How To Convince My Parents For A Nose Job

Convince my parents to let me get a nose job?

I am 18 years old and have been saving up money for a while I have around 3,000 dollars and I want to get a nose job. I know it will cost more but I can pay it off as payments. I know that I am 18 but I still need my parents permission. How do I convince them that To let me get the nose job? They will just say how stupid I am and that the money could go to something better that could actually help me. I really hate my nose, it's so big and has a bump , I want something smaller and more feminine.

Convincing my parents to let me get a nose job?

Hi. I'm 14 years old, female and I have hated my nose ever since I can remember. I'm 100%white, but for some reason I have an "Asian nose". It's flat and round at the front. Whenever I smile, it spreads across my face. I hate it so so so much. I've tried slimming it with makeup, but it doesn't look pointy as I would like it to look. Besides, make up doesn't last. I've been looking into rhinoplasty, just to read about it. I asked my mom if she would ever let me get a nose job, and she said no because it was too risky. I don't know how my dad feels about it because he doesn't live with me but I'm sure I would still need his consent. Can anyone tell me how risky it is? How young is too young? Was it worth it? And how can I convince my parents? I think I'm pretty but my nose is honestly the ONLY thing I dislike about myself! Ughhh :( thank you and sorry this was so long!!

How do I convince my parents to get me a nose job? I’m 18.

Hmm that sounds like a want. See you already have a nose so you don’t need one, you just want one. This kind of want is like any other adult habit like smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. If you want this kind of cosmetic surgery this is something you need to pay for yourself. People get it twisted all the time. So your parents provide your needs, food clothing shelter, make sure you had medical handling when needed, school etc, those are needs. Your wants everything else they can provide some of them, if they so choose, but they are not required. If you dislike your look that much that you want to do something drastic and you are still developing uh this is something you must handle, not your parents. There is beauty in just being yourself. Those kind of surgeries do more harm than good sometimes.

How can I convince my dad to get me a nose job?

It’s not your dad’s place.This isn’t something you need to do until you’re a grown person. In fact, most Plastic Surgeons, won’t do them without a medical reason on a minor.When you’re 18, you can decide -although, I’d still wait a couple of years - women grow until they’re around 17–20. You need to see what nature is gonna do, before you have a medical procedure.

How can I convince my dad to let me get a nose job? I'm 22 and I can pay for my own nose job but I live with my dad so I'll have to tell him. The thing is that he's very judgmental and probably won't want me/let me get a nose job.

Dear Dad,I know that you believe that I am beautiful and that I don’t need any “freaking surgery,” but I hate my nose and I want to fix it. It will enhance my self confidence. It will make me feel really beautiful. It will make feel more secure. {feel free to add your own reasons.] Don’t worry, it is perfectly safe, and I hope I will get your support and approval.That’s your version. Now listen to your dad’s reasons. then bring the “before and after pictures” from your doctor, and hopefully you can reach an agreement.Dads worry. Dads worry a lot. They worry that after you do the nose, then you will do the ears, and the neck, and the eyebrows, and you will spiral in a never-ending surgery circle. Try to convince him that it is really worth it. Dads also think that cosmetic surgery is rather frivolous, but they also love their kids and they want to make sure you are in safe hands. So he may need some convincing that your surgeon knows what he is doing.

Convince me not to get a nose job?

i'm 14 and am dying to get a nose job. my nose has a bump in the middle and when i smile my nose spreads out, and you can't see my nostrils. i have a different nose than the rest of my family, and it kills me. i feel i'd actually be comfortable with myself if i got a nosejob. my parent said we'd look into it for this summer, but i'm scared.
i really don't want to get one.
first, i'd get it just before entering high school. i don't want anyone to know i'd had a nose job.
then, i'm scared of risks.
but i can't help wanting one. every single day.
convince me not to!
show me pictures of beautiful people with funny noses.
tell me all the risks,
or at least convince me to wait until i'm a little older.
or you can convince me to go ahead and get it, i guess.
i'm really confused about all of this. i just want to be happy. :(

My parents won't let me get a nose job...?

There are variety of ways to make your nose better... NOSE JOB should be last on your list ok?

1. Make up contouring - this is the fastest and easiest. Get a darker shade of your skin tone and brush it at the sides of the nose.

2. Surgery - though i dont recommend this its expensive and painful. not to mention it doesnt look will look CHEAP and FAKE... also it dislodges occasionally with pressure or trauma.. not good.

3. Nose magic - this product is great.. its a nose reshaper made in japan and it reshapes the nose making it smaller , shorter or pointier... depending on your placement and setting. I am using this product and I am quite loving the changes [ its just my 5th day i might just be overhyped ]

you can buy nose magic only from

4. Lemon juice - they say it shrinks the nose, but i never tried it.

How do I convince my mom to let me get a nose job ?

No offense but you kinda are complaining even though this is like calling the kettle black you shouldnt talk bad about yourself even though I am lol. I just don't feel good about my nose. The pic on my fb page is after I moved to Florida and I have complained about my skin tone ever since I have moved to Florida but after time I leave I get rid of my brown skin and get a lighter beyonce color. Im fine with my skin its just my nose I dont feel attractive and I'm afraid to talk to girls/guys because I dont feel attractive. Can you get a nose job if you broke your nose before because I broke it when I was 7 skating outside

How to convince my dad to let me get a nose job? I'm 13?

First of all, it is perfectly legal with parental consent.

Secondly, she's not letting the bullies win. She's doing something about her insecurity, because she can. She's doing it for the sake of her self-esteem and changing for herself to help her to get on with normal things instead of having to worry about her appearance.

Thirdly, the procedure for nose surgery is very simple and safe, no organs are really being exposed. All they do is break your nose, reshape the bone and plaster it up as needed. No threat in this, I haven't heard of many people who broke their nose and died from it. The only real risk that is dangerous is Toxic Shock Syndrome, however it occurs in less than 1% of all nose surgeries done in USA, and mortality rate for it is 9-10% (found in a tabloid magazine, but these are probably quite accurate), so even in the unlikely event of it happening, you're pretty safe.

To convince your dad, tell him the stories about people who had plastic surgeries for REAL reasons, other than to glamourize themselves with silicone (which you are not doing). An example is Walter Yeo. What about sex change? That's part of plastic surgery too! Is getting birthmarks removed being fake as well? Besides, would he rather have a daughter that's insecure by being born with a bad nose, or a daughter that had a bone misplaced in order to feel good about herself? You are not having anything put into you, your bones are simply reshaped. Maybe go for another consultation and take your dad along- the doctor could explain all the procedures and such to him, and thus maybe he would be more confident with letting you get it.

Have you showed him the edited picture? I would try that as well. And nudge your mom to help to persuade him!

Best of luck, I hope this works out for you <3

I want a nose job so bad but how do I convince my dad?

How old are you? If you are under 18, wait. If you are over 18 and you are determined, all you can do is explain to him how much it affects your self esteem. If it’s that important, pay for it yourself and give up on your dad. However, remember that nose jobs don’t necessarily make a person happier. Beauty is only skin deep. If you are doing this to gain more friends or a particular boyfriend, many times it’s not the look, it’s what inside the look. More important to dwell on the personality than the physical. If you are emotionally depressed, a nose job won’t fix it. I really recommend considering your underlying desire for the change before taking any action.