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What are the primary reasons you’re seeing so much seething, open hatred of all things related to President Donald J. Trump?

I am getting weary of the idea of unfair bias against Donald Trump.If a person mistreats and harms an animal and 90% of people and news outlets condemn the act and the actor, is this biased or is it a reprehensible act?If a person intentionally runs over a little old lady crossing the street and 95% of people and new outlets declare this act criminal, is this biased or is it accurate reporting of disgusting behavior?When an official does something reprehensible and against commonly held values and behaves like a vulgarian, is it okay to point it out? Are we supposed to get the other side of the story and “be fair”? If someone admits to possessing the right to pussy grab any pussy they want, is there another side of the story? You heard it with your own ears.The reason so many in the press and so many people are complaining about Trump is simply there is a lot to complain about. It's not bias, nobody is picking on him. He really is an ignorant, narcissistic, bloviating huckster who has installed a bunch of uncredentialed billionaires and his family dynasty to destroy our democracy.The real question is, how were so many people in the 99% persuaded to vote for the 1% candidate?Sub question: has something gotten into our drinking water that has erased logic? Is it a death wish? A crises of education? A TV monitor induced psychosis?