How To Form Samples From Given Data Construct Sample Of Size 3 Without Replacement 50 52 57 59 60

There are 40 students in a class. 20 students take chemistry, 25 take French, and 8 take both. How many students take none of these classes?

This problem can be solved using Set Concept and Venn diagram.First of all, consider a rectangular (T) that represents the total number of students (40).Now consider, two circle C and F referring the students who took Chemistry (20) and French (25) respectively.Those 2 circles will intersect and create a common area that is the number of students who took Both Classes (8)Now, think about it.This 2 circles are all about students who took: Only Chemistry, Only French and Both of them.Let’s find there corresponding number.As 8 students took both of them, if you deduct this number from C (Chemistry), you will get the students who took Only Chemistry.Similarly, deducting ‘8’ from F will give you the students who took Only French.Then,Only Chemistry = 20–8 = 12Only French = 25 - 8 = 17Both of them = 8So, total number of students who took at least one of these two classes becomes (12+17+8) or 37Now, out of these two circles another region remains from the total area, T (40). This remaining area (N) is the number of students who didn’t take any of these classes.N = T - (Number of students who took at least one class)or, N = (40 - 37) = 3So, 3 students took none of these two classes.

Final Year Civil Engineering Project - Shake Table?

I am a student of Final Year (Civil Engineering)

My Project is..

"Behaviour of Scale Models to Vibrations"

The Team have decided to make a Shake table.

We already have a concrete compactor in the lab.
We will attach a Power Electronic circuit to it to make its motor variable speed.

Then, the plan is to attach an LVDT displacement transducer to the table, it will detect the amplitude and frequency of vibrations.

Then, the plan is to cast scale models of rectangular structures having 25% opening.

The team has shortlisted 17 different types of models to test
Finally, the plan is to cast models of size 40cm(l) x 30 cm(b) x 20 cm(ht), with a thickness of 1.5cm

We plan to use Cement mortar 1:5 for casting scale models 1feet = 2 cm

But, the main problem is, after we assemble the Shake table, and cast models, then WHAT SHOULD THE TEAM DO?

What type of observations can we take?
Will we get any observations?

What changes can the Team make to this Plan?

Can you give me any comments?

How do you calculate the mass of carbon atoms in CO2?

You use the relative atomic mass of the atoms.Carbon has a relative atomic atomic mass of 12. Oxygen has a relative atomic mass of 16, so two of them is 32.Hence in whichever mass CO₂ you choose, there will be (12 ÷ (12 + 32)) × 100% = 27.3% to 3sf.