How To Deal With High Bp When You Are In Your Early 20

OMG!!! my blood pressure early was sky high? it was 130/100? 37 weeks and 5 days pregnant,help?

oh ****!! you sound like me when i was preggo with my son at 37.5 wks. they had to induce me because i had hypertension. i had the cankles and my face swell up.. you need to go to the doctor NOW!! thats dangerous!! sorry i cussed, but you need to go see a doctor now. after all you are pregnant and having to deal with a sorry *** man.. i would go.. thats what happend to me.. it runs im my family too. i didnt think it existed until i was at the ER and them telling me that i needed to calm down and not to worry.. i was worried about ALOT....i'll keep you in my prayers though!

I have high BP and I am just 23. Am I in a really complicated situation?

My parents had hypertension (Hbp) at a young age too.First and foremost, DO NOT start with elopathical medicine. They will kill you in the long term and they will never cure your condition, instead they will make your body addicted to it so that whenever you skip a day of medication your BP will rise fatally. I have a family experience, I have a lot of insight in this matter.YOGA:  this is some shit that totally lowers your blood pressure bringing it back to normal. Specially Pranayama. (Breathing exercises. )MEDICATION:  this is a dangerous condition hence, you do need medicines, but of the right kind. Both Ayurveda and Homeopathy have permanent cures for this condition. But Elopathy has a temporary suppressing cure with tons of side effects. Opt for either homeopathy or ayurveda. They take their time but they cure you once and for all.PRECAUTIONS: Do not workout heavily or let your sweat too much. Pressure on the blood vessels might rupture them or you might suffer a stroke unexpectedly because of this. Always carry water everywhere with you. Always keep yourself extremely hydrated. Your body needs more water than us.Do Not have salty food. Salt will lodge into your cells and as soon as you consume watery substances, your body will swell due to endosmosis which is extremely dangerous for your blood vessels as it will increase the pressure on them which can fatally damage them. Hence avoid salty food at home and completely avoid salty oily fast food, they have the worst kind of salt. People with HBP have a special low iodised salt that you get in medical stores. Consume that.Heat: avoid it. When the weather is hot avoid going out doors. Avoid consuming hot food and drinks. Even hot water. Keep your body temperature as normal as possible. Or your chances of suffering a stroke increases.Stress: Avoid it. Completely. Do not fret over anything ever. Try to stay as happy as possible. And SPECIALLY avoid being concerned with your blood pressure.Fats : fatty tissues will increase your BP tremendously, try to stay as lean as possible. Diet (only fresh fruits and vegetables) and workout (only yoga) don't try any other ways to lose weight. This condition is curable. My family members have lived long enough to prove that. Just follow the above and practical Yogasanas and seek Ayurvedic or Homeopathic help. And you be all cured and back to normal before you even know it.

High Blood Pressure in early 20's?

As others mentioned, going to the dentist and being in pain after spraining your ankle are probably not the ideal condition to check blood pressure. The systolic blood pressure (the higher number) is particularly sensitive to stress hormones (such as adrenaline) which are released when you are stressed, emotional, or in pain.

So if you are truly concerned, you should get your blood pressure rechecked on a more "typical" day. The best is to see a doctor, but there are other free ways of checking your blood pressure -- many drug stores have automated machines (although they may not be accurate if they haven't been calibrated in a while), and as a last resort, you can go donate blood where they'll check your blood pressure for free! ;-)

Don't stop at Yahoo Answers. Go read more about high blood pressure at the American Heart Association site:

Finally, while the majority of people with high blood pressure have what we call "essential hypertension", there are other causes of high blood pressure, especially in younger individuals. We call these "secondary hypertension". In these instances, high blood pressure is caused by some other problems in the body, such as kidney disease, thyroid problems, adrenal problems, or congenital conditions. But don't try to diagnose these yourself -- doctors went to medical schools for a reason....

Good luck!

What should I do to deal with low blood pressure?

For many people, chronic low blood pressure can be effectively treated with diet and lifestyle can increase your blood pressure by making these simple changes:Eat a diet higher in salt.Drink lots of nonalcoholic fluids.Limit alcoholic beverages.Drink more fluids during hot weather and while sick with a viral illness, such as a cold or the flu .Have your doctor evaluate your prescription and over-the-counter medications to see if any of them are causing your symptoms.Get regular exercises to promote blood flow.Be careful when rising from lying down or sitting. To help improve circulation, pump your feet and ankles a few times before standing up. Then proceed slowly. When getting out of bed, sit upright on the edge of the bed for a few minutes before standing.Elevate the head of your bed at night by placing bricks or blocks under the head of bed.Avoid heavy lifting.Avoid straining while on the toilet.Avoid standing still in place for long periods of time.Avoid prolonged exposure to hot water, such as hot showers and spas. If you get dizzy, sit down. It may be helpful to keep a chair or stool in the shower in case you need to sit; to help prevent injury, use a nonslip chair or stool designed for use in showers and bath tubs.To avoid problems with low blood pressure and lessen episodes of dizziness after meals, try eating smaller, more frequent meals. Cut back on carbohydrates. Rest after eating. Avoid taking drugs to lower blood pressure before meals.If needed, use elastic support (compression) stockings that cover the calf and thigh. These may help restrict blood flow to the legs, thus keeping more blood in the upper body.

High blood pressure has obvious early warning sign?

too much of a blanket statement. It depends how high the blood pressure is. Most high blood pressure will not have symptoms until it starts causing damage. That's why you go for checkups... to pick things like this up where there aren't symptoms yet.

If you had a shockingly high blood pressure, you could have headaches, nosebleeds, etc, or even just a straight up haemorrhagic stroke or other bleed internally as a blood vessel bursts at the site of damage or aneurysm. This requires either extremely high blood pressure and/or blood vessel abnormalities that pre-exist.

Rapid heart rate and high blood pressure at 19?

The cause of quite a few heart beat abnormalities can be caused by hyperthyroidism. There are many instances of resting heart beats of 180 in extreme cases. So have them check your heart , but have a T4 test . that will check for thyroid abnormalities. My brother developed this problem and over time was bordering on 169 -180 resting heart beats with blood pressure of 150 over 110. He is a big man and lost 100 pounds in 6 months before he saw a doctor.

Anyone took Nifedipine (procardia, adalat) during early third trimester?

I just got out of the hospital for preterm labor (27 weeks) and I'm worried that if I take this stuff nifedipine that it can cause birth defects. I'm not on restricted activities, I was dialated to 1 cm and they stopped the contractions. I am taking 10 mg (they gave me 20 mg but it was making me feel really bad). They also diagnosed me with high blood pressure (I had it occasionally before I was pregnant, but I'm not overweight and I am physically fit). Is this stuff going to cause birth defects??? I'm afraid to ask the doc because they work for the drug companies.

I just found out that I have high blood pressure, can I take Hydroxycut Hardcore X?

My doctor told me yesterday that ive had high blood pressure, but I was wondering if I could start Hydroxycut Hardcore X safely and still be able to manage my blood pressure. Thanks:) any info helps!