How To Calculate Price Of Rent A Car In Philippines

How can I calculate a TV's depreciation?

Depreciation is defined as a reduction in the value of an asset over time, due in particular to wear and tear.Depreciation up to 100% is permissible for Computers and Computer peripherals in 5 years and 10 years in case of other items (like TV, Music player, consoles, etc).According to Indian customs depreciation norms are:For every quarter during first year- 10%For every quarter during 2nd year- 8%For every quarter during 3rd year- 5%For every quarter during 4th year- 1%For every quarter during 5th year- 1%In cases for non-electronic goods, depreciation can be calculated as:4% for every quarter in first year;3% for every quarter in 2nd and 3rd year;2.5% for every quarter in 4th and 5th year;2% for every quarter thereafter.

Rental car prices..........?

Does it cost less to rent by the week? If i rent for more than a week, do most companies offer unlimited mileage? I think that's what i'm reading, but I might be mistaken...

Also, do they do a credit check?

How much to ship a corvette to the Philippines?

The value of the car is irrelevant.

To rent a standard 20 foot long container to ship the car will cost about $7000 plus the cost of shipping the car to wherever it will be loaded into the container. Then add the cost of moving the container to the port from where it will be shipped. On arrival you have the cost of moving the container to wherever it will be unloaded. Add legal costs and your looking at a total of around $10,000..

A Corvette is totally unsuitable for Philippines roads. Far better to sell it and buy something sensible on arrival. A jeep perhaps, have a look at the number of Toyota Landcruisers on Philippine roads. The locals know more than you do about local driving conditions.

How can I start a car rental business?

Commuting these days is the basic necessity for us. We rely on various kind of transportation methods to satisfy our transit demands. When thinking from a business perspective, due to the fast-growing demand for diverse transportation methods, commuting unfolds enormous business opportunities as well. A car rental business is one of such kind. But, to step into this entirely new business sector, you need to have a clear-cut idea about the steps to be taken, approach, business models, revenue generation methods etc. Below mentioned some crucial steps, which has to be considered while stepping into this car rental business environment.Do intense market research and analysisChoose the right type of car rental business (daily hire or contract hire)Develop a Unique Selling Proposition (USP)Register your car rental businessBe sure about your business planGet resources (Buy cars)Insure your carsDetermine your operating hoursMarket your rental car businessCar rental business: Business modelBelow given the flowchart showing the business model of car rental business.Set up your online vehicle renting platform by using Agriya’s Car Rental ScriptUnlike conventional business practices, new-day businesses are much concerned about their digital presence. More than half of world population rely on the internet to find their desired services or products. So, optimizing your business for the digital business environment is crucial.Agriya, a well-reputed software service provider has developed an efficient car rental script, ideal for entry-level businesses to deploy a full-fledged online car rental platform.

Calculating Opportunity Cost?

First of all, you can ignore the $290 for meals, because the question states that this cost will be the same wherever he is. He will pay that whether he chooses to go on vacation or not, so that is not a cost of the vacation. You only want to include costs that are associated with his decision; all other costs are irrelevant.

The question asks for the "cost" of this vacation, so that would include both explicit (outlay) costs and implicit (opportunity) costs.

His explicit costs: Airfare, car rental, and hotel. This comes to $1400.
His implicit (opportunity) cost is the weekly wages that he would not be able to earn: $1250.

The total cost of the vacation, then, is $2650.

Adam and his hamily are planning to rent a midsize car for a one day trip. In the Standard Rental Plan, they c?

First off make ur equations and name them:

Equation A (Standard): y=0.23x+52
Equation B (Deluxe): y=80

1) Now for break even point. What u do is make both equation equal each other - Equation a = Equation b... so:

0.23x+ 52 = 80 , -----------------> solve for x and simplify
0.23 x = 80 - 52
x = 28/0.23
x= 121.74

Therefore the break even point is at 122 miles.

2) Next is finding the most efficient plan at 150 miles. Just sub in 150 for x in the first equation and see where it lies relative to $80 (price of second rental)

y=0.23x+52 <----------------- sub in 150
y = 0.23(150) + 52
y = 34.5 + 52
y = 86.5

Therefore, the deluxe plan is a better option for adam's family since it costs less after traveling 150 miles. (Plan A costs $86.5 while plan B costs $80)

Business calculus. PLEASE HELP ME?

Y = number of cars rented
X = cost per car to rent
I = Income from renting cars = X*Y

a. Y = 60-(X-80)*3/5

b. You must maximize I to find this, so we take the derivative of it, and set it equal to zero, and solve for X. Then from there we can solve for Y.

I = X*Y
I = X*[60 - (X-80)*3/5]
I = 108*X - (X^2)*3/5 -----> Take the derivative now
dI/dX = 108 - X*6/5 = 0 -----> set equal to zero to maximize
X = 90

Therefore it should charge $90 to maximize revenues.

c. Plugging 90 back in for X into the equation for Y:
Y = 60 - (X-80)*3/5
Y = 60 - (90-80)*3/5
Y = 54

They would rent 54 cars at this price.

In case you were wondering, plugging X and Y back into the equation for I would get their maximum revenue, which would be $4860.

How much does it cost to rent a car?

For an SUV or a mini-van I would expect to pay about $40 to $50 per day, so that would be about $650 to $750 for the two weeks. Add to that as much as $75 in taxes and other fees.

It will cost about an additional $30/day for "walk away" insurance. You get automatic insurance coverage through your own car insurance, but if you have an accident they will charge your credit card the max estimated amount for repair until the your insurance coverage kicks in. Be aware that It may max out your card. That's why they want a credit card. You cannot do a cash deal on a car rental. They won't do cash because of the insurance issue. This even applies to scratches and dents, so you must walk around the car before you drive away and get the agent to write down any existing scratches or dents. There have been many cases where they didn't catch the dent made by the guy who rented the car before you, so they stick it to you. Do a quick walk around before you leave.

I always buy the "walk away" insurance offered by the rental agency. It is a rip-off, but I buy it. I just don't want to have to deal with an "away from home" insurance issue or a maxed out credit card if I'm in an accident. I just want to be able to "walk away". If you can afford it you should consider it too.