How To Cut Back On Carbs

Can you lose weight without cutting carbs?

Instead of dieting, try doing a workout and lots of exercising. Eating badly is unhealthy whereas exercising is healthy and makes you feel better as it releases endorphins :)

Carbs>>big thighs & butt?

You will get energy from all of the above. You don't have to cut out all carbs though. Some carbs are good for you! Your weight is perfect for your height by the way. But if you want to lose weight, it's your body. If you only want to lose weight in your butt and thighs, why not do short workouts for those areas? Most people don't just lose weight in one area.

Why are carbs bad? Which foods are carbs?

First of all, there is no such thing as good or bad foods. There are just foods that are better choices then others. Carbohydrates are not bad; in fact glucose which is your body and brains primary fuel source comes from Carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are found primarily in plants. Fruits, vegetables, grains (wheat, oats, rice ect.) all contain Carbohydrates. All forms of sugars are also Carbohydrates.
Low Carb diets have gained a lot of notoriety due to the rapid weight loss that occurs using these diets. Studies show that after 6mo. there is significantly greater weight loss with low Carb diets then with low calorie diets. However, after one year there is no significant difference between the two. The weight loss on a low Carb diet will taper after about six months where a low calorie diet shows continual weight loss. It has also been found that most low Carb diets tend to be very low in calories which results in weight loss. The reason that weight loss slows after 6 months is believed to be due to an increase in calories due to the difficulty in following a low Carb diet for a long period of time.
Bottom line, it is better not to starve your brain of energy, but rather feed your body the way it is supposed to be fed. Cut back on refined sugars, and simple Carbs while incorporating whole grains and fruits and vegetables. To lose weight moderate portion sizes, cut back on fats particularly saturated fats, incorporate fruits vegetables and whole grains, finally get some exercise. Portion size is key, one of the main problems in America is distorted portions sizes. Super Size Me........... Then wonder why I am overweight.

Does cutting out carbs really work ?

No. Carbohydrates are your body's energy. You need carbohydrates. What you need to do is cut back on "starchy" carbs--bread (limit yourself and eat whole grain bread), pasta (also eat whole grain pasta), potatoes, rice (eat brown rice), and sugar (which converts to fat in the body).

Why does everyone hate carbs?

Since when was weight loss about carbs? It’s all about calories in calories out. These fad diets like Atkins have you bielving you can eat eggs bacon and sausage all day and drink vegetable oil and lose weight cause there’s no carbs. WHy do we bielve this? It’s totally wrong. I guess what I’m asking Is, is weight loss Turley all about CALORIES IN CALORIES OUT? Thanks