How To Get Good Grades For College

How do you get good grades in college?

I'm doing horrible.

not only am i an engineer (mind my spelling/grammer) & talking all hard engineering classes
Im struggling, I don't get it. I'm the kind of person who always got striaght A's in high school and now im basically failing? Am i still in high school mode?

There is so much work to do in so little stressing writing this question because of how much time its taking...

I study
go to office hours
write my own notes
review notes&class notes
do practice problems over and over

& i still do bad...

what am i doing wrong? What can i do to get better?.

How to get good grades in college?

Know your best study habits. It took me years before I realized that I work best when sitting down in one place for a long time. I prefer clean, wide open spaces with lots of sunlight, so I go to the third floor of the library where all that is present. My roommate, on the other hand is the polar opposite. She can't sit still in one place for more than two hours and prefers changing location very often. She also likes to study in the floor of our room where she is the most comfortable laying out her books and papers on the wide floor. Everyone is different.
The environment is extremely important, so find out which you work best in. Also, if you are in a place with other people who are studying hard, such as the library, you may be encouraged to do some studying as well, and since you're in the library, it's hard to slack off by doing other things on your computer such as gaming or watching an entire Netflix series.
If you work best with flash cards, I suggest you make some (or if you don't want to make some, there is a plethora of already-made flash cards on Quizlet that other students have made). I started reading the chapters before class using gel highlighters and color coding my textbooks.

Yellow for important information
Orange for important information that I think should stand out
Green for "How to" information like formulas
Blue for vocabulary
Pink for key concepts
Purple for parts that confuse me and I should later ask my professor

How do people in college have fun and get good grades?

1. Not all majors have the same workload. For example, business majors definitely do not have similar workload as a chemistry major.

2. Some study "activities" are better done in groups. For example, if you were to memorize some things, it's better to get together with friends and quiz each other.

3. Study smart. If you are studying to make the grades, then try to hunt down copies of the old tests. Talk to people who have taken your classes before. Find out what the professor emphasizes on exams so that you don't study every single word on every single page, and only those needed to make the grades.

4. (the most drastic) Take a step back and evaluate your progress. Is Chemistry something you truly want to do? What are your job prospects? Because if you're not enjoying Chemistry, nor are you good at it, and it's making your life miserable by sapping all your free time and killing your quality of life, is it really worth it? Do you have an end goal in mind with your major? Because if you answered "no" to most of the above, then maybe you need to change your major.

Is it that hard to make good grades in college?

It depends on a lot of things, but yes, it can be very hard. That's why it's an honor to graduate with anything near or above a 3.7. And yeah, it depends on what you're good at, the professors, the types of classes you take, etc. But even if you're in a major where you're bound to succeed, some of the completely unrelated gen eds might bring you down. If you're horrible in math, you'll still need at least one math class. If you're awful at writing papers, most schools still expect you to take at least two semester of college level English. Then there are the classes with insane professors, workloads that make you slowly go crazy, and let's not forget the classes where you just don't get it. It's likely that something will pull your grades down.