How To Convince My Parents About My Sister

How to convince your parents to adopt a sister?

You can't convince someone to adopt a child. It takes a lot of planning, commitment, sacrificing and finances to adopt. Why don't you try playing with your friends more. When you become an adult, you can then have more than one child if you like.

How can I convince my parents to let my elder sister convert to Christianity? Should I seek help and guidance from my half-sister and her husband whom are both Christians? Or would this divide the family apart?

If someone has the desire in the heart to find Christ, I don't think anyone should stop them. Might be easy for me to say because I am Christian, but I think even more importantly is acknowledging that we live in a country where we have absolute religious freedom. So basically it's not just her God-given right but a right given to her by this country.As for the family divide. As tough as it is if it's what she wants she needs to do it. Many many stupid petty things divide families on a daily basis. I know there are many that find Christianity to be stupid and petty, what are we living in a society now but it's supposed to be promoting equality and not judging people on their religious believes? Help her follow her heart, enlist family & friends to help. And take strength that you are making the right choice for her.

How do you convince your parents to have another child?

Having another baby is a life changing decision that should be decided just between your parents. Although you'd like another baby you would not be the one to take care of it, feed it at night, change it's diapers, pay for it's needs and be responsible for it through college and maybe beyond. Also, there is a high chance of having a baby with Down's Syndrome or other health problems if the mother is older when she delivers. There are a lot of considerations that you are not aware of right now at your age. And, you'll eventually go off to college and then what... another baby for that baby? Let your parents figure this one out. It's nice that you want a sibling and are mature enough to feel you can share your parent's love. Maybe they'd agree to be a foster family?

How to convince my sister to go somewhere?

It's the last day of summer for me today and I wanted to go to a movie with my friends which my sister was planning on going with me. She said she didn't want to deal with my friends bc she's ten years older than them(and me.) I haven't gotten a chance to hang out with them much and I've spent the entire summer hanging out with her. My friends are getting their own rides to and from the theater, but she still won't agree. Any ideas on how to convince her? Thank you so much

How can I convince my sister to have sex DONT ANSWER IF YOUR NOT GONNA GIVE ADVICE?

She is a year older than me and is super hot and we tell each other everything even stuff that our parents would kill us for and She’s the only girl I feel attracted to rn

How do I convince my sister to not marry a guy she loves?

I've read the details you have written for the question and I think you should just tell you sister exactly those.You can always suggest her to pospond the marriage till both become stable in their life. Its very difficult to get a good career prospects with an incomplete education(from practical point of view).Also, be very calm and try very hard at not raising your voice or being harsh while having the talk. People become defensive when you are angry and hence may not think straight.All the best. Be calm all the way through.

How do I convince my sister to not marry a wrong and bad guy?

This guy has threatened our parents, was giving us a bit of a death threat, and how he was telling my mom, how he fucked my sister and all .He told all this shit to our parents and my sister is still in crazy love with him. And one random day this guy just came to our house and said he has recorded a sex video of my sister and himself and we requested him to delete it and he would disagree. When problems occur, the guy would tell its our sister’s fault like always, she is always made the scappegoat. My close relatives have come to explain why this relationship is bad like about 7 times and she would agree when the relatives are there and again turn the same crazy ass bitch when the relatives are gone. Despite all of these she is still into that guy My mom is already crazy on this matter, we don’t know what to do anymore, its our own family and its extremely hard to let go of a family to the wrong one. Can anyone please help us?

How should I convince my sister not to marry the guy she loves?

You should be the person to help your sister and talk to your parents but you asked here to how can make your sister life hell.You are so mean like a child . Solve problems without hurting your sister plz.May Lord Jagannath keep your parent healthy.

How do I convince my sister to go back to studying?

You need to show her how she can be independent with the help of her studies and how she will be able to contribute in her house and help her husband. It doesn't matter what the past was, the future is in our hands. My mom is a house wife and she always tells me how she is fed up of being a house wife coz she sees her life ruined. She says she spent her whole life in the kitchen and the cooking. Although, she doesn't say that; she wish she was independent but, I know what my mom must be thinking. she wants to see me independent at any cost. Your sister must have also wanted that, she studied well and with interest. You need to encourage her to fulfill her dream. You can convince her to an extent, but after that its her choice.

How do I convince my girlfriend's parents for an intercaste marriage? I convinced my parents after fighting for 1 year. Now her parents are saying no and are forcing her to marry another guy. She loves me but doesn’t want to go against her father.

Convince your girlfriend that her parents don’t need any convincing. You are both adults and can decide whom to spend your life with.Your girlfriend’s parents can say no all they want but the point to note is she values her parents approval than you, the love of her life. Instead of standing up for you, she is playing victim to her parents’ emotional blackmail. This will not change after you get married.Why would you want to marry someone who can’t fight for you? What is she afraid of? What is the worst that can happen?They won’t attend the wedding. Won’t pay for the wedding. Will not offer help when she gets pregnant.If that happens, IT IS NOT THE END OF THE WORLD. Irrespective of what our culture and movies have brainwashed us to believe, it is perfectly fine to have low contact relationships with one’s parents after one grows up.Moreover, your gf’s parents are not your problem. You don’t have to convince them or plead to them. That is your gf’s job.In case your gf understands the above argument and is willing to put you on top of her list of priorities, here’s what she can do:Your gf needs to change her emotional tone in dealing with her parents. she should inform her parents of her decision to marry you and give them the option of either supporting her and being part of your lives OR being butthurt and cut off from your lives.There are only 2 options. There is no middle ground. Her parents cant legally force her to do anything. Involve the authorities if you must.