How To Fight My Older Half Brother

Can I kick my 34-year-old older half-brother out of my father's house if he is disrespecting my mother while he is suffering from edema and has heart problems?

Sounds like you brother has some serious health problems. Health problems are often accompanied by depression and anger. With edema (swelling) and a weak heart, there can be the added burden of pain and anxiety induced by the illness your brother is suffering. Pain, anxiety and depression can lead a person to be very difficult and unpleasant. This then can lead to disrespecting others. He may recognize that he is doing so but may not beable to stop himself. This may also then lead to self loathing and further deepen his depression. What he needs is help both psychiatric as well as medical. When next he goes to his physician he should ask for a referral to get psychiatric help.

My older step brother and my brother made me have sex with them...?

you were raped, Telling that you smoked pot is not half as bad as telling that you were takin; advantage of. Dont be scared just tell your parents on them and tell them the whole situation because TRUST ME you need to tell your parents about this because it is way worse than what u did. They will forgive you for smoking pot but what they did to you is something that cant ever be forgiven!

How to fight my older brother?

My brother keeps challenging me and disrespecting me in front of everyone I know. I dont hate him and I dont want to cause bodily harm to him but I want to fight him. The only issue is he is probably twice my size, any ideas on how I could still "win" without hurting him or getting myself hurt?
Also, all moral answers will be ignored I honestly dont care what you have to say.

I just found out my brother is my half brother?

I'm 14 years old, and I have 2 older brothers, 1 older sister and 1 younger sister.
My oldest brother and the oldest in the family is a great brother, I get on really well with him.
I know I was so naive, but he's always had a Granny that was 'only his'. I've never met her and she lives in Scotland where my parents were born.
My Grandparents on my Dad's side have passed away, and my Grandma on my Mum's side has passed away too. I thought that my brother's Granny was maybe a friend of my Grandma on my Mum's side, because we have an 'Aunty' Ruby who was really my Grandma's best friend.
I thought maybe he'd known her the longest so it was just his Granny.
My brother went off to visit her today, and on the way home from school in the car I asked my Mum why she's just my brother's Granny.
And she told me. She told me that before she was with my Dad, she had my Brother with another man. He didn't want to have anything to do with my brother, but his Mum did. He said he didn't want anything to do with her, or my brother. But my brother's Grandma still visits him and calls him.
So this means he's only my half brother.
And my Mum thought I knew.
I'm not asking how I can still 'love him as a half brother' because that doesn't matter to me. He's still my blood and we're similar in many ways.
But I'm just upset. Upset that for 14 years there was a secret all my older siblings know, and that my little sister will have to be kept out of that secret until she's older too.
And my Mum kept it from me. I wonder what else they kept from me, like I didn't know for a long time my Mum had a miscarriage before my little sister.
I understand they kept it from me when I was only little because I wouldn't understand, but to just assume that I knew is horrible.
And my Mum thinks I'm okay because I acted normal after she told me, but I'm angry and confused.

I just want to know how I can be less upset, and not accidentally, you know, act awkward or strange around my family now.
And how to not feel sad every time my Brother calls my Dad his Dad.

Sorry if this is confusing, it's hard to explain! I'm so confused. :(
Thanks for any answers. x

How am I related to my half brother's half sister?

To clarify things a bit my half brother is 17 years older than I am. His mother was never my stepmom. HIs other half sister is same age as I am. My half brother recently got married and both of his half sisters were in the wedding party. No one could agree on whether the half sisters were related or if related what the title / degree of relationship would be called

My older step-brother was flirting with me?

The problem here is that you and he are trying to suppress your natural attraction to each other - unrelated people. Step families are artificial situations, with parents hoping to pretend that you are regular siblings with no attraction to each other, just like blood relatives.
But you aren't. Think of it this way - suppose you met him, fell for him, dated, and got married. Only then do your folks get together and get married. Does that make your marriage wrong? Of course not! This kind of thing happens all the time these days, with all the divorce and remarriages, adoptions, breakups, etc.
It is perfectly normal for you to be attracted to a guy who is not your relative, and the same goes for him. So don't try to pretend that he is your "brother" that will only make you feel bad and guilty for liking him. There is nothing wrong with him or with you, even if you started dating.
Sure, your parents might not understand - as step parents they are living in denial, and nobody wants to think about their kids having sex, or growing up.
The only problem would be if you did date, and then broke up, but still had to live in the same house. It would be a learning experience, for sure.
I say, don't rule him out forever. Treat living in the same house like an extended but "clean" date situation (ordinary light flirting is fine), until you are both old enough to live on your own, and see how it goes from there.
Don't try to suppress your natural feelings. Be real. But do be aware, like everything, that you are in a delicate situation that could have serious consequences.
Be careful while you live together, yes. But don't try to pretend that because he is gonna be your step brother that it means you can't be "together", and you can't look at him "that way".

What do you call your half brothers mom, who is not your mother?

She is totally unrelated to you.. so call her by her real name.

I want to meet my half brother. But how?

I don't even know what to start but..

Basically, I have a older half brother that i've never met before & I would like to meet him just to see what he is like. My dad can't introduce us because:
1. He doesn't live in this country anymore & I almost never hear from him
2. My older brothers mum took my dad to court [so I think she has full custody of him]

I also have younger a half brother [by my dad as well] who I know well. I am an only child by my mum, so i've always wanted brothers and sisters, i'm just curious about him as my dad has always told me little things about him. I've tried looking on facebook but his mum changed his surname so we don't have the same surname anymore, so all i know is his first name. I've tried everything like:
1. Looking on facebook & google
2.When my dad was here he got me to write a letter with my contact details in it [but i know he didn't give it to him & that was ages ago]
3. Asked family members who might know him/ or have seen him

Each time i get nothing, I know his mum doesn't want anything to do with my dad but i'm sure this doesn't affect me. I don't even have to meet him, i'm just curious of what he looks like etc...

If anyone could help/ give advice on ways to find him, anything will be helpful.
Thanks !

Did Genghis Khan kill his brother?

What happened was that his oldest brother, Bekhter, and him were hunting. Temujin (Genghis Khan) and his family (except for Bekhter) were starving after being exiled from their clan. Temujin caught a marmot and hid it under some leaves to retrieve later. Temujin saw Bekhter near where he had hidden the marmot, and he followed him. Bekhter took the marmot and ate it himself, leaving the family to starve. Temujin saw him do this, and he shot Bekhter with his arrow. Temujin later told his family what he had done, and his mother, Hoelun, cast him out of their group. Temujin justified his actions based on Bekhter’s greed, but Hoelun would have none of it. Temujin ran off to survive in the wild for a little while before he met some travelers who took him in and would later become generals in his army. So yes, Temujin did kill his brother, but according to him, it was for good reason.

My half brother doesn't want to know me?

I knew for years that I had an older half brother and he knew about me. I am 19 and he is 22. I met our dad for the first time last year and found out that I have 2 more younger half brothers and I get on grand with them and he gets on grand with them too. I have always wanted a big brother. But my older brother doesnt want to know me. I have spoke to him over facebook. He hates our father. He doesnt even call him dad. So I asked him the reason he doesnt want to know me and he said he doesnt consider me his sister, that he didnt grow up with me and that if he had the choice he wouldnt have grown up with our 2 younger brothers. I accept that but still I would love to know him.

So do you think he will change his mind when hes older?
And have you been in a similiar situation to this?