How To Cope Without Friends In School

What do I do on a school trip with no friends?

I am also a 13 year old girl who had to go on a school trip with no friends. My trip lasted 3 days, and they separated the 7th grade into going separate times, so I went the time non of my friends went. I found people sitting alone, so I choose to sit with them, so I wouldn't be alone either. Or I started a friendly conversation with others, and ended up having a few friends there that I made. I am a very shy person but ended up having a good time.
Sit with others that are having the same problem and start talking with them. Just be nice to people and when you are there, you won't even know why you worried about it
Be frindly, and kind, sit with others that are alone, and I'm sure you will have a great time!
Hope I helped you!(:

How to survive high school without friends (I'm a Muslim)?

So hey guys ..
before you call me a terrorist.. I'm from Jordan..
I'm 15 years old and I'm coming to the us .. to NY to be precise..
I'm getting my us citizenship in June you know i130 visa
My question is how can i cope with the bullying and be ok with not having friends?
I am very outgoing and open minded
but people are going to hate me if not kill me because I'm a Muslim and label me as a terrorist
my dad has been through 4 open heart surgeries
mom has a transplanted kidney plus that she has diabetes and we're coming to the us for a better opportunity.. better health care and because we're fed up with arabs
so i think i have enough problems..
what should i do to not be labeled as a terrorist?
Please be kind..
I'm not the government .. I'm not osama bin Laden
I'm just a human don't be rude :c
just give me a piece of advice ..
I do good at school I'm a sophomore and my gpa is 93.0
thank you so much for giving me your time..
peace out :*

How many people here finished high school with no friends?

And I mean not just finishing but going through high school with no friends? I got my GED last year after finishing my junior year since I couldn't take seeing all the people with their groups of friends and me just standing in a corner. I did have a few acquaintances who would say hi every once in awhile but none that could really be considered a friend. It's depressing to look back at my high school life and think of all I missed out on. I guess I could blame it on my social anxiety, avoidant personality, and even selective mutism but that doesn't change the fact that I have no memories to look back on of high school. Right now I feel like I'm the only one who really knows what that's like and I guess I'm just reaching out to see if others like me are out there?

I may post this question again later today if I don't get many answers since it's real early I just had this on my mind and had to write it down.

How a 13 year old girl should cope with having no friends?

I have no friends! My mom pulled me out of my old school because the bullying was too bad and now I'm home schooled! I hate it! I have no social life and when my therapist said to read and watching stories about friendship it gets me depressed! Super depressed, now I don't want to do schoolwork or anything because I'm so depressed, it takes too much energy and I later on cry whenever I see people hanging out with friends
I've always been an "loner" and I feel like somethings wrong with me, OK, I'll admit, I'm not the queen of normal, I don't dress the way normal "super awesome cool" girls do (More of a hot topic girl, not emo or gothic, just unique) Or act the normal 13 year old, I'm much more mature (I'm around my mom all the time) what kid plays around with that magic crap? Like crystal balls, reading tarots, scrying, palm reading, aura reader, even trying to friend the other side! (I'm too desperate, so I'm using my clairaudience to friend these so called "spirits") I don't know what to do with myself, when at the other school, I would change who I am inside, now I don't want to change who I am inside...

My therapist said I need to get friends now, because when I get to High school would be the outcast because my social skills were horrible and I had no friends (it hurts coming from other people's mouth)

P.S I was also called "fat" and ugly" and much much more, everyone says I'm not, but I think I am, I also suffer from Panic Disorder, mild case of OCD, very very serve case of Hypochondria,

I already have school, also I my hobbies are bead making, aura reading, mediumship, knitting, and ballroom dance