How To Develop Self Confidence And Self Discipline

Does the ARMY teach discipline and self-confidence like the Marines?

The Marines would be your best choice.

1. What role do you think discipline plays in developing a child’s self-esteem? What forms of discipline best?

I think discipline plays a huge role in developing a child's self-esteem - not forgetting, of course, that discpline means to teach and guide, as opposed to punishment. Punishment can totally compromise and demolish a child's self esteem. Discipline, when done correctly, can increase a child's self-esteem.

How do you learn self-discipline?

Practice, and lots of it! Listen and follow your conscience. When you know you shouldn't be eating or doing something, just don't do it and distract yourself or replace it with a good habit. As far as eating goes, start slow and set small goals, and when you develop good eating habits give yourself one meal or one day a week to splurge, so you don't totally neglect yourself. Same goes for exercising.

I have no self discipline. How do i gain that?

Easy to do, just work on it a little every day using the information you find here:

You will need enough discipline to carefully and thoughtfully read about five pages...

You set goals and then work on them. You conceive of yourself as able to do so because it has been done by countless others having similar human genetic backgrounds.

There is mysterious help from above when you do this, and that makes it all the more easier. Work on your goals a little bit every day, and a lot on some days, as opportunity presents. It is like painting a house, there are rainy days when you cannot work, but you cannot let all the others slide by without doing anything. Step by step one goes a long way.

Life is like paddling a canoe upstream, he who does not advance, recedes. You can still pull into the shore a take a rest now and again, but effort is what gets you there!