How To Fix A Crooked Toenail

How do I fix my crooked nails?

Two of my nails have been growing crooked, like they are bent to one side. Its so annoying I don't know if I should just cut my nails off and see if they grow straight or what? The rest of bails are fine. I bite the skin around my nails, maybe thats why? Why are they bending that way? What should I do?

How do i fix my crooked nail?!!?

I hate to tell you this, but there's really nothing you can do. See, the shape of your matrix (what your nail grows out of) is what determines nail shape. If this is a continuing problem for you then most likely it's because your matrix itself is crooked. Like another person said, you could wear polish in a brighter color or design to help minimize the look. For the most part, unless you point it out no one is really going to notice it. It's more of just an obvious irritation for you. I would suggest though asking around in your town and finding a good nail salon. They may be able to help you with some temporary fixes. Regular manicures are always helpful in overall nail health though I know that they can get pricey. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help to you. Good luck.

Why do my toe nails grow crooked?

Not sure what you mean by "crooked" but it may be simply your genetics, or you might have a fungal infection of the toenails.

How do ingrown toenails occur?

The problem of ingrown toenail appears whenever the nail bed is too small to support the nail plate, which in turn is pushed deeper and deeper creating pain and inflammation. Growing abnormally, the sharp corner of the outer edge of the nail can pierce the skin, to cause infection.The way you cut your toenails is extremely important: in fact, when torn or cut too short and crooked, the nails tend to grow abnormally or sideways, setting the stage for ingrown toenails.

Is there a way to straighten toenails that have grown in crooked?

It is difficult to straighten toenails, people have tried wicking cotton or dental floss under the nail into the fold to get it to grow straight but it is very difficult to get this to work. The most important thing is to try to cut your nails straight across and monitor them as they come in. For more information check out my blog post.How Should I Cut My Toenails? | Sunshine State Podiatry

Would you marry a man with crooked teeth?

Would YOU marry a girl with chipped toenails? How does that even matter when someone is in awe of your beautiful eyes or great personality ??
If people seem frightened when somebody tells a joke and you start laughing, it might be off-putting but even so, it's a very minor problem. You can fix it easily.
But thanks for the laugh! I'm giving your question a star. :D

What happens if an ingrown toenail goes untreated?

This is like the disclaimer to all surgery, anesthesia and pharmaceutical usage. You could experience pain, itching, soreness, redness, swelling, discoloration, infection, pus, drainage, fever, gangrene, amputation, an unsightly appearance, deformity, sepsis and even death.Pain was my biggest issue. If regular soaking, cleaning and trimming of the toenails is not enough to keep them from being constantly painful and infected, then it could be time to see the foot doctor. If there is an infection and mess currently in your toe that you feel unqualified to deal with and rectify, go to the doctor sooner than later.I was to the point many years ago I couldn't stand to wear tights, pantyhose, tight socks and sometimes the sheets resting on my toes even hurt. I avoided shoes altogether if I could. Except I was a waitress and bartender at the time and my constantly sore toes were miserable. There is in easy, in-the-office procedure to more permanently fix the problem if you get them all the time. Note I said easy, not painless so you should be pretty miserable until you get there because a digital nerve block in the big toe is no joke. But it's over pretty quickly, then you feel nothing and hopefully, the problem will be permanently resolved. I am going on 20 years or so. I still have to keep after the soaking, trimming and cleaning or I get sore toes, but I am able to avoid being in pain daily AND they didn't cut down the edges of my toenails enough for my toes to look queer. I do not care about the ability to wear pantyhose anymore or I suppose I could handle wearing them now if I wanted to.I have learned that long toenails, nail polish, dirt, sand and general crud are all the enemy when it comes to keeping after ingrown toenails. For those of us that love to go barefoot in the summer, especially us ladies with pretty painted pigs, this can be a challenge. What I know is that I personally gave up nail polish two summers ago and my toe health has improved yet further. Clean, trimmed, and short.Just JessicaPS I recommend caution with any pedicure operation especially regarding the hygiene and reuse of their tools. Remember Paula Abdul and her flesh eating bacteria in her thumb? Yeah. It can happen.PSS Dear teenage boys, ignoring these problems will not make them go away. I had one that tried once with a busted ingrown toenail. It was awful.