How To Get My Fiance To Take My Last Name

Fiance wants me to take his last name?

Do you understand what a last name means to a man? I mean I get where you are coming from because my sister and I are both losing our hawaiian last names with marriage, and my dad has no boy to pass it on, but Im still so proud to be able to give it up to a good man. Its what my mom did with my dad in the first place.

As a wife, your husband becomes your caretaker, and I know this sounds really patriarchal but you are representing him in a way. Feminism has come a long way to improve woman's status, but at the same time I feel like we are losing some of the traditional respect for having the man as the head of the household.....and therefore you keep his last name.

You shouldnt kick him to the curb, his reaction is pretty natural. But you need to really talk and come to a conclusion that compromises to both of your needs. This obviously means ALOT to you, so explain to him in a non-argumental way how important it is to you. But personally I would either us both last names (with his first) or just take his. Let him partake in your doctoral victory as well, because those who really matter will know that you are from the ______ family and that you carry on your family's legacy, but hes your husband and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to use his last name in the professional world so that its an honor to both of you since he is the man behind the scenes who supports you.

Oh...dierks bentley video "my last name" below.

I hate my fiances last name what do i do?

Everyone's saying that love is unconditional and you should just bite the bullet and take a name that you hate. I think HE should be a little more understanding. Plus, taking the guy's name is all about ownership anyway. If it's not what you want then don't do it. Either hyphenate the name, with his coming first, or some women mix the two names together to create a third name. You have options, don't let a name be the deal maker. Congratulations and have a great wedding and most of all a successful marriage.

My fiance is taking my last name?

My fiance's last name is so hard to spell, and pronounce. He doesn't want to do that to his future children. As much as I love him, I hate his last name. But the decision for him to take my last name was all him. He doesn't want to hyphenate it, either.

We told his parents yesterday, and they got REALLY upset. I know it's important to them for him to keep his last name as he's the only son, but we're thinking of our children here. My last name is much easier to spell and pronounce (Fields). I can't tell you his last name as I don't even know how to spell it. It's italian and starts with G.

Will his parents get over it? Do you think our decision was right?

My fiancée won't take my last name what should I do?

Well, you won't take her last name, so what should she do?I am going to assume that you and your fiancée live in a country where a woman can freely choose whether to change her surname after marriage.First of all, seriously consider all the reasons you don't want to change your last name after marriage. Every one of them, and some others you probably didn't consider, are equally valid for your fiancée.Back in the day, a woman took her husband's name because it branded her as her husband's possession; legally, at the point of marriage she ceased to exist. Now, in western countries, a woman is free to make a choice about her name. Many women with established professonal careers, or simply by personal preference, don't change their surname after marriage. Some use their maiden name professionally and their married surname legally. Your fiancée is already a complete human being with an established identity of her own, not a prospective possession.The decision to change her name -- or not -- is entirely hers. If you can't understand or accept that, break the engagement. You'll be doing her a favor. Note: It's possible that you live in a country that mandates by law (not merely tradition) that a woman take her husband's surname upon marriage. Or where tradition is very strong and your fiancée would be put in danger if she refuses to take your name. If so, and your fiancée still refuses, you both need better advice than you will find here on Quora.

Fiance won't let me keep my last name?

I am very proud to take my husband's last name. Its tradition. But keep in mind that most guys expect you to do so. Its part of "becoming one" with each other.

IMO if you want all of him - why not his last name? And some guys are willing to end the relationship because the woman refuses to take his name, so I'm not surprised at him saying this. There was a survey of guys "what's the #1 reason to break engagement?" - the answer? The woman's refusal to take his last name.

I asked my husband this question - his response would be he would not have married me. Its important to him to blend together and become one with each other, including taking his name. Also he points out to you that since you even mentioned about "divorce" - you have planted the seed that one day you will divorce your husband.

The only reason not to change your name is if its for business (writer, famous person/actress, etc.) - otherwise you should be as proud to take his name as you are to marrying him.

I do not want my fiancee to take my last name, what can I tell her?

The truth, but she will want to know why. You can’t insist that she doesn’t use your family name - that is no better than insisting that she does.She maybe all for it, but she may prefer for you both to have the same NEW family name. It does make it easier when children come along - the school will most likely call her Mrs. (the child's family name) anyway.Is it because you don’t think that women should give up their own identity on marriage?Is it because you don’t want people to know that she is your wife?Is it because you think her new name would be weird? My nephew M. George was dating a girl called Georgina. So she would have ended up as Georgina (Georgie) George. I also knew a girl called Chris who married a Mr. Cross - Chris Cross. Then there was Wild Rose (nice thinking by her parents) who married a Mr. Bull (yeah… I think she started using her middle name).It is an old tradition that is not carried out by all races. But it is the accepted norm in most countries - and many people will wonder why it wasn’t followed in this case.

My fiancé is sad because I refuse to take his last name. What should I do?

Explain to him that there are administrative simplicities for not formally changing your surname to his.Explain to him that keeping your original name in the bureaucratic paperwork in no way means giving up on using his surname as your married name.For instance, my wife has never used my surname on any official documentation — and I wouldn’t want her to.It’s just time-consuming and expensive to change the name. Instead, all she needed is to show just one document — the marriage certificate — to indicate her married status. The marriage certificate would show her name and mine, and that has always been good enough.I deliberately had a duplicate marriage certificate kept with my wife’s passport in case she needed to show to the authorities or whatever that she’s married.(Of course, I also had duplicate marriage certificates and birth certificates for my kids’ passports when they’re young — in case they needed to show documentary evidence we’re their parents, if they’re not too embarrassed about it.)In professional life, my wife uses her own unmarried surname from before just because it’s more convenient from longstanding usage. Otherwise, she is Mrs Lee in nearly all social situations.You need to explain to him about this and make him understand he’s being unhappy for less than nothing.

I'm having a child with my fiance. Should our child take his last name or not?

All children's birth certificates show the surname of both parents so this is a stupid remark for anyone to make. If you are in any doubt, just show the school the birth certificate! In Quebec, most children have a different name from their mother since it is a criminal offence for a married woman to use her husband's name (under fraud law) and most children use their father's name or both surnames. I think that in any society where fathers face discrimination, it's a good idea to ensure that the father's name is on the birth certificate and the child uses that name with or without the mother's surname. It goes without saying that if you marry you should never use your husband's name. That's the behaviour of a doormat.

Did you take your husband's last name?

This is a personal decision and "to each their own". Nobody should pressure you to change it or not change it!

I did take my husband's name, I had a few girlfriends who married into crazy-long names tell me I'd be crazy not to. Hubby's last name is Black. Isn't that simple & easy? Its been great not having to say my longer & harder to spell maiden name which was always followed by "how do you spell that?". LOL.

I have no intention of having kids so the whole same-name thing really wouldn't matter to us, but its my choice & hubby would have been fine either decision I made.