How To Deal With Hating Your Used To Be Best Friend Desperate Help

My best friends "sister" hates me?

It's ruining our friendship!
My best friends boyfriends half sister hates me and it's really upsetting me.
I've only met her twice for a few hours each time.
The first time she was so lovely to me and put her arm around me and said I'm such a good friend to her boyfriends girlfriend and that she's glad she's made a friend as she moved all the way down the country to live with him and doesn't know anyone here.
The next time I met her she was completely different with me and would hardly look at me or speak to me. Whenever my friend would leave the room if I tried to talk to her she just ignored me.
I spoke to my friend about her behavior a few weeks later when I felt brave enough to as I didn't want to upset her and she openly told me that she has a problem with me and doesn't like me and thinks I'm bad for her. She can't give a reason why but just says I'm "bad" for her and doesn't think she should be friends with me!
Why was she so kind to my face the first time and then so mean behind my back after?
My friend said that her "sister" said she didn't like me as soon as she met me and yet she was DESPERATE to meet me for so long!
It's getting me down and my friend said she's also been making fun of anything she can about me like my name, my laugh, my boyfriends appearance etc. it's so hurtful.
She's 10 years older than my friend she's 30 and I'm 5 years younger than her so in the middle of both of them at 25.
I also work with my friend so see her nearly every day.

My best friend hates me and wont tell me why? Help?

On Monday my best friend, Melia and my friend, Taylor, got in a fight, a REALLY BAD ONE, and I walked home with both of them keeping them away from each other. The next day I meet my other best friend, Rosie, where we usually meet. I look at her and she looks at me and just walks away. I ask her "Hey why are you walking away?" and she said "I'm walking with Taylor." And I said "Did you hear about her and Melia fighting?" And she said "Yeah. She told me a lot of things. And I'm taking her side on this. She told me a lot of things, and I'm really disappointed." So I said " what do you mean? I wasn't the one who got in a fight! Are you mad at ME?" And she said yes and just walked away. So I find Taylor and I ask her what's up and she completely ignores me! So at the end of the day I got Taylor talking and she said her and Rosie have no reason to be mad at me, they just felt like being mad at me. so I said well wtf so are you mad still? And she said no and we walked home together. We became friends again and I told her to tell Rosie to stop hating me and she said ok. The next day Rosie still wouldn't talk to me. When I finally got her talking I said "me and Taylor are friends. You can stop hating me now." And she said " Leave me the **** alone. I still hate you for a different reason." And she would not tell me why!!!!!!

P.S. I already tried writing her a note and it wouldn't work.

I tried to help my friend but now she hates me.?

I'm a freshman in high school. When I found out that my friend had an eating disorder and she showed me her shoulder where she cut herself every night, I was horrified. She even tried to cut herself in front of me. She then told me about how cutting controls her and she uses fish formula as a laxative. We talked for over 2 hours about the whole thing. At the end, she made me promise not to tell anyone. I asked her what her plan was and she didn't have an answer. After mulling this over for a few hours, I decided the only thing to do was tell the school counselor so she could get professional help. I also figured that the only reason she told me was as a subconscious cry for help. Why on earth would she cut herself IN FRONT of me?!
When I came back to school the next day, she cornered me and said that she got called in and knew that someone had snitched. She said she knew it was me. I admitted that I had told the counselor, and she went crazy. She said that I was a horrible friend, and she cussed me out. She told me that I was a coward and a *****, she was an idiot to trust me, and she hope that she'll never meet anyone as two-faced, hypocritical, and bitchy as me. I tried to explain that I was doing what I thought would help her because I was worried about her, but she wouldn't listen and said I had lied when I said I cared about her.
After that, I learned later that day that she had told all our mutual friends what had happened. They seemed a little distant, like they don't want to take sides.
I did, and still do, stand by my decision to tell the counselor. She sounded borderline suicidal when I talked to her. But now she hates me, and I think my other friends are disappointed in me for breaking my promise not to tell anyone.
What should I do? Was I wrong to tell?

My best friend cuts for attention?

So my best friend is super popular. Has a boyfriend that puts up with her liking other guys and constantly dumping him, and he adores her anyway. She has a billion friends and they all love and support her. She's gorgeous but she thinks she's fat even tho she is way thinner than me and I don't consider myself fat at all. The other day she dumped her bf and all his friends ganged up on her. I can understand she probablly felt like ****, and honestly he's done a lotta bad stuff so his friends had no right. Well somehow she thinks bc these 2 guys who she never talked to anyway didnt like her that equals everyone hating her.
Now, I know people have self esteem issues. I do. And I've been there for her whenever she needs it but earlier this year everyone DID hate me. Really. She and 2 other people were the only ones in school i talked to bc I got into a big thing with this very popular girl. Well she wasn't there for me and didn't stand up for me. So now she's making a big deal out of something small that happened on a larger scale to me but didn't matter. She's done this before, too.
Well she goes home and cuts herself. Next day, she comes in and shows everyone how she "forgot" to put all her bracelets on. At lunch she shows me the cuts. I felt awful, she's my best friend I don't want her to cut. But by the end of the day half her class knows. She was saying something about someone she told and when I asked who she didn't even remember she'd told so many people. She told her ex who's still chasing after her that she was going to do it again tonight. She put pictures of her wrist on tumblr!
As someone who has cut before, I know what its like to fee desperate. I know its addicting. I know it all, I really do. But I only told one person, someone I trusted with all my secrets. And she figured it out. Thats two people compared to the 30-something that knows about her. Anyone else think its for attention?
I want to help her. She's my best friend. But I can't stand that she wants people to pay attention to her this bad. She already has 10x more friends than I do. What should I do?

Why do I end up hating all my friends?

I am 18, will start my second year of college this fall. I am very introverted and shy, and I am always desperate to make friends so I don't feel lonely. But it seems like whenever I meet a new person, I really like them and we get along for a while and become friends, but after a while I get really annoyed with them and just want them to leave me alone. Maybe I am just making friends with the wrong people, but this seems to apply to every kind of person. I don't understand, why do I have this feeling like I need to make friends if I just end up hating them? I feel bad too because they are all nice people and I don't want to hurt their feelings.

How can I help a friend understand how she presents herself as desperate while dating?

One of the best ways I’ve found to do this, if your friend is not too lost mentally, is to show them someone who you both know who does the same thing, and begin discussing them with your friend with some very well-crafted questions. For example, if she uses a site like Tinder, ask your friend who the person you’re using as an example can expect to meet or end up with. After several questions, if your friend hasn’t figured out that you’re talking about her, come out and tell her. Start with kindness. This doesn’t always work. If you know your friend well, we all have a language we speak that we resort to under duress. For example if our parents communicated by yelling, your best bet may be to communicate your point in that fashion.

What should I do if my best friend replaced me?

Become self dependent, and only depend on yourself for happiness. Prepare for the worst case scenario, hope for the best case scenario. But seriously, the way your question is asked, it is something you must learn in life that friends and best friends will change and not always be your best friend. If they are replacing you, don’t take it personally. Do not change yourself to try and be like the new friend. Embrace yourself and your personality and find those people that are drawn to you. Don’t be that friend who is desperate and jealous and melo-dramatic. It will only make things worse.You cant force anyone to feel a certain way about you, so you basically should do nothing and let life play out.I can say i have personally experienced this sorta thing when a ex girlfriend of mine was my best friend and i felt like we were drifting apart and she dumped me in the end. Jealousy is such a miserable emotion, and the irony is that it makes the thing you fear get worse. It will make you act immature and childish and unpleasant to be around. On the flip side, when you finally get over it and feel the freedom of not caring about a former relationship, its like getting out of a cage and it feels so good. I don’t know your exact situation and im not saying you should just stop caring or burn bridges, i am just sharing this experience because i learned never to invest too much happiness in someone else’s control, because you are at their mercy.