How To Calculate And Find Derivative

How do you calculate the derivative of sec^2 x?

Jokingly, I say to my classes “Why do people keep messing around with secs?”We really do not need sec, cosec and cot you know.I much prefer to do the following…

How can you calculate a derivative of volume of a cylinder?

To calculate the derivative of anything, you need to specify the variable that is changing.The volume of a cylinder is[math]V=\pi r^2 h[/math]Here are some possiblilities:[math]\frac{dV}{dh}=\pi r^2[/math][math]\frac{dV}{dr}=2 \pi r h[/math]If r and h are functions of t, then[math]\frac{dV}{dt}= \pi r^2 \frac{dh}{dt} + 2 \pi r h \frac{dr}{dt}[/math]

Find the 25th derivative?

What you do is find a pattern. I am going to write a number for the number of derivatives taken.

0. cos3x
1. -3sin3x
3. 27sin3x
4. 81cos3x

so for every fourth derivative we get 3^(4n)cos3x.

So we take n=6 and we find the 24th derivative is 3^24*cos3x.
Finally we take the 25th derivative and find it to be -3^25*sin3x.

How do I calculate the first and second time derivatives of a vector?

If you are working with a vector (for example, the three vector: [math](x(t),y(t),z(t))^T[/math]) then you apply the first (or second, or any) derivative straight to its components. In other words:[math]\frac{d}{dt}(x(t),y(t),z(t))^T = (\frac{dx(t)}{dt},\frac{dy(t)}{dt},\frac{dz(t)}{dt})^T[/math].

Finding derivative - Can it be done simply using a TI-83 calculator?

kind of, but not really. heres why:
the TI-83 does have a function where if you plot a graph (ex: y=2x^2) then you can go to 2nd trace and go to number 6, "dy/dx".
this will give you the slope of the tangent line at whatever point you plug in, but if you are simply looking for "find derivative of 2x^2, the TI-83 will not be able to give you the answer, 4x.

what you need is a TI-89, it gives you derivatives, integrals, everything! it is awesome ( a lil hard to get used to, tho)

How do I calculate a derivative in excel when having x and y values?

How far apart are your x values? You can approximate the derivative by using the limit definition (i.e. (f(x+h) - f(x))/h as h goes to 0), which is basically the slope formula for a really small delta-x. So say you have x's in column A and y's in column B. Make a 3rd column for the first derivative and set the first value to be =(B2-B1)/(A2-A1) and drag that all the way down. Then make a fourth column for the second derivative and use the formula (C2-C1)/(A2-A1), and drag that down.

Again this only works if your x values are close together! The closer they are, the better.

Find the nth derivative of each function by calculating the first few derivatives?

x^1 = 1, x^2 = 2x, x^3 = 3x^2

Bring the power down to the coefficient and the power of x is n-1. This is the power rule.

1/x is x^-1 so do the same thing.