How To Get Better At Anatomy And Physiology

How to get better at anatomy and physiology!?

first test: 67.5%
second test: 70%
third test: 77%
1st lab practical 71%

i have 1 more regular exam, a really big final, another lab practical, and a project due in the future before the end of the quarter to get to the highest possible grade of 89%. i'm at a college career low at 73-74% in the class (with hw assingments and quizzes) this class is the hardest ive taken ever! and i dont have a study group plus i study 4 hours for each test continually and no curve is given.

Should I take Anatomy before I take physiology? or does it matter?

Of course anatomy first.

Concurrently taking both is mostly pointless because the two do not go in parallel with each other. You may have to study both the anatomy of locomotor system and physiology of urinary system at the same time.

Anatomy is about the structure, whereas, physiology is about the function. You are sure to need the knowledge of structure when you learn the function of that structure. For this reason, every physiology book reserves the first papers of each chapter for anatomy of that system, however, you can hardly see in anatomy books that first papers are reserved for physiological remarks.

Which is better, anatomy or physiology?

There is not much sense in asking this, primarily because the two subjects cannot exist, really, independent of each other. To understand anatomy, you have to understand a little bit of physiology, too. What use is being able to identify a nephron loop if you're unaware of its function? The same goes for physiology. What the hell is a Nernst potential, anyway? What of Starling’s law? What are the applications of these things?Anatomy and physiology are inseparable. They simply go together.

Should I take Anatomy & Physiology and AP Physics 1 at the same time?

To tell the truth, I don t want to have to take Science classes in college. And I have already taken Earth Science and Chemistry Honors in my first two years. Also, I m not afraid of the challenge but whether I can keep up. Should I take these classes or do something else like AP Environmental Sciene or AP Biology?
Also, the math classes I have taken were Algebra 2A and Trigonometry. But, I m also planning to take two math classes, Precalculus H and AP Statistics.

AP Biology or Anatomy/Physiology?

What you take in high school doesn't even matter. Biology is not the same as human anatomy/physiology, but it is tougher. If you have to choose between the two classes, then take AP biology. In my junior year of high school I took AP bio, AP chem, AND anatomy/physiology (for an elective)...Seriously, though, these classes aren't going to mean anything when it comes to applying for medical school. Just think of high school and your undergraduate years for now.

P.S., hoping to become a surgeon will not matter right now. You won't even have to "prepare" for that type of profession until you're DONE with medical school and start your residency.

Which are the best books for anatomy and physiology?

Anatomy - 1. B. D. Chaurasia for upper limb, lower limb, head and neck, thorax, abdomen.2. Vishram singh clinical neuroanatomy for neuroanatomy obviously ha ha!3. Grey's anatomy student edition is also good. But read it if you have lots of time. You can use it as a reference book.You may buy an Atlas to visualise things -Netter Atlas.Physiology - guyton /R. L.Bijlani/sembulingamGanong’s -again if you have time can be used as a reference book.Guyton is good but it tough to read during exams so you can use sembulingam.Physicon is like a summary book which comes handy during exams but you should read it only after reading a standard book.all the best.

What is the best way to study for anatomy and physiology?

In the past for anatomy I have used an outline of the skeleton and labeled all the bones from that. Have one copy with all the correct answers on it, and then make 5-6 blank ones, kind of like a take test, only you have the answer sheet. Good luck!
Also, see if this helps.
You may also ask your teacher for the outline of the skeleton.