How To Cope With A Huge Negative Change In Your Environment

How does tourism affect the environment?

Traveling is one of the favorite activities of people around the world especially the millennials, but sometimes it can have a harmful effect on the environment.The air pollution coming from tourist transportation is one of the major negative effects of tourism. Traveling by rail, air, and road results to air pollution that damages the environment. Apparently, a large portion of air emissions is caused by 60% of air travel from tourists going from one place to another. Additionally, transport emissions can result to photochemical pollution, acid rain, and global warming.Land resources consist of forests, wildlife, minerals, fertile soil, wetland, and fossil fuels. The expanded construction of recreational facilities adds more pressure to both stunning landscapes and natural resources. This may result to land degradation because of the changes that is happening, which are deleterious to the land resources. More so, forests regularly endure the destructive effect of tourism as deforestation created by land clearing as well as fuel wood accumulation.One of the most essential natural resources is water. It is very evident that the tourism industry overuses the water resources for the development of golf courses, swimming pools, hotels, and even the personal use of water by some tourists. As a result, these could lead to the degradation of water supplies and water shortages. It is never really proper to waste water as everyone’s told to conserve it in any ways at home. So, it is better to save water as much as possible, since water scarcity is being a major issue in some parts of the world now.The impact of tourism are of course attributed to ignorant and overzealous tourists who blatantly ignores environmental rules. And closing down islands are the first step in ensuring that the environment is not damaged beyond repair.

Why does nobody seem to care about the environment?

Ok, this is just statistical purposes. I would like to know what you guys think why many people don't care about the environment (your home) as much as they probably should.

Like I said this is just for statistical purposes for my own use and would like to know what you guys think about it.
And if you could, provide some sort of Solution to the problem or if we can fix it at all.

Thanks for your time =)

Need advice dealing with negative, toxic family members?

Just don't be around them more than you can help. When they say or do something mean to you, just smile and say, "I sorry you feel that way" or "I hope you feel better."
Unfriend on FB anyone who isn't friendly! Duh!
Be supportive of your mom by trying to get her in a better frame of mind. Give her positive thinking books to read. Refuse to listen to he being negative. Tell her to just write all her negative things down, tear up the paper, and flush it down the toilet of but it in the garbage. Help her plan a healthy life style also. Of course, if she want cooperate, you really can't do anything but keep being positive and telling her you hope she will get better.
Personally, I like "How's that working out for you?" for a questions that helps other redirect.
I also tell people i will pray for them and I do it. I am not sure whether they will accept the help they might get from that but it helps me.
Nobody can make you feel bad without your permission.

You change the way you deal with things by doing what you know is right. Dwell on what is beautiful and healthy. Exercise,eat, pray,and meditate in ways that work for you.
You can't stop the birds from flying over your head, but you don't have to let them nest in your hair, And if while flying over they happen to drop a little s--- on you, a nice shampoo will fix it.

Why should we, the human race, worry about climate change?

I mean, of course ice is melting, we have longer heat waves and animals are going extinct. But why should all that bother us so much?
Ice melting will not cause us to go underwater. It is estimates that by 2100 the sea level will rise by about 5-10 inches. Some go crazy and assume it will rise by an entire meter. and even if it happens, it s not gonna cause THAT much trouble since pretty much all coastal cities are a bit higher than that. The panic that global warming alarmists are showing isn t justified by that.
The next thing is longer heat waves. That s not THAT terrible. I mean, of course we don t like the weather to be too hot, but it won t kill us provided we protect ourselves with the right equipment (sunscreen, appropriate clothing, etc.), and also use climate control systems that most people in warm countries have, and europe is increasingly implementing.
Also some animals have a hard time to adapt to the new climate and are going extinct. Why should that bother us? Animal extinction has happened all the time! It s a part of evolution, right? When a species is confronted with a new environment their DNA changes through natural selection, meaning that only the individuals that are able to cope with it survive. After some time the entire species population is able to nicely cope with the change. There is also a chance that the species will not survive and extinct. In any case, when a species goes extinct, it s not going to danger humans.
So really, what s the problem?