How To Gain Weight In Muscle For Women.

How to lose weight and gain muscle?

I want to lose weight but I've read that gaining muscle makes you gain weight. Is it possible to lose weight and then build up muscle? Or do I have to build muscle to lose the weight? How does it work? I'm looking to lose 30-35 pounds. Thanks

Do women gain weight faster than men?

It's partly due to lifestyle and partly due to evolution.

Firstly, women tend to live less physical lives than men. They don't do so much lifting and carrying or as much general movement so they burn off less calories.

Secondly, a woman's body is designed by evolution to store excess food as fat to help her to survive times when she can't gather as much food due to either being pregnant or looking after her children.

What's the fastest way to gain weight, not muscle?

lol if you want to put on weight then you have two options...fat or muscle. Muscle looks WAY better but i notice you don't want any (for whatever reason). If you want to put on some fat then start hitting McDonald's a little more. Maybe eat a lot of fatty food right before you go to bed. The results won't exactly be very attractive but...doesn't appear to be your goal if you want weight but not muscle weight...

Your flat stomach will more than likely be the first to go so...if you want to keep it you might want to consider doing the more intelligent thing and attempt to gain muscle to put on weight. You're a wont get all bulky like a guy dont have enough of the right hormones. (The really big veiny girls you see on TV and in the magazines use steroids to get that wont happen naturally).

your call...

Which is more difficult: losing weight or gaining muscle?

I’ve done both at different times so I have a pretty good perspective on this.Mentally, weight loss take the cake. When you have to lose weight, you are forced to make some major lifestyle changes. Bad habits are why we become overweight and breaking any bad habit takes much mental fortitude.Physically, building muscle is way harder.For starters, the actual workout has to be high intensity. Honestly it hurts, it burns, and you’re sore all the time. It’s a pretty uncomfortable physical thing. You can’t just go to the gym and throw weights around and come out with muscles, you have to really shock your muscles into growth and that means destroying them.And you have to repeat that process again and again and again and again. Muscle growth takes time. . . and a lot of it. Because it’s so much more dense than fat, it takes a lot of it before you can see growth in the mirror. You could work your ass off for months and, depending on your goal, it would only be the beginning of your journey.Eating for muscle growth is a job all by itself. Contrary to popular money driven beliefs, weight loss can be achieved by simply eating healthy (I’ve lost 70lbs by doing this myself). No special diets are necessary. Muscle on the other hand has to be fed correctly in order to grow. Maybe you get lucky with good genetics, but you’ll eventually be spinning your wheels if you don’t have the correct diet. For some this wall comes sooner than others.I will quote a young man who once described what it’s like when people tell him to back off the weights“Don’t get too big!!!”“BRUH I’ve been trying to get ‘too big’ for like 2 f**** years it ain’t easy like that s*** doesn’t magically happen”I’ve was lucky enough to experience both sides. When I was losing weight I couldn’t wait for the day when I could finally say “I did it.” Now, sometimes I miss the process of weight loss (I jokingly refer to it as “rookie gains”) but I enjoy the work ethic I have developed on the quest for muscle.The grass is always greener.

How to gain weight and muscle ? For 18 year old female?

I'm an 18 year old girl. I'm skinny and I hate it. I would love to gain weight and muscle. My arms, legs, and butt. I live with my boyfriend. He says he loves me and I'm beautiful to him no matter what and he will never leave me. And I love him so it makes me happy but sad because he's a good looking guy but then there's me. My arms, legs. Like my entire body! I see 15 year olds who have much a nice body and im 18 and I have nothing. My parents think I don't eat and say I look skinner then I was. I have been eating less because Food just looks gross. I can see a different in my thighs and everything . I look anorexic but I'm not, but I get call that all the time by a friend then he says he's kidding but that I am skinny and it bothers me because I look at 18 year olds and they're fully woman grown and I just don't . they say I have a body of like a 12 or 14 year old.....

What is the best protein powder to gain weight and muscle?

Whey protien is a good start it is one of the best protiens also Soy though lots of people shy away from it cause of unproven stigmas, Protien powder is far from useless it is very difficult to take in necessary amount of protien especially if your training intensively, you should take a shake 20 mins before your working out if your strength training and fast digesting carbs immediately post workout like a bagel, white bread, pasta, or white rice and be sure to take another protien shake, your diet is very important you need a steady amount of slow digesting carbs like Whole grains,brown rice, oatmeal you should strive to make them main staple of your carbs intake

I use Syntha 6 which is a blend of 6 different protiens, and Eas, 100% soy protien, and a hydrolyzed Whey protien so your body can absorb it quicker, that's why its important to take a protien to ensure after you work out and your muscles are pumped and filled with blood, you take the shake and the amino acids can then flood the muscle and stimulate growth and recovery, that's why carbs are important especially after working out, they help recover your muscles glycogen stores which translate into energy, also they spike your blood sugar forcing amino acids into the hungry muscle,
DO YOUR RESEARCH, I personally don't take creatine or preworkouts or stack multiple supplements just protien and carbs, and I'm 5'9" 167lbs and can bench a little over 300

And only sources of protein from animals like whey,cassein (egg protien), soy is the only non animal source I know of that is a complete protien, nuts, and bread and other foods have protien but they don't pocess enough the essential amino acids to be considered a complete source of protien, meaning if you couldn't survive of the protien in corn you would eventually get an amino acid deficiency and die cause incomplete sources don't have the the needed amino acids your body can't produce itself and has to take in via diet