How To Craft A Cover Letter Revisited

How can I write a letter to a school principal requesting permission to allow my team to hold a literacy program in her school?

ToThe PrincipalXYZ school nameDateSubject: Starting a literacy program in schoolDear Madam,my name is, (your full name) from company (company name). Today I write this letter to you as I am interested in holding a literacy program in your school alongside with my team. (Give abit of background on the company- what the company offers, costs, why you want to hold the program in her school).Thank you for your attention and I hope to hear back from you soon.Yours sincerely,(your name)

I'm about to graduate from Dev Bootcamp (programming bootcamp); how can I best spend my time job hunting? Is it worth my time to practice programming interviews? Should I take the time to seek out and go to meetups?

I'm a cofounder at Hack Reactor, a school that's fairly similar to DBC.  We work with students directly throughout the job search process until they find success, so I'll give you a very short version of the procedure we generally recommend:Build a portfolio.  You should have:A github profile that establishes that you're able to do this work (20+ practice/learning repos and 1-2 very serious projects/open-source contributions is ideal)A personal site that tells a compelling story about you and includes 2-3 technical essays/blog postsIdeally, 1-2 small professional contracts under your belt.We structure our course to build these materials as a side effect of classroom activity, and advise students not to start the job search until it's done.Get a lot of applications out in a big, big hurry.  You want to reach out to 40-80 companies over a 3-4 day period.  Research companies, don't apply to ones that don't interest you, and customize your applications/emails, but don't spend more than 5 minutes researching anyone, or more than 5 minutes customizing your cover letter.  You want two customized sentences: one about what attracts you to the company, and one about what you'd bring to the role.  (Exception: you may want to put in exceptional effort to 1-2 amazing matches.)  Split your applications 50/50 between reach jobs and safety jobs.  Begin with hiring day companies and your network (you've been collecting cards at meetups for the past several months, right?) and move on to a source like AngelList / Craigslist / etc.Follow up on all applications after two days of inactivity on their end.  Use a service like to remind you.Spend the next 3 days hacking and following up.  (Throughout your job search process, you want to be pushing at least one commit per day to github.)  If you don't have at least 5 interviews scheduled by then, goto 1.  If you drop below 5 interested companies at any time, goto 1.That's all I have time to write at the moment -- sorry!  We should open-source the guides we give students.Good luck :)