How To Feel Confident And Relaxed In Some Social Situation With A Stranger

Hate Presentation. Shy, Socially Insecure or Unconfident?

I hate presenting. I feel weird just standing their, speaking out loud and having the whole room watch me. I know they don't care. The thing is. I'm pretty confident most of the time. For example, I am always positive I won't get rejected when I go up to a woman and start talking.

I was just thinking whether this problem is common. Where the guy is confident but hates presentations. Am I just shy, socially insecure or unconfident? How can I solve this presentation problem?

[I have a feeling I'm just shy but I want to see what other people think.]

How to sit relaxed and confidently?

of m an observer of human behaviour and nature. Because of that, i feel extremely insecure / self-concious walking and sitting in a crowded place (malls, foodcourts). I have noticed some of my "confident" friends and a lot of "confident" strangers can sit in a very relaxed posture, all of them look similar; Back lying relaxed to the back part of the chair, hands are relaxed without holding or resting on anything, legs are spread slightly open. But me myself, whenever i sit in a crowded place (like a restaurent/foodcourt) i cant seem to be relaxed. My head would turn around frequently to observe the people around, i would have to cross my arms a little bit, i dont know where to look or worry abouy my facial expression whenever a goodlooking waiter is doing something on my table. Whenever i try to sit relaxed, i have to cross my legs tightly and sit like a girl. And most importantly, i have to change my sitting position frequently.

I was a victim of bullying back when i was in junior high school (being called gay a couple of times because of my pale skin and walking posture). I'm a 21 years old man right now. "Be yourself" or "Dont give a f**k what they think" is not an answer.

Can one be confident and socially awkward at the same time?

I walk through the mall, back straight, head level, laughing and chatting with my friend to the right. We enter a store, and a black bag that I like catches my eye. I pick it up and go to pay. The woman says “hi,” asks me how was my day. I reply with a smile and reply politely, “hello, I’m good”. She hands me my receipt and I gratefully say thank you, then walk away, knowing and not caring that strangers are watching me.I walk down the hallway, trying to avoid eye contact. I look down at my phone, pretending to be texting someone, even though my phone is already out of charge. I scramble over to my locker, shove some books in there, and carefully close the door, painfully remembering the time that teacher tried to make a joke about how I slammed my locker sometimes.I hate how they are watching me, I hate how they’re judging my quiet, nearly silent personality. I feel fat, I walk weirdly, awkwardly. I hate making conversation with the teachers as they hold the door and I awkwardly shuffle into the room. I hate the way my voice sounds.At lunch, a thought pops into my mind: Am I eating the right way?I hate the burning embarrassment that shoots up when I think about how I act. I hate the embarrassing memories stuck on replay, the memories I scrutinize over for days after they happened.Yes, a person can be confident and socially akward at the same time. That’s how I used to be. Around strangers, I was confident. I knew they’d likely never see me again, that I was just a second of their thoughts. Around people I knew, however, I was painfully socially awkward, caring too much about what my classmates and teachers thought about me. It sucked.

Has anyone beat anxiety and depression naturally? If so, how?

Has anyone had real success beating anxiety and depression naturally. Please be specific...I do not want to go on drugs, been there done that. I hate gaining 40-50lbs and only masking my symptoms. I want to beat this problem for good...I'm so tired of this. i am a 31yo male in good health. Thanks to all...

What is wrong with me...I'm socially retarded, I have no friends?

Why is it so hard for me to make small talk with people or eye contact? I feel weird and anxious in most situations involving another stranger.
Like even my neighbors, I haven't said more than hi to them and even that makes me feel anxious. Yesterday I was at the bus stop waiting for my son's school bus and there was 1 other mom there, but I just felt so weird standing there not saying anything to her or looking at her or anything...
I'm 25 and honestly I have no friends. I'm not shy around my family, but anyone else I just feel awkward. Like when I go to the store or anywhere in public, I avoid eye contact and talking to anyone. Even small talk while waiting to check out is very hard for me if someone tries to engage me.
What is wrong with me? Do I need medication or something?

I don't drink, smoke, go out, and I have no extra money for joining any clubs...

I'm incredibly anxious around some people, but extremely confident around others, what is wrong?

Might want to speak with a professional on this. Here is my take: You probably have self-esteem issues that need to be resolved. You are confident around certain people due to your perception feeling superior to them and inferior to those who make you feel anxious. The way the media portray certain racial profiles may have an affect to some degree in making you feel anxious. In addition, your past traumas may cause suppressed anxiety to surface. Another reason you may lack confidence could be that you do not feel fulfilled in your higher-Self.  For whatever reasons during your very young years, the parental figures and social structures did not provide a strong support network for your neural development. Good thing is that these are opportunities to get to know yourself better. Bad thing is that if you fail to develop your stronger sense-of-Self, the anxiety may develop into other problems. One way to build-up your confidence is through acquiring a higher sense of self-improvement. Usually, these are accomplished through hobbies, activities, skills, friends, travel, sports, knowledge, language, education, humor, Life experiences, careers, and anything that you feel is important to enhance your lifestyle.

Advice?? I have an intimidating personality.?

You said:

"I'm quiet. Introverted. Cautious of strangers."

If I had to guess, you are giving the "I will bite you" vibe. According to you- this IS actually how you feel. You may not WANT to give out an intimidation vibe- but you are, because you fear those people around you, and they can tell.

How does a dog act when he is a fearful dog? Dogs that fear, bite. He keeps a watchful eye on you, he fluffs up his fur in his automatic threat responses.

Have you tried a warm smile?
Break eye eye contact before 1 second (kept eye contact is threatening)
relaxed body posture (You can still walk tall and not be coiled to pounce)

Confidence, not cautiousness.