How To Get Out Of This Funk

How can I get out of this funk?

Sometimes, I get into a funk at random times, and I don't know why. Sometimes it feels like I get into a funk because I'm tired or bored, but it drives me crazy. I don't know what's causing it or how to get rid of it. Please help me. Thanks to whoever answers my question.

How do I get out of this funk?

For the past year I've been feeling down and low energy. I've done a lot of research and I get it: think positive, excessive, and eat healthy. I'll try for a bit and then I go back to not wanting to do anything. I've been super motivated in the past, confident, and happy - but for some reason I just feel it all slipping away. I went to film school and I don't even feel inspired to work on anything lately. I've also been feeling like I want to break up with my girlfriend but I don't know if I can afford to live on my own right now and I might get lonely on top of everything.

How do I get out of a funk?

Instead of trying to “get out” of a creative funk, diving into it head on works best for me. Here’s what I mean: If I avoid the sluggishness, fear, or any other feeling that is locking me up, I only get more locked. I imagine that I’m securing a life-line around myself, tying it to a secure (imaginary) place such as an old growth tree or a hook on a mountain. Then I climb down into the “funk”, what I envision to be a cave. I also call it “the void”.I turn on my (imaginary) headlamp and go as deep as I need to. Sometimes I do this with the assistance of music, standing and moving with the sounds. Other times I’ll have a pen in hand and write what I’m feeling. Whatever works for you to go with the feelings, try it out.At some point, I get into the heart of what’s really causing the funk. I then work to express that exact feeling, or those feelings. Sometimes I talk to the funk, interview it as if it’s external to me, and I write down what the funk says. Other times I draw it and let it express its vision through me.What happens is that the calcification around the funk softens, and soon, I’m able to mold something, to express whatever wants to be expressed. Creativity is happening, and it’s time to just go with it. I even thank the funk for bringing me deep.

I'm in a funk how do I get out?

I hacky sack a lot. Recently I switched from a knit top (sepi) to a sandbag. I switched my style, and then lost the sandbag. Now I can't seem to get back into my sepi. I want to make a one year video soon but don't want to until I get out of my funk.

What are some things that you do to get yourself out of a funk?

First, I recognise that I am in a funk. Acknowledge it. Then try and find the cause (so I can maybe avoid it in the future) I have found that it usually occurs following poor dietary choices, or when I am really tired and have overdone things for a while.Then I give myself a goal day by when the funk period will be “officially” over. At this time I write a To Do list and I know that on the given day I have to begin ticking the completed chores off my list.For some reason it works very well. I imagine by recognising and “allowing" it, you begin the healing process. A funk is your body's way of taking time out when your mind is not in agreement!

What do you do to get yourself out of a funk?

Good question.Depends on the funk inducer.Say it's weather. Alaska can induce that. Abusing my guitar and uke will help along with cooking something in a slow cooker and tending a woodstove while reading a kindle and two magazines works.If it's some other ill defined angst; bicycling, dog walking, beach strolling, gardening or heaven forbid actually attacking the foot long list of honey-do's.When in a severe funk, which is fast developing, only kayaking or backpacking will suffice.When all else fails; wait til August for a puppy.Tough question, hope that helps.

How do you get out of a depression funk?

first of all dont think like u r depressed....dont go over anti depression medicine....depression occurs usually when ur actually thinking about something for a long period of time...u lose ur control over ur brain as brain also needs refreshment...just avoid those craps of ur mind.....having a dark chocolate will surely help......also take some protein 4m the source properly,u will surely overcome...
remember life is not permanent at all....just enjoy it....take care:)

Long Distance-How do you get out of a funk?

Let me just say the funk is normal!! My boyfriend and I did long distance for 4 1/2 years while he was in graduate school and I was starting my career. There would be days that I would just need to call him to hear his voice, or hear him breathing because it made me feel better...and he would get annoyed that we "talked" everyday.

There were days that he needed to talk and I was in a bad mood. The best thing to do is keep communicating.

I did this for my boyfriend while we were apart and it helped...since he wasn't a "part" of my daily life, I took a camera around with me one day and took a picture of everything I did in a day...the store I went to, where I got gas from, my desk at work, my TV, my kitchen...just the little things...I put them all in a book...I wrote in it that although he wasn't with me, I wanted him to know where I was and that everything was going to be ok...

We have now been living together for 2 years and couldn't be happier!!

Hang in there!

How do I get out of procrastination funk?

Almost 75% of the people in US tend to procrastinate everyday. So you are not alone. Here’s what I would suggest you:This answer is a crux of a blog on beating procrastination.1)Begin by establishing what causes you to procrastinateThese include embracing short-term pleasures like social media engagement, doubting your capabilities and failure to enjoying the task you’re involved in.2)Break the project down into smaller concrete tasks and prioritizeRemember not everything is urgent all the time. Break down the tasks in the following criteria:People who spend most of their time in Quadrant I usually have stressful lives. What they need to do is both important and urgent. They have to respond to tight deadlines, they need to solve crisis and have to put out fires constantly.People who spend most of their time in Quadrant III usually have a short term focus. They feel out of control.The Quadrant IV is all about time wasters or activities that don't provide any value. Anything done abusively could enter this category too (TV, video games, internet surfing...).Quadrant II is THE quadrant where you want to spend more time. It is the quadrant of planning, preparation, balance and pro-activityIt can help you reduce the time you spend on urgent things overtime.3)Make it fun and self-talk every once in a whileIf you have fun in what you do, you really don’t care what’s happening around you. Think like a child playing on the swings out there. No matter whether he falls, someone is fighting near him or even if it starts raining, he just does not stop playing simply because he is having fun. Secondly if you feel down motivate yourself with self talk. You could also try motivational seminars or simply subscribe to one of the inspirational channels on Youtube.Here’s One Last TipStop reading articles and Quora answers about how to overcome procrastination and just get to work! Right now, get up and strive to become the best in your craft.I wish you the best!