How To Connect Your Business Objectives To An Effective Social

Advice on effectively using social media for marketing?

To be effective as social media marketing you need to be organized. You can do this by creating an editorial calendar to help  plan your posts and build out your campaign strategy.  Marketing Nutz is a good resource with a free editorial calendar template. Create a process for your content creation strategy. Having your processes written out ahead of time will help you be successful in the long run. When you have your processes written out, others can help initiate the social media strategy. Also having some good content marketing tools can be effective in your social content strategy. Tools like BuzzSumo and Content Marketer are a great resource to have.Don't be afraid to experiment with your posting times, how often you posts, and what type of content you posts. Ask yourself: Does time of day affect engagement?Does frequency of posts increase or decrease visibility and engagement?What type of content is the most popular? Should there be more of this type of content in the editorial calendar?Do posts with custom graphics get better engagement and a higher CTR?Understanding what works best and how to further optimize your social media strategy will be a big help in increasing your engagement and visibility. Also, the right set of tools can make a hugh difference in how you effective you are. Tools like Buffer,  Narrow and Pagemodo can make the social media process much easier and effective.

What qualities define a great team leader?

The best leaders are those who can lead and direct without misuse of their power. They must be able to inspire others in a direction or greater good. They must be strong enough to stand firm in decision making and leading others without an egotistical attitude. A great team leader will encourage others to brain storm and contribute to the whole. They also lead by example and intelligently. They are also good listeners. Charisma helps a team leader.
Rev. TomCat