How To Get Friends When I Am Homeschooled

How to make friends while homeschooled?

Well I am 15 years old and I am in the 10th grade. I moved and stared going to a new school in the 8th grade and I did not fit in at and had no friends, because I am really shy and quiet. I had really bad anxiety and was missing a lot of school so I became home schooled. I still have no friends and all I ever do is stay at home all day. I hate the fact that I am awkward and boys don`t like me. I have never had a boyfriend and never even kissed a boy. I really just want to be a normal teenager but I feel like my shyness holds me back a lot. Are there any ways to try and be more social while still being homeschooled because I can`t think off any and I am starting to go insane. PLEASE help me?

P.S. Going back to public school is not an option

I'm homeschooled. How do I get some friends?

I have to disagree with Sid Vicious on his statement

"Unfortunately, unless they go very far out of their way to socialize, homeschooled kids usually end up being really awkward socially."

This is a common myth and misperception about homeschoolers that could not be further from the truth!

Even though you are in the country see if there are any homeschool groups or co ops (cooperatives) where the students get together on a regular basis. Check online to see if you can locate Any local homeschool groups you can join. Even if you have to drive it would be worth it! If you made a friend then perhaps you could go to visit her or she could visit you. But be careful online .. have your parents help you search for homeschool groups.

If there are truly none there ARE online homeschool Meet-Ups for kids! Often if you are using a particular curriculum kids doing the same program as you can meet in chat sessions or even more formal learning lectures Together, On line at scheduled times and later post messages to each other on a forum.

Church, Volunteering, Babysitting.. basically anything that connects you with other people could lead to making a friend!
Going to the store or to the mall is not AS likely to help you make real connections - try to look for *involvement* in a group, organization, club etc.

The mean kids at public school were the ones who were "socially awkward" - not you! One of the advantages to homeschooling is not having to be exposed to that kind of treatment where you, sadly, are not always protected.


4H club if you like animals
a Job
Join an Organization that meets on a regular basis
Search online for Homeschool group
Do Homeschool online group sessions with kids your own age.
I am sure you can think of some more things if you put your mind to it. But just don't think about it .. you are on the right track.
Actually take steps to make it happen.
My son joined Cub Scouts 3 months ago and it has opened a whole world up to him!
Best of luck to you!

I'm homeschooled and have no friends?

I feel kinda lonely because I'm homeschooled. I don't really have any friends. Everyone has either lost contact with me (because I started homeschooling in 4h grade) or drifted away. I'm 12 now and in 7th grade. I'm failing at school and I know because I can't pay attention and most answers I give on tests are incorrect, but my mom refuses to admit it and claims to other people that I'm doing good in school. She also refuses to let me go to public school because, in her words, "Those mean girls would eat you alive." I do have an older brother and we are close at age but we have different interests. So I just sit in my room and just play on my computer all day. I have pets, but it's not exactly the same as hanging out with friends. You can't talk to them and expect a response.
I have multiple online friends, but it's still not the same. I don't talk to them much either.
I don't know what I should do or how I can make friends.

How do i make friends if i'm homeschooled?

Hey! I am 14 and home schooled. I just have to tell you that there are a TON of different ways to socialize when being home schooled! Here are just a few:

Volunteer: when you volunteer at your local hospital, animal shelter there are bound to be a few people your age! In my town there is even a teen program for volunteers! :D

Community center: there are home school classes during the day for home schoolers.

Rec sports: In rec sports they put you on a team with people your age! And its cheap! :)

Outside: after school when teen get out of public school just go outside! You are bound to make some friends if you just go outside into your neighborhood! (this is how I met my best friend!)

Random classes: I take random classes every where martial arts, art, cooking, just a lot of random classes and there are a lot of people my age their. (:

Home school group/ co-op: homeschooling groups and co-ops are a great way to make friends. They even do stuff that people in public school do! (prom,yearbook,etc.) In my home school co-op there are a lot of people in their teens.

These are just a few things to do to socialize. So don't be afraid to go out and talk to people! Oh, and the IM thing, just IM them start up a conversation... you aren't going to make friends just sitting there! :) ♥

I'm 15, home-schooled and have no friends?

Haha shy and awkward? i'm 15 and i'm shy and awkward. Hun trust me you're not the only shy and awkward one in this teenage life time. You"ll find alot of people like us out in public. It's nothing bad about being shy neither awkward. It's kind of cute. You don't know how many people live their lifes on facebook. And no they're not home-schooled. Especially those facebook-famous kids. Don't just sit there and cry no matter how weak you feel. It's not you'r fault at all. Go to a skating rink or to the park and you"ll see some nice people. Just give them a compliment when you pass by and say "hey that's a pretty shirt where did you buy it from?" keep the conversation up (don't say you dont know how to keep a conversation up, cuz i know you know how, be you'r awkward self) and that way you"ll end up somehow hanging out with each other if you exchange numbers. I know this isn't that much of a helpful answer but all i wanna say is goodluck and i hope the best for you. Smile :)

Im homeschooled and I have NO friends. :( Help?

Your first step is to get off the computer. Its a tool- nothing more. That being said, you can join lots of groups open to all teens;
Check church or community youth groups
Join classes. Museums and colleges offer classes to kids
Ask your parents if you can take lessons such as horseback riding, music, etc. Its important to get out into the world.
If nothing is around, then consider creating your own group. There's also That allows people to form groups of all types of topics. You could find some things locally.

How to get a girlfriend when homeschooled?

im homeschooled =) hang out with your friends and have them invite more friends of theirs you dont know and of course theres always people online to meet

How do i make friends when im homeschooled and have social anxiety?

I'm home schooled and have social anxiety and don't go out! when i was at school i had no friends and that is one of the reasons i left i did try making friends but it didn't go well..i don't go out unless i have to and that is with my parents any advice..i also live in a small place so i couldn't go to any clubs.

How can a homeschooled teenager make friends?

I already see a lot of information about live interaction, mostly in the form of interaction. Obviously, interacting with others in real life is extremely important, and it is necessary to at least some extent. However, I’m just going to throw in the internet as a useful resource.Since I was 12, I’ve volunteered as an online community moderator, which has put me in touch with many people of all ages and from all over the world sharing an interest in the community we worked to protect. This has given me a pretty large friend group. On my more public Skype account, which I used in daily communication about these projects for about three years or a bit less, I reached about 600 contacts. Now I use different software to communicate, and so the number of people I’ve come into contact with at some point or another has been huge.Obviously, few of these relationships approach the depth of one you’d find in real life, but participating in internet communities (not necessarily as a moderator - Although leading communities is my personal interest, there’s a forum for just about anything), one can be put in contact with hundreds of people of similar interests. This means that it is not hard for such a system to result in just a few close friendships.

How do homeschooled children make friends?

I know a lot of people have answered this already, but here's my take. I was homeschooled all the way from preschool through high school. After senior year of high school, I stepped directly into college with no problem. I really had no issues socially, mentally, or educationally. I am the second of four girls, so there was never a shortage of action at my house. I was not lonely. My sisters, especially my older sister, are still some of my best friends. I must add SOME, because my sisters are definitely not my only friends. From the beginning, I had friends at church. I had friends that were neighbors. My parents had friends from who know how long ago with kids my age. I had friends at the park. We had no shortage of interaction with other kids. Between the library, the park, the carousel, etc. We had plenty of interaction. Here's my definition of plenty: No, I was not spending 6-8 hours each day in the company of several hundred kids my age. That honestly would have been stressful. A positive aspect of being homeschooled was that I had interaction with people of all ages. Rather than being surrounded by kids in the same grade as me, I interacted with kids of all ages. I have grown up having normal conversations with adults. At this point in my life, I can have a perfectly good, enjoyable conversation with a seventy year old, a 40 year old, a 20 year old, a ten year old, or a 5 year old. No matter. I didn't end up being one of those teenagers that are "creeped out" by "old people". And I do know people like that. They all went to public school. Not sure if that's a coincidence.So I had good interaction with a wider range of people, in my opinion. I also made friends at summer camp during my teen years.Moving into University, I got up a great group of friends right away with no problem. People didn't view me as different or weird. Now I'm spending a gap year (between Freshman and Sophomore years) in Zimbabwe, of all places. I think my life of interaction with all kinds of people helped me to be comfortable moving to a strange place for 8 months. I can slip easily into another culture. It's great. And I have lots of friends from school that are away this year. People in Micronesia, south-east Asia, France, Spain, Honduras, Chad, Malawi. Yep, I have plenty of friends.