside the field. The problem was that the way Doe Glocke functioned was it involved the use of extremely high voltages, with 2 spinning drums inside it, one over the other, which were rotating in opposite directions. Inside these drums was mercury that had been doped with a radioactive material (sorry can’t remember which) which then changed the mercury to what they call ‘red mercury’. The counter rating drums with this substance inside and the high voltages, cause these strong fields to appear and kill anything exposed to them. A number of scientists working on the project died before anyone realized the danger.So, it can be concluded that Die Glocke could not hold any passengers, despite claims that it was a time machine and traveled to the future and landed in Roswell or Kecksburg. It may have been captured or rebuilt by the Allies after WWII and experimented with and it crashed as Kecksburg as it was spotted by the locals.Below I have 2 videos. The first, is your typical, inaccurate, hype (the narrator even talks about “space-time fabrics” as if there’s more than one).Below now, is Jospeh P. Farrell, with his full lecture on it, with slides. That’s what you want to pay attention to.So, Die Glocke never traveled through time but was an amazing experimental device , especially for advanced concept engineers like me.

What if Hitler had a time machine?

It would be no great threat overall except it would have allowed him and his forces to escape and reestablish themselves in a parallel universe. There, they would be a threat. To understand how and why, you have to understand the temporal geometries that allow true time travel to work.You can travel to the future only through a method of time dilation which is not true time travel because you are doing something while you’re waiting for the future to get to you. For example, every incidence of using extreme velocities or extreme gravitational fields to induce time travel, a certain amount of time goes by for you versus what happens around you. There is no instantaneous transfer from where you are to the future and true time travel is instantaneous because true time travel is based on the manipulation of the information basis of the universe to access the information of the universe at another place and time and that would be a copy of it.So Hitler could travel to the past but not the distant future.He also could not go to the past in hopes of changing the outcome of the WWII because he would arrive in a copy of the past that also contained copies of everyone that had been there before, including himself.There is a more than a zero possibility that in a parallel universe where Hitler won the war, that the Nazis could master time travel or just travel to parallel universes across the spectrum of the present and invade other universe copies where the Nazis lost WWI, like ours.To understand time travel more, read Time Travel To The Past Is Almost Here...Paul Sutter (the "Spaceman") Makes My Points For Me: Why Most Physicists Know Nothing About True Time Travel ScienceWhy Those 2 Silicon Valley Billionaires Are Wasting Their Time & MoneyJust In Time For 2018: The Current Truth About Time Travel

If I wanted to build a time machine, would I really need plutonium?

The easiest way to build a time machine is to wait for your future self to come back in time and give you the plans for a time machine.Sure it's a bit silly, but this kind of closed time loop is considered by some less creative travellers to be internally consistent if a little bit ignorant of cause and effect.If you aren't so lucky as to have a future self willing to help you scam the laws of physics that way, then perhaps another simple way to travel through time would be to hit yourself soundly on the head.This worked for a Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court in the Mark Twain novel of the same name.Another way, as documented in Time and Again by Jack Finney is to construct a setting, such as a hotel room, to the exact specifications of a previous time in history, and then use self hypnosis to mentally project your consciousness into the desired time frame.If that fails, there may be other magical or psychic phenomena that might break the time barrier. Crystal Power might be a good starting point. Time crystals sound plausible.Finally a powerful enough gravity well such as a black hole or a carefully synchronized set of charges might be utilized to implode space to send you on your journey. Just be sure to carefully record the precise level of universal background radiation before you leave, otherwise the odds of being able to return back to the correct timeline becomes quite difficult to calculate.

America and Russia owns Nazi technology. Do they have time machine?

No. No one has.By the end of the war Germany couldn't build anything. The jets they had managed to construct were very crude. They required a vast amount of servicing time (20 hours before full engine rebuild) due to the shortage of raw materials. More pilots were killed in accidents than were lost in combat.The V2 rockets were primitively built for the same reasons.So what makes you think a time machine was built? There is no evidence that they even tried.The Nazis squandered the resources they had by perusing bizarre and overly ambitious projects that bore no fruit. There were at least three designs for the “"America Bomber” for instance. Some reached prototype stage even. But these were technically conservative, relying on piston engines.There was no viable nuclear programme. The scientist who had the vision and skills were in the US. Einstein was Jewish and left Europe with the cream of German and Austrian thinkers in the 1930’s.It might be an entertaining fantasy, but the Nazis did not even try to build a time machine. Building a watch in 1945 was a major ask.


Since you've got the time period of Nazi Germany all wrong, it explains why you've got so many other historical facts wrong.

His stance on the Jews are one of the reasons the German people supported his rise to power. Without the Jews and others as scapegoats, he couldn't have rallied his supporters and strongly as he did in the 1930s

Were he alive today, Hitler would be well into his hundreds. With his health problems near the end of the war, it's VERY unlikely he would have made it to the end of that decade, much less sixty years more.

Fighting five countries at once? What makes that smart. Besides, he had Italy, Japan, and, for a while, the Soviet Union on his side, not to mention Spain and other lesser players. And, it's not the number of countries on one side or the other that counts, it's the number of soldiers, the manufacturing base, ships, planes, transports, etc that determines a winner. Not to mention a winning strategy. Hitler made a LOT of mistakes, like Dunkirk, not allowing the Wermacht to pursue and destroy the evacuating fighters, turning against the Soviets in mid war, pushing his Eastern Front commanders to fight on in Winter and not providing the cold weather support they needed, keeping his armor away from Normandy when his commanders in the field were telling him he was wrong and the invasion of Europe was actually happenning and countless other bad choices he made.

So, what is it about Nazi Germany that you respect? The pretty uniforms?

Is it true that the Nazis experimented with time travel?

After the war turned against Nazi Germany, Hitler talked of "wonder weapons" that would turn the tide.  Several of these did appear - jet aircraft, drone aircraft (V1s) and long-range rockets (V2s).   Full details of all these were handed over after the war. There is no solid indication of anything else.  There was an atomic program, but it looked just to power production.  They intentionally avoided mentioning nuclear weapons to Hitler, thinking that these could not possibly be produced in time to influence the war.  (And it is indeed unlikely that Germany had the resources to have managed it.) But because of earlier secrecy, it became a rich field for fiction and fantasy after the war.   A convenient set of villains for thriller movies.  The reality seems to have been that surviving Nazis had few ambitions beyond survival, and traded what useful secrets they had to either East or West.