How To Convert M^3 To Cm

How do you convert cm^3 to m^3?

Since 100 cm = 1 m; 1 m³ = 100³ cm³ = 1,000,000 cm³

So, to convert from 71.2 cm³ , you will need to divide by 1,000,000

----------------- =

0.0000712 m³

= 7.12 x 10^(-5) m³

Question 2:

1 cm³ = 1 mL

1 L = 1000 mL

Or you can google search for a measurement conversion calculator.

How to convert dm3 to cm3?

Short Answer:conversion factor: 1dm=10cmdm^3*10cm/1dm*10cm/1dm*10cm/1dm Cancel out units you don’t want and you are left with the units you want. so 1 dm^3= 1000cm^3Long Answer: The technique is called “Dimensional Analysis” plenty of youtube vids explaining. You just need a conversion ratio between what units you don’t want and what units you want to convert to.

How do I convert kg/m3 to g/cm3?

The question was 3200kg/m3 = 3.2g/cm3. I don't understand the steps involved?

If you could provide a easy to remember logical explanation that would be great.

How do you convert kg/m^3 to g/cm^3?

Know these equalities:
1 kg = 1000 g
1 m = 100 cm
10.6kg/m^3 ( 1000 g/1 kg) (1m/100cm)^3 = 0.0106 g/cm^3
Note: Remember to cube the equality 1 m = 100 cm since in the problem m is cubed.

How do I convert g/cm*3 to kg/m?

g/cm^3= g x1000/(100 x100 x100)^3= g x 1000/( 1000 x 1000) = 1000 kg/m^3.So if density of water= 1 g/cm^3= 1000 kg/m^3.

How do you convert 13.6 g/cm^3 into kg/m^3 ?

1000 g = 1 kg, so to convert g to kg, you need to divide by 1000 (or multiply by 0.001)

100 cm = 1 m, so to convert cm^3 to m^3, you need to divide by 100 three times, which is the same as dividing by 1000000. However, because the cm^3 is in the denominator of the fraction, you have to invert it, so you're multiplying by 1000000.

So, 13.6 g/cm^3 * (0.001 kg/g) * (1000000 cm^3/m^3) = 13.6 * 1000 = 13600 kg/m^3

How to convert g/cm3 to kg/m3?

its just 3.337/1000 = 0.003337kg/cm3

multiply it by the number of cm3 in a m3
100cmX100cmx100cm = 1000000cm

so you have 0.003337g/cm^3 X 1000000cm
and you end up with your answer 3337kg/m3

Please convert 5 m3 to cm3?

Taking Cube both sides..
Mutiplying bothside by 5...

Convert 1.43 g/mL to the unit g/m3.?

1 g/ml is the same thing as 1g/cm3-->just convert cm3 to m3 which is just thru multiplication by the conversion factor w/e that maybe-perhpas 10?

i think its .143g/m3

Converting Density to g/cm^3?

Here's a very basic explanation of the answer you provided.

g/cm^3 = 5.34 X 10^2 kg/m^3 x (1000g/1kg) x (1m^3/10^6m^3)
The expressions in parentheses are the conversion factors. When you multiply them out, the kg in the numerator of the expression will be canceled by the kg in the denominator of the conversion factor. Same goes for the m^3 in the denominator of the expression and the numerator of the 2nd conversion factor. The units you are left with are g/cm^3

Now look at the numbers. The 5.34 is unchanged; look at the powers of 10. You have powers of 2 and 3 (from 1000) in the numerator. You also have a power of 6 in the denominator, which is the same as -6 in the numberator: 10^-6 = 1/10^6.
2+3-6 = -1 so that's why you end up with 5.34 x 10^-1.

5.34 x 10^2 x10^3 x 10^-6

= 5.34 x 10^-1 g/cm^3 ANSWER