How To Calculate Network Days Using Excel Formula

In Excel, my networkday(S) are calculating higher than the Calendar Days. Why?

The NETWORKDAYS function counts workdays, excluding weekends and holidays. Assuming they are both workdays, NETWORKDAYS includes both the starting day and ending day in that total. So you get 5 as the number of working days in the week of July 9 as:=NETWORKDAYS("July 9, 2018","July 13, 2018")
You do a calendar days calculation by subtracting the earlier date from the later one. In so doing, you exclude the ending day from the result. Using the same dates as in the above example, you get only 4:="July 13, 2018"-"July 9, 2018"
I used text dates in my examples so the result will be unambiguous no matter whether the Asker uses MDY style dates (as in United States) or DMY (as in Europe). The NETWORKDAYS function will convert text dates into date/time serial numbers before performing its calculations. Similarly, Excel automatically converts date literals that are used in an arithmetic expression (such as in the second formula).The undocumented DATEDIF function returns the calendar days difference:=DATEDIF("July 9, 2018","July 13, 2018","d")
If you want the number of calendar days to include both starting and ending days, then add 1 to your formula:="July 13, 2018"-"July 9, 2018" + 1
=DATEDIF("July 9, 2018","July 13, 2018","d") + 1

In Excel, I would like to calculate business hours between two dates. Business hours for my purposes is 6am to 6pm.?

Let me make a clarification. Start time is Friday, 1/2/2015 5:00 PM. End Time is Monday 1/5/2015 7:00 AM. If business hours are defined as Monday through Friday, 6AM - 6PM, then the answer would be 2 hours.

What Excel formula should I use to calculate the network uptime by percentage (ie 99.999%)?

One problem is that the number of days in each month varies. So the Uptime percentage will very slightly from month-to-month even with the actual down time being the same.

Here's a formula that will calculate the number of days in the month and then calculate the uptime percentage based on that.

Assume that column A has your dates and column B has your down time minutes for a given month. The numbers in column B are assumed to be just numbers and not formatted as Time.


The formula uses the month and year from the date in A1 to calculate the number of days in that month. It doesn't matter what the Day is in that date.

FYI: When Excel sees the "Day" function in a formula, it could try to autoformat the cell as a "Date". If it does, you will have to change the cell format back to a Number or a Percentage. If you do format the result as a percentage, remove the *100 from the end of the formula.

How to calculate network days using excel formula?

Use the NETWORKDAYS function:

=NETWORKDAYS(A1, A2, holidays)

A1 is the start date
A2 is the end date
"holidays" is a named range that lists the holidays for the year (this is optional.)

This function assumes weekends are Saturday and Sunday. If your "weekends" are not Sat/Sun, and if you have Excel 2010 or later, you can use NETWORKDAYS.INTL to specify the days off for the week.

=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A1, A2, "0000110", holidays)

the string of 0's and 1's represent the days of the week, starting with Monday. The 1's represent off days.
In that sample, Friday and Saturday are off days.

How can we calculate the difference between two dates in Excel?

Hi,You can calculate difference between two dates in terms of days, month, week and year using the DATEDIF Function.Click on the link below to learn in detail how to calculate difference between two dates in excel.How To Calculate The Difference Between Two Dates in Excel - ExcelDataProThanksFahim

When would you ever use the networkdays() function in Excel?

When using Excel to create a project management schedule or Gantt chart the NETWORKDAYS() and the superior NETWORKDAYS.INTL() formulas can be absolutely essential.If your start and end dates are fixed and you need to know how many actual workdays are in between those dates so you can determine how many resources are needed or how long each workday should be (essentially, how many manhours are needed per day), you can use these formulas to calculate it.NETWORKDAYS functionIf your resources and/or workday lengths are fixed (essentially, your daily manhours are fixed) and you can adjust your end date, you can use the WORKDAY() or WORKDAY.INTL() formulas to determine the end date based on a given schedule.WORKDAY function

How do I calculate working hours between two dates with weekend Saturday having shorter working hours, in Excel?

Before I provide the solution, I wish to say that when working with time formulas, many of us forget to convert the time back to hours by multiplying by 24. Do look out for this “trap”.Using this example, I have created the named ranges for inputs A2:F2.To figure out the number of working hours for weekdays, I use:=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(StartDate,EndDate,1)*((NormEndTime-NormStartTime)*24)
I use 1 for the third argument of NETWORKDAYS.INTL to get Excel to provide the number of weekdays between the StartDate and EndDate. Then I multiply it by the numbers of working hours for each workday.Next, to figure out the number of working hours for Saturdays, I use:=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(StartDate,EndDate,"1111101")*((SatEndTime-SatStartTime)*24)
The third argument of NETWORKDAYS.INTL can be “customized” to get Excel to extract which days of the week you want. With the double quotations, all those that you don’t want put a 1 and those you want put a 0 with the syntax representing Mon, Tue, Wed, … , Sun. So I used “1111101” to tell Excel that I only to know how many Saturdays are between the StartDate and EndDate. Then same as above, I mutiply it by the number of working hours for each Saturday.Putting the 2 parts of the formula together,=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(StartDate,EndDate,"1111101")*((SatEndTime-SatStartTime)*24)+NETWORKDAYS.INTL(StartDate,EndDate,1)*((NormEndTime-NormStartTime)*24)
We get the answer of 49 hours.If you enjoy this answer, head over to my blog to read about other Excel questions and their solutions.

How do I ignore blanks when using Sumproduct formula in Excel?

from what i can see, looks like you are trying to multiply a matrix B2:J2 and P2:P10, so use MMULT(), and use the ISNUMBER() to dump the blanks.
copy&paste this

=MMULT(ISNUMBER(B2:J2)*(B2:J2), ISNUMBER(P2:P10)*(P2:P10))

judging by your sample, it looks like you also want to only include cells >=0
in that case use this

=MMULT((B2:J2>=0)*(B2:J2), (P2:P10>=0)*(P2:P10))

either one should just work

How to calculate number of days between two dates?

You're getting a #VALUE! error because Excel does not recognize dots in the date formatting.
Change it to 22/9/2011 and 31/3/2012 instead.

Two simple ways, with your start date of 22/9/2011 in B2 and end date 31/3/2012 in B3.

Total number of days:
=DATEDIF(B2, B3, "d")
(result: 191)

Days without Sat/Sun:
(result: 137)

What is the formula to calculate the time it takes to download a file?

First, you must convert to the same units:

200 Mb = 200(1024 kb) = 204800 kb

You just have to divide

204800 Mb / 140 Kb/s = 1462 seconds

about 24.3 minutes

Good luck!