How To Disable Autoplay Of Videos In Yahoo

Can i turn off auto-play video on


How do you disable autoplay in Windows Live Movie Maker DVDs?

Are you using Save Movie>Burn DVD on WLMM's Home tab? It sounds like you've just burned what's called a data DVD, just burned the movie straight onto a DVD without "authoring" it, without making a "playable" DVD that just displays the menu and waits for "Play" to be clicked.

The "Burn DVD" option in WLMM is 2 steps. First, your project is saved as a high quality video then Windows DVD Maker opens and you process the playable DVD (including making a menu).

You can also save your project as a movie without using Home tab>Save Movie>Burn DVD (but the quality won't be as good) and then use Windows DVD Maker or another DVD Authoring program to make a playable DVD. But (there's always a "but":-) you cannot just burn your video onto a DVD.

Here's a tutorial for using Windows DVD Maker. You can find others by searching on YouTube.

How do I disable Youtube Autoplay?

I was searching for an answer to this and came across your question. As I have found no solution I decided to make my own using AutoHotKey.
My program searches for windows with "YouTube" in the title, then looks for the highlighted Autoplay icon (screenprinted and saved into the folder in the code). If it finds it it clicks it.

This is working in Chrome and Firefox. Isn't tested in other browsers. The icon colour was a shade or two different in FF than Chrome so am not sure how other browsers will show the icon.

If anyone is more interested in this, read up on autohotkey so you know my code is not malicious. You'll also need to download the main program from them. You can just make a text file and paste this code in, rename it .ahk and it should work:

RunAsAdmin() ; this is needed so that BlockInput works on win7 with any but the lowest level of UAC
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 ; moves mouse pointer fastest
SetTitleMatchMode 2 ; title match mode set to "contains"
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative ; set mouse and screen coords to Relative (to window) mode

SetTimer, CheckForYouTube, 200 ; set timer to check for YouTube window/tab every interval (500 default)

CheckForYouTube: ; this routine is run every interval

WinGetActiveTitle, title ; get active window name, store in %title%

IfInString, title, YouTube ; if %title% contains "YouTube" then do the next stuff
WinGetPos, , , Width, Height, A ; store width and height of active window in variables
ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0,0, Width, Height, *3 H:\Software\Games\AutoHotKey Scripts\Media\Youtube_Autoplay_Icon.PNG ... look for named image (the active Autoplay icon) in active window, store coords
if ErrorLevel = 0 ; image found if errorLevel=0
BlockInput On ; Blocks mouse and k/b input while auto-clicking happens
Sleep 5
MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos ; Store mouse coords for later
Sleep 20
Click %FoundX%, %FoundY% ; Click the place where the Autoplay icon was found
Sleep 20
MouseMove, xpos, ypos ; Move mouse back
Sleep 20
BlockInput Off ; Give control back to user


^R::reload ; reload script (CTRL +R)
^Z::exitApp ; Exit script (CTRL+Z)

Can Videos Autoplay On PS3?

Try going to video settings.

On The bottom of the menu, turn on sequential playback.

That should do it.

How to turn off autoplay on console versions of Youtube?

Check your settings on the main screen (I'm assuming you're speaking about Xbox), it's to the right, I'm sure there is an option to switch off Auto-play

How to stop autoplay?

LOL. Okay. You don't really need an add-on for this, when you get into the video, while it's still loading, just press pause and tab out. It'll continue loading the rest of the clip whilst remaining paused.

How can you have an embedded video autoplay (on myspace for example)?

autoplay disabled for hulu.

you can enable it for youtube vids though

just google how to do that

For desktop users follow the steps belowStep one: First open the Facebook page i.e your own account and then go to the settings. You can find this “setting” option just above the “log out” option.Step two: When you done with that in the bottom at the left column you will see a “Video” Option click on that.Step three: Now you will see a “auto-play video” option . At the right corner you will be able to see “default” option just click on that.Step four: when you clicked on the default option you can choose from “default”, “on” and “off”. So click on the off option to switch off Facebook auto play.Now for the mobile users here are the easy steps to switch off Facebook auto play.Step one: First you have to visit your “App settings” by clicking “view my profile”.Step two: In the setting option you can choose between to switch off Facebook auto play completely or you can again select between mobile data and WiFi. I have written a blog post in my blog describing the steps with screen shots.Follow the link >> How to switch off Facebook auto play

How to disable AGC (Automatic Gain Control) on Canon 650D/T4i?

The answer my friend is not blowin' in the wind* - its in the Owner's Manual for your camera. Look in the section for shooting video and you should find the answer.

* I was channeling Bob Dylan.

Any Media Down works fine for copying or downloading facebook videos into your device, than you can share them using whatsapp, skype or whatever.IMPORTANT: You may need to use Firefox or any browser that allows video download (other than Chrome and safari).Follow these easy 3 steps:1- Open the Facebook video and copy the video linkOn your mobile phone or tablet, click the share button than 'Copy Link'On your PC/Mac, Right-click the Video then 'Copy Video URL'2- Go to Any Media Down and paste the link and hit the right blue download button:3. Select the video quality (eg. 720P) to prompt the video to download into your default "Downloads" folder:For good quality, select 720P or higher, More the quality is better, more the video size is biggerFor more information please visit : How To Download Facebook Videos