How To Convince My Parents To Let Me Stay Home With My Brother

How can i convince my parents to let me stay home while they go on vacation?

I really really really dont want to go. We're supposed to go to new york next week. Ive been there before, and i hated it. And that was only a few days. This time its almost a full week (5 days) and i know im going to hate every second of it. I have a lot a mental issues, some involving paranoia and fears and anxiety. Theres a lot of problems on those levels that i have. For one, im terrified to fly in an airplane right now. We just killed the terrorists leaders, theyre gonna strike back soon, and that could be a day im on a plane. They could also have suicide bombers on the plane too. I fear ill have a 3 or 4 hour panic attack as while we're in the air. Then once we are there, ill be afraid of the people. New york is dangerous, and that scares me a lot. And i wont have a safe place to be. At home, its my room in my bed. No one can hurt me there. Emotionally and physcologically. I dont want to be with my parents for 5 days straight either. I cant stand them for 5 hours. My mom can be very irratating and negative, while my step dad is an idiot. I want to stay home and have my sister stay with me (shes 19). And if theres a problem i can call my brother whos 22, cus my sister doesnt have a car. And he lives really close. Is there a techinque of convincing that works best that i could use? I really dont want to go. I have these problems because of mental disorders. I have bipolar disorder and possibly schizophrenia.

How can I convince my parents that I can stay out like my brother? I don't stay out too late on school nights, and their reason is because I'm a girl.

They are worried for you, and for a good reason. Just listen to your parents about this.I used to defy and get angry with them for the exact same reason, but it turned out they were right. Girls who stay out long run the risk of getting kidnapped or assaulted.Not only that, but usually among young people bad types of behavior begin when they stay out long with their friends - like sex, smoking, drug and alcohol abuse.I’m not saying you’re hanging out with the wrong people, but I am saying that bad behavior begins and develops when parents are away.Look at it this way - you are healthier and better off staying home. It’s just very very important you don’t get mad with your parents.I’ve seen many girls holding grudges for years, and when they finally come of age, they start partying like crazy and completely ruin their lives and health.Instead, find an interesting hobby, hang out with people while doing sports, or invite some friends over in the evening hours and do your best not to get mad with your parents. Soon you’ll go to college, start working and won’t be seeing them so often. We spend most of the time with our parents while we’re in primary/high school - and that is for life! Use this time to bond with them and thank them for being such good parents, because they are obviously doing a good job in keeping you safe.New Year is coming and you may as well use the opportunity to give them a pleasant surprise for all the good things they are giving you.

How can I convince my parents to let me stay home from church? I'm not a religious person, and I go at least 2 times a week.

Yikes. I had to deal with this situation.It depends a lot on what your church is (Catholic, Methodist, Evangelical etc.) and how old you are. If it’s something more mainstream like Methodist, Lutheran or Catholic you could maybe say that the service bores you and you rather only go once a week (maybe just the bible study I’m assuming that’s the second day you go). You can play on the age situation, that there isn’t really any teenagers and everyone is just old or a baby.If it’s a mega-church where they have everything for kids, teens, and even young adults this is going to be harder. You can’t make the excuse of it not being boring or unappealing to your age group. You will have to attend the service until you are at least 17 or 18 where you can put your foot down and say you’re not into this and not religious. I would take the approach of just trying to make friends in the church and doing youth programs. The youth programs are more fun and down-to earth and you won’t have to be in the direct line of anger and shame from your parents. Once you are basically leaving for work or college I would distance myself and then not attend church. I wouldn’t say anything to parents either though.Another question: it depends on how your parents react to people being nonreligious or not liking the church. If they blow up or cry or make a scene about you not attending your safest and smoothest bet would be to attend until college unfortunately and slowly remove yourself from any church life stuff. Make excuses. Move away ultimately because if your parents are demanding and shaming you for not going that’s spiritual abuse. If they constantly lecture you about having to have spirituality or faith after you already explaining to them you don’t believe in this or don’t really care this is a serious red flag.Religious parents want their kids to believe but a good parent will understand that teens are curious and might want to try another religion or not believe in anything at all. A good parent won’t make a teenager go to church even if they are miserable and not gaining anything from it. A good parent won’t make their teenagers pretend to “BEEElieve in God or Allah or anything else,”

How do I convince my parents to let me have my brother's old PS4 which is just lying around the dust?

Say them that you will have something to do. You will have different parents to mine, but it could work. You just have to be careful on what you say and do.Plan 2: Take it without them knowingOkay, you may get snitched on but just say you were sleepwalking, that’s he best excuse I made when I took my sisters PS4 out of her room. It was only 3:38pm, so I didn’t have much of an advantage with it.Try it, never know it can work!(P.S also say that it’s no good lying around collecting dust, technology could lead to having a carbon monoxide leak, which is VERY DEADLY!)

How to convince your parents to let you stay home alone for one week?

How to convince your parents to let you stay home alone for one week?
My parents are going away for exactly one week with my little brother. I chose to be left alone because i just want to stay home. But my parents are putting the house on lockdown meaning nobody can come in while they are gone. I asked them if they trust me, they said they do, but they dont want anything to happen to the house. How do i convince them to allow me to be by myself for a week?(I'm 17 by the way. i dont have a car, and no alcoholic beverages at home, or any access to illegal drugs....and I don't have that many friends who would want to stuff with me ): )

How to convince your parents to let you stay home from school when you are actually sick?

So I'm sick and I so far threw up twice today. My mom is still forcing me to go to school. How can I change that, she just doesn't understand. I have never missed a day of school in the last 2 YEARS and I need a break. While she lets my brother miss like a whole week of school every other month. Im sick and tired of it? How can I convince her to let me stay home I bet you Ill throw up later today anyways.

How to convince your parents to let you stay home alone over night?

My family is going out to a lake house for memorial day weekend, since my brothers and I are going to be out of school on Monday. We're to stay on Saturday night, Sunday night, and return home on Monday. Which is great for them, but unfortunately, not for me. Personally I don't like going to the lake because it's got all of the germs and wildlife chilling out and peeing in the water which I find gross to be in. I asked my mom if she would let me stay at home for the weekend, but she had said probably not, since it would be the first time I've been at home alone overnight. I'm not leaving the house at all if I am left alone, because the plan was just to watch movies and listen to music and eat frozen pizza. Please do not say that I'll have fun once I'm there because I've been to the lake many times before and preferred to stay in the boat while everyone else was swimming. Assuming that it will make a difference, I'm a 14 year old girl, that's a freshman in high school.

I'm 17 and my parents won't let me stay home alone?

Hi Jay,
As a parent myself of a 16 and 17 year old, I can understand what may be taken into consideration with your parents decision. It may not be that they do not trust you. But that they don't trust specific people in the area. Sometimes as parents we tend to OVER shelter our kids. I am guilty of this myself. However there is a mother's/father's instinct of the maturity level of our children and there safety. Sometimes its easier for us to remove our kids from a problem/danger than it is to fix that potential problem or danger. Sit with your parents and talk with them about there decision and just listen. Trust me there is a reason behind it and I'm sure its for the better. Let them know that you are not trying to sway there decision one way or the other, but that at 17 you do deserve a solid reason justifying there decision. Until you one day have kids of your own, it can be difficult to understand a lot of things parents do or say. I have been your age myself and so have your parents. Keep a smile and an open heart to there decision.

How do I get my parents to let me stay home?

I'm having pretty bad diarrhea, along with cramps and a mild fever. I was eating raw cookie dough yesterday, and I'm beginning to suspect it's salmonella. Literally, every 10 minutes I have been running to the bathroom to have diarrhea. I usually go to school when I feel sick anyway, but I don't want to have diarrhea in school. There's only one bathroom in the basement of my school, so I don't if I would be able to make it.

I tell my mom this but she said that she doesn't think that I'll experience diarrhea at school. I don't want to risk it. What can I tell her and my stepfather?