How To Deal With Mean Inlaws When A Baby

How to deal with a mother-in-law?

My mother in law has a ver narcissistic personality. Everything is always about her or no one at all. She says hateful things to my husband then turns it around to be his fault. Luckily she lives 8 hours away! My dilemma is this; I gave birth to my son 3 weeks ago which should have been a joyous moment. My husbands father was the only one in the ENTIRE family that kept in touch during the pregnancy to make sure we were doing well (mother and father are divorced). His dad even came out for my induction to be there for the birth of his first grandchild. When his mother (who never once got in touch with us leading up to the birth) found out her ex husband was here visiting she drove 8 hours to come out here. She showed up to our house our first night home at 10pm and then became angry when we didn't stay up and keep our newborn up until the middle of the night. She even brought her boyfriend and daughter so we had to find a place for them to sleep late at night. The next morning we had to take our son for lab work at the hospital so I had to feed him before we left(I was breastfeeding so I stayed in our room obviously) his mom got angry and left. She drove a total of 16 hours and wasn't even here 10. She then had to nerve to text me saying how horribly we treated her and she was inconvenienced by driving so far for us to be so rude. I tried to explain I was sorry she didn't get more time with the baby but she continued to text nasty comments to me even after I stopped responding to her. Now we are scheduled to go out to visit his whole family and I do not feel comfortable taking my child into her environment while she is so emotionally unstable. She attempted suicide 3 times(and I say this lightly because she admitted to just trying to get attention) and when she is angry she will leave her cell phone off and drive and park somewhere just to make people worry. I hate keeping my son from a grandmother but how in my right mind do I allow him to be around her when most of the family agrees she is a danger to herself and more importantly, obsessed with hurting those she is angry with. What would you do in this case?

What am I to my sister-in-laws' baby?

If you are blood related to either parent you are Aunt. But if you are married to her sibling, you are Auntie in law. You will not be regarded as aunt if you have no relationship or respect for that sibling and or do not act like a “sister” or “brother” to your in-law.

Help how to talk to your in-laws?

My husband and i are having baby number 2. Our first child is 6, but anyway when we had our first one my husbands grandmother and mother held her all the time, and gave her a BAD BAD case of lap colic. It was so bad even the doctor said something about it. how do i tell them they are not doing that with this one without being mean. i mean i love them but my husband goes to school and works so it will be hard already with out help, and they live next door, I fill like i didn't get a chance to raise my first one. Cause they helped all the time or had us out there ALLLL the time. what do i do??

How do I cope with my controlling in laws who won't allow my baby to travel with me?

First of all, where is your spouse in all this? You and your spouse, not your in-laws, should be making decisions about your children. Your in-laws are free to offer advice, but the final decision rests with you two. If your spouse is on your in-laws' side, not yours, then your problem is with your spouse, not your in-laws.Second, what is their rationale for the things they're doing? I can think of good reasons to try to prevent a parent from traveling with a child. Where are you traveling? Is it dangerous? Do you struggle to care for your child while traveling? I'm not saying they have the right to forbid you from doing this, but if you understand their reasons, you may be able to discuss it with them more productively.Anyway, how you respond depends on how exactly they're controlling you.If you mean they tell you not to do things, but there are no real consequences for contradicting their instructions, then you do what you like regardless of their wishes. You politely explain why you chose to do what you did, and then let them feel as pissed off as they like.If you mean they actually prevent you from doing things, like hiding your car keys so you can't drive away, or if they punish you when you behave in ways they dislike, then you restructure your life so they no longer have this power over you. Do you live with them? Move out. Do you rely on them financially? Build your independence. These things take time, so start making a plan and laying the groundwork now. Again, you need buy-in from your spouse, so if your spouse thinks your in-laws' behavior is fine and dandy, your problem is with your spouse, and that's where you need to address it.

What do I do when my in-laws ridicule or insult me? I'm living with my in-laws for about 2 weeks since my partner and I just had a baby boy. However, everybody has been passing remarks and taunting me? What should I do?

You are living with your boyfriend’s parents (if you get married they will be your in-laws). Where did you live before the baby was born? Is your partner there with you? Are there more people in the house that also pass remarks and taunt you and is your husband one of them (you said “everybody”). What kinds of things do they say? Does he allow these remarks to be said without standing up for you, or is he gone when the family says these things? I guess I have more questions than answers. I don’t mean to be blunt or rude. But are these people what, 12? What kind of people taunt the mother of their new grandson?? Even if they’re not exactly thrilled with the situation, the first few weeks everyone should be making an effort to be at least a little bit kind and polite.If your partner is there, you and he need to have a hard discussion, NOW. If he is not aware of what his parents are up to, or if he is and hasn’t had the balls to tell them to knock it off, he needs to grow a pair. You and the baby are very vulnerable right now. You need to heal and regain your strength, and both you and your baby need as little stress as possible right now. I realize that you are a guest in their home, but that doesn’t give them the right to treat you as though you were less than human. And you and he need to make a list of the steps it will take to get all 3 of you out of there and into a place of your own. It could be a very big struggle. If he isn’t working, it will be nearly impossible, unless you qualify for rent assistance. To find out if you can get help (if you are in the US), you can go online and look for the DSHS online portal for your state. You may qualify for emergency services if your situation is intolerable and you have little income. I don’t know if that’s an issue but I thought I’d throw that out there.

Hiccups mean that the baby peed?

So my inlaws are repeatedly telling me that I probably need to change my newborns diaper because he is hiccuping and hiccuping means he peed. I think that sounds absurd. But i check it anyways. Its rediculous how often he gets hiccups though every time he does it couldnt mean he peed!! Have you ever heard of this? Do you think it's true? Why??

Had a dream my sister-inlaw was pregnant. What does this mean? My spouse and I have been discussing more?

Could be you are exploring creative aspects of yourself that are masculine in nature.

Creation - Baby Aspect - Sister in Law Boy - male