How To Cut My Hair Correctly

Why can't hair stylists cut my hair correctly? How can I improve my communication of what I want? (See photo)

Hi Jasmine!Awesome question! And frustrating. Where do I start?Here's my truth: sometimes stylists including myself in the beginning of my career some 20 plus years ago, didn't know what the "hell" they are or were doing. Now that I've got that out of the way let me help you with a successful consultation appointment.Love your pictures.  This is happening all the time.Curly hair can be a bit tricky because it responds differently in climates.  Not only does it respond with precipitation (humidity), it draws up and has a spring-up factor.  That can be bad for the client if the service provider doesn't understand those tiny variables.So, you must challenge what the stylist knows. Performance is second.Be a little bit of a pain in the butt to weed out the non-performers.  Asks questions like:1). What styles work best for my hair type?2).  Why does my hair always do something different when I get home and wash it?3). How to apply products to weigh it down?4).  Will layers help my style or make my hair look big?5).  Should I shampoo curly hair daily?6).  Does it matter if you cut it for a curly style even if you will wear it straight some days?Communication is key.  It's okay to change your mind in the chair if you feel uncomfortable.  Building trust is important.  Another suggestion is to trim your hair (small amounts with the stylists) until you build the trust you need.Cheers to Looking Great,Eva Council DupreeSHEVA.NYC

Is there a way to cut me hair and hide it?

i cant cut my hair. my parents will kill me. I did cut my hair i cut side bangs but there growing and i want to cut them but my mom does my hair and she did found out i made bangs so she told me never to cut my hair again. I'm in 11th and my mom started doing my hair and checking for cutten hair my hair is up to my knees and i want to cut it i never cut it from the bottom so help

How do you cut your own hair?

Of course.  But let me give you some advice, and some modifiers.   Can I learn to cut my own hair, and like it? Highly depends on what type of hair you have and what type of haircut you want.   A short haircut is tough, the evenness and blending of the layers must be very good or you will look like you got attacked by a squirrel.  I have cut my hair to 1 inch once.  I was in the woods and I did it with little Leatherman scissors.  I looked horrid.  After a month it was long enough so I could blend, but that is because I have 20yrs of self hair cutting and my hair is nicely 1 solid color and very straight so it looks better than it is. Longer hair (below ear length) is easier, you do not need it to blend together, you just need it to be even on the bottom.  You can master this with practice. Anything more complicated takes time and practice.  Lots. Can I learn to cut my own hair, in the next year? Yes....but unlikely you'll be able to do anything complicated and look good. Start small - do NOT be too ambitious.  Do NOT cut too much.  Do not attempt bangs.  (I haven't figured out how to tell who the OP is so I'm going to assume you're a girl) Cut just a little bit off, like 1 cm.  Get it perfect, take your time, use hand mirrors to see the back. Move your head and run fingers through your hair to make sure no long sections are hiding.  I find cutting on dry hair is easier than wet.  I cut over my sink and vacuum when I'm done. I only did this type of cutting for the first few years.  As long as it was even on the bottom, nothing else mattered. As I got better, I learned to do more layers, side-swept bangs, de-thicken the back so it falls better.  Because of practice I learned how my hair falls, waves, doesn't wave, what happens when I go short in certain areas, and what my face needs from my hair cut.  For self-cutting, knowing your hair is more important than knowing how to cut. Missteps were frequent.  I have never looked good with any sort of home hair coloring.  I also looked like my mom for a while, nothing bad, she's beautiful, but my haircut was old.  And there was that time I dyed my eyebrows and people thought I had cancer.  Never again. There is no doubt that a professional will not like my haircut.  They will find things wrong with it.  Does the average person?  No, that's good enough for me. Good luck!

Shaving on my vagina correctly?

Yes you are doing it wrong. What you are doing wrong is SHAVING YOUR VAGINA! There has never been a woman who had hair in her vagina. Since it is internal you would have to put the razor inside your body to shave it, and you would probably cut yourself quite badly. Please learn the parts of your body and where hair does and does not grow so you don't continue to look so ignorant.

What would my hair look like if i cut off my ponytail?

no. lol ive tried that. what you have to do is go in front of a mirror and bring your hair in front of you (part it in the middle and then bring it over your shoulders) then look very straight into the mirror and cut a straight line. If you do this correctly your hair will be perfectly straight.

How should I convince my parents to have a hair cut (I am a Sikh boy)?

If your parents are like my Catholic parents when I was young, you probably can’t.Religious parents believe it is their duty to their children to bring them up following the practices of their religion.If I understand correctly, leaving hair uncut is an important part of following your parents religion.I rebelled against attending church and the fasting rules of my parents religion.It caused a lot of arguments and bad feelings, until I realized it was a battle I could not win. I was only making our relationship worse, because once they were mad at me about church, it was easier for them to find fault in my schoolwork or household chores too.So I just stopped complaining and went along with it outwardly. Once I was old enough to make my own choices, I did.Unless you can find some loophole in your religion’s rules that allow it, you’re probably better off waiting to cut your hair until you are grown. If you do it without permission, every time they see you it will start the bad feelings all over again.I know it may seem like a long time until you can make your own decisions, but looking back decades to my childhood, I am glad I pretended to respect my parents about their religion. It was very important to them, and they had done it for the right reason.

Do you prefer men or women cutting your hair? Why?

This is an interesting question. I personally don't have a preference related to gender, but I am aware that this isn't true across the board. I think the reason it matters to people primarily relates to how they view human touch. If you're a woman who doesn't often experience nonsexual touch from men, I do think it would be easy to feel uncomfortable with having a man cut or style your hair. If you're a heterosexual man who primarily experiences touch as sexual, you might prefer to not to have your hair cut and styled by a man due to homophobia or homosexual confusion. In places where nonsexual touch among adults is uncommon, people may subconsciously frame this kind of touch as sexual, despite knowing it is not. Another way this can go is for a person to frame the touch as being motherly, in which case they tend to be more comfortable with a female stylist. So much depends on how you view touch in general. I used to be a massage therapist, so I am very aware of how common it is for people to feel uncomfortable being touched, especially by a virtual stranger. Setting has a lot to do with a person's comfort level. Many men who would never go to a chi-chi salon to have their hair cut by an effeminate man might be perfectly comfortable having it cut by a fatherly man at the local barbershop. Context is really everything for many people.Personally, I choose a stylist based on quality, price, and personality. The best stylist I have ever had was a black lesbian. I have thick, naturally curly hair, and she knew exactly how to cut and style it so that it didn't just look good, but that it would continue to look good, with minimal attention. She used to tell me, "Honey, don't ever let a white woman cut your hair. They won't know what to do with it." I laughed, but it turned out to be good advice to follow.

Why does my Epilator cut the hairs not pluck?

I have the braun silk epil and it works great for me. I know 2 things that caused me problems at first is if I used the the cover that has the massaging roller things on it.....that cover is crap for me. Theres the other one that lets you get closer to the skin works much better. Also, use it on high speed, not the slower one if you are. Other then that maybe watch what angle you are using it at. It wouldnt be cutting the hairs.....possibly breaking them......either that or maybe its plucking some and you are noticing ones that are just coming folicals run on different growth cycles.

Really the only time i didnt feel completely smooth from epilateing is when i was using the guard with the wouldnt get everything right. Otherwise, if i can feel it or see it, the epilator can pick it up.

Why can’t I cut hair with scissors after watching the act for so long? How many cuts does it take to get it right?

It looks pretty basic right! Cutting paper straight line, piece of cake. Fabric, come on, no sweat. Flowers do it with eyes closed.So pick up a scissors and make as if you're about to start cutting. Now look at the scissors in your hand, what fingers are you using to move each blade? This you see is the difference between a lay person and a hair cutter.I presume your thumb is slotted into the top part of one blade with the hole, that your finger fits into. Then either your index or middle finger is slotted into the hole section, at the top end of the opposite blade.By doing a pinching motion of your thumb and other finger, the blades cross over one other & slice through whatever is between them.What hair cutters do differently is, we use our thumb and ring finger (attached photo). By using these two fingers one has far more mobility, flexibility as well as control when using scissors.Of course our shears are much smaller and sharper than an average kitchen scissors. They are made with superior metals and are a finely balanced piece of equipment.Dropping one's scissors is a nightmare for a hairdresser, if the scissors falls at an awkward angle it can result in permanent damage to them.Another factor to using the shears correctly is, the top blade should do most of the up down action, while the bottom blade should hardly move much at all. The blades should come together with a constant pressure during cutting.So before you even attempt to try and cut any hair, first get comfortable and used to handling the scissors correctly. Then maybe get a hair cutter to start you off with some lessons and try cutting dolls hair first methinks.