How To Fix Or Fully Uninstall League Of Legends

League of legends custom skin glitch?

not sure if it technically is a glitch, but a couple of awesome custom skins ive tried have had some kind of weird lines going from them to the fountain for some reason, which is just annoying so i had to uninstall them. i didnt make them and i have no idea how to edit skins, so is there anything i can do besides that to get rid of those lines?

and just to avoid some of the unhelpful answers ive seen when someone else asked about a similar problem, yes i know other ppl cant see the skins (really cant understand why theyd think that was relevant) and yes ive got flash, java, windows, etc fully updated.

im using siu and the 2 skins with the problem are iachigo master yi and some weird long necked, small head jedi guy garen ones from leaguecraft. i dont have the links to them but hopefully this should be enough information.

How to reinstall League of Legends without downloading it again?

Well if their a problem with the program, but you are able to enter to the Patch Screen. You can click on the double gear on top and go to Repar Installation. In it, it will check all that is in the file to see if they are correctly put in, and if it finds a error, it will delete and redownload that file.

If that error is before the Patch screen, and reinstalling it with the setup folder not working. then their is nothing but to uninstall it and re-download it

Their is also a chance the it not done configuring. Some computers would need a system restart or shutdown to gain access to some newly installed programs.