How To Deal With Jealous People At Work

How do you deal with jealous people at workplace?

Simply ignore them. Do the best job you can at work and keep your eye on the prize. Always remember that jealous people will do anything they can to see you falter and fail so keep your eye on them as well. Don't feed into their negativity too much because your main focus should be doing your job to the best of your ability. Love you, do you, be you, celebrate you. Never let others who want to be you, or wish they were you get you down!!!
Peace, Love & Happiness

How to deal with jealous people who are keeping me from succeeding?

All of this will pass in time. You still are under the direction of your family.
Patience is all you can have now.

There is little that you can do to change the way your Dad responds or your Mom either. You might see if you can talk him (in particular) around to organic/free range if he insists on meat in your diet. It is more expensive, but we in North America eat too much meat anyway. (Vegans would argue that it is not necessary at all )
Do some research and present your case logically to him. If he is health conscious, he may agree with you, so you will have made some progress in improving your diet and health.
Vegan may be too big a leap for them at this time. Try some 'baby-steps" toward the goal. If not organic food, then try to eat primarily vegetarian. You could possibly make some inroads there. I am suggesting one step at a time for the family. Reducing the meat and increasing veg, fruit and whole grains. It is an easier sell.

I have to say that you probably need new friends if they are assuming you cheated to get the marks. Join some clubs at school, where you are more likely to find others who actually prefer to study. Then you would have a better friend support system.

You sister...
She is stressed out with her own problems and probably just mouthed off at you.
Back off and give her some consideration and space. She is feeling the test is hanging over her and it is making her nervous. If you want to study for the MCAT, then by all means, do so, but don't make a big deal about it and keep it to yourself. It is great that you are on top of things. She is perhaps not as prepared as you will be.

Learning to make adjustments is not easy. But sooner or later you will be on your own and be able to rule your life with greater control. In the meantime, you need to make the best of the situation you are in.
I hope my suggestions will be useful and that you can come to some compromise with the family.
Remember that they love you and that conflict is the normal human condition. It is what we do with that condition that proves whether or not we have the right stuff!

Best of luck!

How do I deal with jealous coworkers?

One of the bosses just loves me. And a few people hate me because of this. They also hate the fact that I make more credit then they do? I have confronted the two people. The one girl said she likes me but she was lying but I don't care. The other one wanted to me stay an hour after I got off. So that we could talk so she could tell me why she doesn't like me. Should I transfer jobs? I'm sure another Kohls would take me. I'm top in credit. What do I do?

How to deal with envious people and jealous people?

Well, it depends on how bad it is, I guess.

If its the type of jealousy where people go out of their way to sabotage you, then just stay the heck away from them at all times. If you can't break the relationship completely, just stay cordial with them and keep them at arms length. You don't want that sort of person involved in your private life, and you don't want to give out anything they could use as leverage against you, so things like leaving them alone in your room or with your laptop or something like that should be avoided like the plague.

If its something more benign, where it just strains the relationship a bit, just try to gently smooth over whatever topic they're jealous over. So things like going up to them really exited about a new development and trying to celebrate, or just talking obvious pride in it in front of them, should be avoided.

That doesn't mean never bringing it up or quickly changing topics though, because if this is a friend, they may feel pretty insulted that you didn't bring it up with them but still told everyone else. If you just act like its no big deal, or at least tone down the excitement, and don't do anything that they could see as you "rubbing it in their face" in their jealousy, then they won't be able to latch onto it as easily.

If the benign form sours and gets worse over time, though, and there is no way to talk it out or make it better, its best to drop the contact.

How do you deal with a jealous coworker?

I have a colleague who is a very jealous person. She is supposedly an equal of mine, she gets all of the attention and praise, but when I receive any attention she is there to twist the dagger with a comment or action. I also think that she may be poisoning me behind my back to my bosses. I cannot escalate the issue to anyone higher up, there are 2 bosses and it will blow up in my face if I say anything bad or complain about her. I am currently looking for another job but I want to be able to hang in there in the interim and not let her get to me.

How to deal with a jealous coworker?

So, neutrality makes it worse....well right there that tells you she needs a reaction from you. She has a need to take you down a peg.

I've got to commend you on your charity, seeing the greater need in her life & putting up with the misery for her family's sake. Not many people would do that.

Unless you are willing to test the limits of your patience, I cannot see much you can do here that is honorable. By that I mean, if you faked a crying jag to let her think she finally got to you, she may back off...meh, silly idea...she'd probably only get worse.

There is also the kissing her butt route...take her for coffee & make her your BFF...

You did mention that others can antimidate her verbally & with body language and she backs off. Is what they do somewhat distasteful to you, or could you copy them?

If it were me, I'm pretty sure I'd confront her. Tell her the behaviour I've documented, explain how it's impacted me....explain that I understand her situation & don't want to make an official complaint, unless she forces my hand & demand an explanation in there somewhere....sometimes we may say or do something another takes as a personal insult without even realizing it, she may think she has a legit beef with could be that simple that she's felt slighted by you & doesn't have the skills or maturity to properly verbalize it.

Good luck.

How do you handle jealous people?

Is best to ignore them. Let their jealousy and hatred burn their souls.

How do I deal with jealous people if ignoring is not an option?

There could be so many answers to that. Wearing a black thread around your neck or wrist is one option. Wearing the right kind of gemstone is another. Always covering your third eye( the point between 2 eyes on your forehead) by some cold cream or vaseline is another.On the emotional part, jealous people survive on your attention. They want to be complimented by you, they feel they are competing with them. If you really know who is jealous of you, you walk towards that person and compliment them about something they feel they have but they actually don’t have. They will be powerless.They won’t be able to feel jealous or bad about you that moment onwards. Being an astrologer, I would suggest protect yourself instead of correcting others.Own yourself.