How To Express The Vertical Order

What is meant by vertical order traversal of a tree? What is the exact and forma definition of vertical order traversal?

Look at the below image and see if it helps.Refer for more details and program: Print a Binary Tree in Vertical Order. Find Vertical Sum of given Binary Tree.

Rain is falling vertically with speed of 35m/s. A women rides a bicycle with a speed of 12m/s in an East to West direction. In which direction should she hold her umbrella?

in order to travel at 12 m/s (43 km/h or 27 MPH) this lady should be a very experienced and strong cyclist. She will be riding a road racing bicycle and she will be leaning down on the handlebars to keep a very aerodynamic position.In order to reach 12 m/s on a bicycle you need to exert a great effort and you must be very concentrated on what you are doing, especially under the rain. Both your hands will be on the bars, and close to the brake levers.Raindrops will reach a terminal velocity which depends on their diameter, and the size of a raindrop does not exceed 5–7 mm in diameter, because any raindrop larger than that will break up in smaller raindrops. The terminal velocity of the largest raindrops is in the range of 20 m/s (70 km/h or 44 MPH)How fast do raindrops fall?if the rain is falling at 35 m/s (126 km/h or 78 MPH) it means that it is not rain but hail, and that will hurt a lot when it hits you. In these conditions, the woman in the question will be pedaling for her life to reach cover as fast as she can, and she will not be able to hold an umbrella.Please check your numbers for consistency with reality before you post a question like this, if you are seriously interested in receiving an informed answer. Unless you’re a troll of course. In this case it doesn’t matter how absurd your question is.

"The white circles are connected horizontally or vertically to be a single string. A number on the left (upper) side tells the number of white circles on its right (below)." I am trying to describe the image on the URL. Is this natural?

No, your description is…lacking, to say the least. Am I choosing horizontal or vertical positioning? Don’t be vague when it comes to technical descriptions.For the image you posted:“Open and closed circles are arranged on a 4x4 grid. Along the edge of the grid are numbers which express the amount of open circles in their respective rows or columns.”That is your description made more efficientHowever, if you want to fully describe the image:“Eleven open circles and two closed circles are arranged on a 4x4 grid created by sectioning a square into nine equal square sections, with each section delineated by dashed lines. Each circle is centered on and covers a single intersection. Along the edge of the grid are numbers which express the amount of open circles in the following rows and columns:Row one: 2Row two: 3Row four: 4Column three: 3The circles are arranged in the following order, with O representing an open circle, C representing a closed circle, and X representing an intersection with neither an open or closed circle:Row one: [O; O; X; C]Row two: [O; C; O; O]Row three: [O; X; O; X]Row four: [O; O; O; O]”With the first description, you have an idea. With the second, you could feasibly draw it.Is your description natural? I’d say it is, because humans are notoriously terrible at describing things.Fortunately, it is something that improves with practice.

What should be the minimum height of a vertical plane mirror so that a person standing in front of it can see his full image?

Thanks for the A2A.The first thing to understand is that objects and their images on either side of a mirror are arranged in perfect symmetry:That means the object and the image are exactly the same distance from the mirror, or the mirror is exactly half the distance between image and object.Now consider a person as the object, looking at an image of himself or herself. To see the top of his image, the mirror needs to at least reach the line from his eyes to the top of his image. That’s one line of sight. Similarly, to see the bottom of his image, the mirror needs to reach at least the line from his eyes to the bottom of the image. That’s another line of sight Together with the height of the image, these two lines of sight form a triangle:Since the mirror is exactly half the distance between object and image, then the triangle formed by the mirror and the two lines of sight must be half the size - the mirror must be half the height of the person.

Consider a circular vertical loop-the-loop on a roller coaster.?

Consider a circular vertical loop-the-loop on a roller coaster. A car coasts without power around the loop. \Determine the difference between the normal force exerted by the car on a passenger with a mass of m at the top of the loop and the normal force exerted by the car on her at the bottom of the loop.

The answer is 6mg for this part.

This difference of 6mg, referred to as "six gees," is quite a difference for the body to tolerate. To avoid this stress, vertical loops are teardrop-shaped rather than circular, designed so that the centripetal acceleration is constant all around the loop. How must the radius of curvature R change as the car's height h above the ground increases in order to have this constant centripetal acceleration? The radius and the speed at the ground are R0 and v0 respectively. Express your answer as a function: R=R(h).

This is where I'm lost. I think I need a circular motion equation to relate Radius and the other components. The best I can think of his a=v^2/r, and from there I'm not sure where to go. Should I solve for r? Then how is Ro or H in the answer? Any suggestions or help is great, thanks!

What order does width, length and height go in?

There is no inherent order for these values. Typically, volume is expressed as the product of length, width and height, in that order (V = lwh). However, this is, for the most part, arbitrary. Often width is replaced with the equivalent term depth and then placed after height; the expression is still the same.

What thrust does a 200 g model rocket need in order to have a vertical acceleration of 10 m/s2 on Earth? What?

What thrust does a 200 g model rocket need in order to have a vertical acceleration of 10 m/s2 on Earth? What thrust does the rocket need on the Moon (where gmoon = 1.62 m/s2) to have the same acceleration?

I have no idea of how to do this any help is very appreciated:)