How To Get Calcium With My Situation

How to find water pressure in this situation?

WAter flows at a rate of 25 L/min through a horizontal 7.0-cm diameter pipe under a pressure of 6.0 Pa. At one point, calcium deposits reduce the cross-sectional area to the pipe of 30cm^2, What is the pressure at this point? (consider water to be an ideal fluid.)

What is a calcium deposit?

The cause of calcium deposits, spurs and splints is a very simple one. It starts with an injury to the bone. The nerves carry a message to the brain asking for building materials to repair the injury. The brain responds by sending calcium, magnesium, phosphorous etc. to the injured area via the blood stream. When it arrives, the calcium must be in solution to be usable. If calcium is out of solution, it is incapable of forming bone to repair the injury and a calcium deposit develops instead of the bone being repaired.

You should make a doctor's appointment.

7 year old with calcium deposits on the brain?

My neice is 7 years old and about 6 months ago had an unexplained fever for about a week. Bloodwork then was all normal. Then about a month ago she started having real bad headaches. Migraine like headaches. My SIL took her to the doctor and they did a CT Scan. They told my SIL she had calcium deposits and they are wanting to do a MRI and her to see a pediatric brain specialist. I can't find any information about calcium deposits on the brain on the web. Does anyone have any legitimate information?

I have restless legs at night, how can I improve my situation without medication?

Have your doctor check a ferritin level. Take iron supplements if the level is not high.FWIW, IMO, “non-Medical” management with iron repletion will provide complete relief for just a small portion of people with RLS. RLS can be a nasty business, a fact unappreciated by those unfamiliar with it.Nothing about RLS is “natural” to the sufferer. For most individuals, medication is absolutely necessary to suppress it. Effective meds are not “sleep” medicines, but neurologic medicines. I mostly prescribed Mirapex and Neurontin, but others exist. Several of my Quora answers discuss their use.People with RLS are encouraged to seek help from Neurologists or Sleep Medicine Physicians.

I have HIGH calcium & a low PHT past non medical silicone injections(removed) NOONE can figure out whats wrong?

Hi, If ANYONE knows how to help me with this PLEASE do! I have seen doctor after doctor and NO ONE can figure out whats wrong with me. I have renal failure. In the past (6 years ago) i had "silicone" injections done by a NON MEDICAL IMPOSTOR. I went to the doctor b/c my feet were killing me he ordered blood test, found out I had renal faliure,was anemic,have a non obstructing kidney stone, had a very high calcium level(12+) and a low PHT level. Phosphorous is also high... Ive had 2 major surgeries removing the silicone around 3 months ago,all professionals thought that had to be the prob(the silicone). Also had a blood transfusion for the anemia.Was put on prendisone and it started helping but then I got 3 open wounds from the surgeries where the skin was stretched so they had to take me off the prendisone b/c they say it slows the healing of the wounds and makes them more succeptable to injection. Its been over 3 months and nothing has changed,except the blood level has gone up b/c of transfusion from 6.7 hemo to 10+ hemo. But I still feel as bad if not worse. I'm tired all of the time!! My feet hurt sooo bad, I cant stand for more than 5 min. Eyes/head hurts, no appetite, run out of breath very easily,cant sleep, restless legs. I have had cat scans(found calcium deposits on liver,kidney and lungs),ultra sound on parathroid glands, all kinds of blood work. Noone can figure out how to get the calcium down. If ANY doctors out there can provide ANY KIND of help or advice...PLEASSSEEEE DO!! I suffer sooo bad daily, and don't know how much longer I can go on like this!! I have no fam here to help me and can barley even walk to the bathroom..Thank you for your time and God bless!!

Common Ion Effect calculation?

CaSO4 --> Ca++ + SO4--, Ksp = [Ca++] [SO4--]

Suppose s is the solubility of calcium sulphate. The concentrations of calcium and sulphate are
[Ca++] = s + 0.01 M
[SO4--] = s
Ksp = [Ca++] [SO4--] = (s + 0.01)(s) = 7.1e-5

Solve the quadratic for the solubility s.

What happens when calcium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide? Is the reaction dangerous?

In aqueous solution, the mechanism of the reaction of calcium hydroxide with CO2 to form calcium carbonate and water is essentially acid-base neutralisation (double displacement reaction), followed by a precipitation reaction (also a double displacement reaction).CO2(g) + H2O(l) —-> H+(aq) + HCO3-(aq)HCO3-(aq) —→ H+(aq) + CO3–2(aq)Ca(OH)2(aq) + 2H+(aq) —-> Ca+2(aq) + 2 H2O(l) (acid- base neutralisation)Ca+2(aq) + CO3–2(aq) —-> CaCO3(s) (precipitation)The overall reaction is;- Ca(OH)2 + CO2 —-> CaCO3 + H2O .The gas-solid reaction however proceeds by two different reaction mechanisms, and occurs at elevated temperatures;-When calcium hydroxide is heated to 512 °C, the partial pressure of water vapour in equilibrium with it reaches 101 kPa (normal atmospheric pressure), which decomposes the calcium hydroxide into calcium oxide and water.Ca(OH)2(s) —512°C--> CaO(s) + H2O(g) (thermal decomposition reaction)Calcium oxide spontaneously reacts with CO2 to form calcium carbonate. This reaction is used in the laboratory as well as in industry to remove CO2 from a gas stream;-CaO(s) + CO2(g) —-> CaCO3(s) (synthesis reaction)The overall reaction is again;- Ca(OH)2 + CO2 —-> CaCO3 + H2O .