How To Clean Out My System For A Military Drug Test

How can I get clean for a Military Drug Test?

Dont listin to those freakin loser crybabies, Step 1- get to the drug store and buy some AZO pill's there for urinery track infection's buy lots of crannberry pills too. Step 2-take AZO pills not more then 2 or 3 and start flushing with water drink up to 3 gallons of water, about 16 oz. every 15min. Step 3- Keep flushing your pee will change color's keep flushing until ur pee turns clear and you should be good to go, you can also buy some herbal clean at your local GNC that costs $50, the azo and crannberry pills cost about $10 total, make sure you flush flush and flush, a dilooted test is not as bad as a positive test for weed. help stop the drug war soldier remember on day that a pothead helped u so when ur 5.0 later on in life remember that DO THIS AND U WILL BE CLEAN WITHIN HOURS TRUST ME I SMOKED EVERYDAY ON DRUGCOURT PROBATION AND MADE THROUGH 3 YEARS WITHOUT GETTING BUSTED DONT LISTIN TO THESE RETARD'S KEEP SMOKING DONT LISTIN TO ASSHOLES SMOKE AS MUCH POT AS YOU WANT IT HURTS NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOBODY!!!!!!!U LOSER'S HEARD ME NOBODY!!!!!!!!!!

Will i pass military drug test (53 days clean)?

Dude your fine

I would first like to say I do not work for the company I am about to talk about. Here is what I was up agianst and here is what I did to to pass my urine and hair test. This is not spam and people should have access to good info. I have to take a piss test once a week for Intensive Probation. The first month your on they give you to clean out so I started testing methods for passing a lab urine drug test. I paid for those strip drinks out of head shops followed the instructions to a TEE and failed a home drug test I got from walgreens. I am still smoking every other day. I take the quick tabs and take a test at home and fail agian. Finally I found this website that sold me a formula of things I could buy in my local grocery store. Did what they said and passed a home drug test. I was skeptical about this smoked a bunch more pot and tried agian and It worked. I mailed in a specimen to a lab and It WORKED. I have been to my probation for 15 weeks now and I have passed all the test that have come back no red flags no mention of dilution suspected or anything. I had to take a Saliva test also for a job found out these guys have a formula for that to and bought it. I came out great no problems passed great. Now that I have the formula for passing these test I feel great. If you are serious about passing a Drug Test check out these sites and agian I do not work for these guy but am a tried and proven satisfied client. If your Job, *** or Freedom is on the line check these guys out.

Urine test =
Hair test =
Saliva test =

Should I lie about drug use if I want to join the U.S. military?

It depends.Reasons you should tell the truth:If you've done drugs in the past 45 days.If you've done drugs consistently for several years and have only stopped using less than a year ago.If there is evidence of you doing drugs that can be easily found in a background check.If you have a criminal conviction for drug use or drug possession within the past 8 years.If you have already admitted to drug use to a member or the Armed Forces or testify to using drugs in a sworn statement accessible to anyone in the DoD.If your drug use is known by individuals who will or may be interviewed during your background check and they are prone to spill the beans.Reasons to lie:You haven't done drugs in over a yearYou are confident you can pass the urinalysis exam.You have done cocaine, heroin, meth, or LSD but you have been clean for over a year.You told your recruiter in private and he said it's no big deal and he will not list your drug use in the paperwork because it's not important.There is no public record of your drug use and no one to reliably accuse you of doing drugs.The choice is yours. If you tell the truth you may be disqualified from joining. If you lie and are caught you can get prosecuted for fraudulent enlistment. You should do your research before you make the choice.Take heed however: whatever choice you make you have to stick with it until the end. If you lie don't backpedal, wavering in anyway from your original answer is a good way to get investigated and get in more trouble.If you lied, never ever ever admit it even if you fail a drug test; most service members who get in trouble for drug use get convicted because of their confession not the drug test. The validity of drug tests are very hard to uphold in courts, so let them prove you did drugs, don't do their work by confessing. Good luck.

Military drug test!!!! HOW TO PASS?

I use to smoke pot for about a year now...pretty regularly...sometimes not everyday, but for the most part, everyday for a year...wanting to better my life and join the coast guard or air force..taking the ASVAB in a couple days, and if all goes well i'd like to get going as soon as possible. I haven't smoked in 5 days, and am nervous that if i pass the ASVAB and go to meps that i'll fail the drug test. i don't want to wait for my system to clean itself out naturally, if there is another way for me to show up clean on the test and get this out of my system i'd rather go that rout. I've heard alot about detoxers, but this is a military piss test (not hair test) so im sure those detoxers would show up, i've heard niacin works but i can never know for sure, anyone know anything about niacin??..Its not cheating if i plan on not smoking any more. Definitely not while im in service. so for all you out there with the negative comments...don't waste your time. If anyone has any suggestions for this pickle i have gotten myself into it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

PS. i drink plenty of water and juices, and run/exercise/lift 5 days a week..6 foot, 165 lbs

How long will Zoloft show up in a drug test for the Military?

Wow, it's news to me that the military would screen for use of SSRIs. This is usually not a normal part of a drug test.

All you would have to do is produce a valid prescription to show that you were taking it. You might want to keep that handy because sometimes Zoloft causes false positives for benzodiazepines, which they certainly will screen for (valium, xanax, etc.).

It's a waste of time to be drinking all the water to "gid rid" of zoloft; it is metabolized in the liver. The drug has two metabolites. The sertraline part will be metabolized to half its former levels approx every 24 hours. The other metabolite takes much longer to dwindle-- half goes away every 2 - 4 days. But you really shouldn't have to worry with the prescription handy.

How long does weed stay in your system, drug test for marines?!?

I'm seriously thinking of joining the marines and I know I can 't right now because of my weed smoking habits.

I've gotten a lot better with my smoking because I'm serious about this. Right now I have my smoking down to only smoking 4 or 5 days a week, twice a day. I can even go a couple of day without smoking, 5 days being my record. It doesn't sound like an improvement but I use to smoking 4,6,7 times a DAY and smoked at the minimum a quarter(7 grams) a week.

I'm 18 and female, so how long will this take to get out of my system for the drug test?!? I'm not going to enroll for a another 4 months at least.

How long does one hit of weed stay in your system?

This is a fairly tricky question with a lot of variables. Furthermore, while very small amounts will stay in your system for a long time, the most common drug test, a urnine test with a standard cutoff of 50ng/mm will be our point of reference. Drug tests for cannabis do not measure the active drug in your system, rather they detect the residual product of the drug, cannabinoids. Depending on tolerance and a variety of other factors, it is probably active for 1–3 hours. However the residual products must account for several variables.The variables would include the following:Body fat - More body fat means the residual cannabinoids are stored in your system for longer, and are released more slowly.Metabolism - Exercise and generally how often your body cycles through materials, higher metabolism will flush out the cannabinoids faster.Chronic Use: People who smoke cannabis more frequently will have a buildup of cannabinoids in their system, less frequent use means the body will flush the cannabinoids faster.However, taking all of this into account, on average recent clinical tests have shown that for a frequent user it would be unusual on a drug test to detect anything after about 10 days (21 if a particularly sensitive test is used). For a first time user, it would be unusual to detect any trace after around 3–4 days.There are also a few other factors which can affect a urine test quite significantly:Hydration: Staying hydrated will dilute the urine, possibly lowering the concentration of cannabinoids below the detection threshold.Time of urination: When someone first wakes up, the stored cannabinoids have been releasing into their system throughout their sleep cycle, after that urine is expelled, the second urination will contain much less buildup of cannabinoids.Diet/Exercise: When a body is not getting enough food, it will burn through fat for energy more quickly. Exercise will also raise metabolism and burn fat, which will speedup the flushing process. However, it should be noted that during the time in which someone is fasting or exercising, the cannabinoids are being flushed faster out through the urine, so this will actually increase the concentration of cannabinoids until they are purged.Source:

How long are all drugs detectable through all types of drug tests?

Detection times vary with the substance, route of administration, frequency of use, dosing, and personal metabolism.Urine drug screens are the most common tests. Unlike unreliable at-home ‘instant tests’, employers and court personnel usually send urine samples to an outside lab for testing. Positive results are confirmed by a process known as GC/MS and are highly reliable.Usual detection times across different tests:Blood tests: 12 hours- 7 daysHair follicle tests: 30–90 days . However, the reliability of hair follicle tests across different hair types and pigmentation has been called into question.Saliva drug screens: 12–36 hours.Urine tests: 3–45 daysApproximate detection times for commonly abused substances:Alcohol: 2–12 hoursAmphetamine-type drugs:Snorted: 1–4 daysSmoked: 3–5IV: at least 3 daysBenzodiazepines:therapeutic use: 2–10 daysregular use: up to 6 weeksBarbiturates: 3–15 daysCocaine: 3–5 daysLSD: 1–5 daysMarijuana:One-time use: 3 daysModerate use (4 times/week): 5 daysDaily use: 10 daysChronic, daily use: up to 30–45 daysMDMA: 1–2 daysOpiates: 1–3 daysPCP: 8–30 daysApproximate Detection TimesDrug Testing FAQ's - Tests, Detection Times, and False Positives