How To Get Friends When The World Is Stacked Against You

A girl in my class I like hates me because her friend told her bad and false rumors about me. What can I do? And is there a chance for me to be in a relationship with that girl?

A2A“A girl in my class I like hates me because her friend told her bad and false rumors about me. What can I do? And is there a chance for me to be in a relationship with that girl?”I am going to say, the odds are severely stacked against you. Women really listen to their friends and if her friend ruined your image with her once with “false rumours” than you can bet for certain she will be more than happy to do it against to you.You are in the negative with her inner circle, those she trusts, so the odds are stacked against you. Not impossible, but I will be honest and state I would not place any bets on you…I would play it safe and place the bet against you.Your shot is growing narrow but you need to figure out what you did to her inner circle that made them dislike you so and correct this. Many girls, more so during schooling phases are very dependent on their friends and you will lose if you try and go up against that so you need to do some damage control and figure out how to mend things with her inner circle.Gain the positive of her inner circle, those in her ear, and you will be one big step closer to her.

Is it against the rules to stack your ships in the game battleship?

So me and my friend were playing battleship, and when I was setting up where my ships would go I decided to stack some of them on top of each other. I put one of the 3 ones on the 5 one, and a 3 one on a 4 one and then left the 2 by itself. When I stacked them no sides of the top were hanging of the edge of the other boat or anything. But when we were playing she first sunk the 3 that was on the 5 and I told her, and then in the end she sunk the 5 and realized and said I was cheating. So is it against the rules to stack your ships in battleship without any sides of the top one hanging off?