How To Get Over This Feeling

How can I get rid of "Love" feeling?

It's curious to me that you've never spoken to this person whom you suspect you might love, but I'm going to respond to your question apart from that detail.Love, tenderness, strong romantic attraction, desire - none of these things is so easily gotten rid of. Stop struggling against whatever it is; you're wasting your precious time and energy. Instead, accept that you feel as you do and live with it. Just live with it. Then, immerse yourself in your studies and your work because this is what you need to do for yourself.Maybe once you’ve made peace with whatever it is you're feeling you'll be inclined to initiate communication with this person - with a smile, a gesture, or a few words. Or maybe your mind will be on your work, and getting to know this person won't seem so important.Even if you could will what you're feeling into oblivion, it would be an exhausting feat. And it wouldn't be healthy. You stated that you're not ready for a relationship. You’re probably not, but this doesn't mean that you won't feel longing or attraction. Focus on taking care of yourself and your responsibilities. You'll feel much better.

How do I get over the feeling you are being watched?

There's a couple of things to think about here. I think the first is that you have to accept that whatever you're doing you aren't really that interesting. At the Library researching? No one is watching. Grocery store? No one is following you. Etc. you get the idea.That being said, as a woman you may have to be a little more aware than I would. Are you at the bus station? Yeah, there can be creepers there. Walking from the gym to your car? Be looking around. In those type of instances you should assume you ARE being watched and look around you to disprove that.I think it's safe in most instances to simply accept your situation as a mundane one and that no one is paying any attention to you at all. No if you're experiencing these feelings when you are not in public that may require some therapy to address what could be an unrealistic anxiety.

How do I get over feeling unloved?

That happens to many of us.Think about who do you want love from. There are people who show they dont care, and if you look at them and really think. WHO CARES.If you’re talking about family, unfortunately, we can pick friends but not relatives. Try doing things you love and surround yourself by positive things and places.The feeling never goes away specially if you feel a relative or partner doesn't care. You have to not care in terms of knowing you are not the only one in this world that feels this way. Many people feel unloved. Because the world the way it is, has become too cynical and selfish. Instead give love, and that can make you feel good. Try not to focus too much to that otherwise you will feel worse. Focus on what makes you happy and try to be as much independent as possible, so you dont need anything from no one.. I know it can sound a bit bad or sad, it is not— it is simply a survival tip.Good luck.

How do i get rid of the feeling of being watched?

If you were constantly criticized and watched when you were young then it is really hard to get rid of those feelings. You are probably very sensitive and feel things too deeply. The way you get rid of those feelings that others are watching you is by using your intellect and just tell yourself that it is not is me and then let it go. People do watch people. It doesn't matter big, little, homely, beautiful, people just look at other people. It is not a big deal. There is an old saying about when I was 20 I worried about what other people thought of me. When I was 30 I didn't care what people thought of me, and then at 40 I realized people were not thinking of me at all.....why....because they were worried about what I was thinking of them. lol...It goes something like that but it is so true. Mmm

How do you get rid of the floaty feeling?

You know when you're on a boat, and then the motion of the waves rocks the boat? And then after you get off the boat and sit down/lie down, it still feels like you're on the rocking boat? Does anyone know how to get rid of that feeling?

How can I get rid of my feelings for someone?

First of all “you can’t just vanish them out from your mind.”You have to less care about your feelings for them.Don’t think of anything related to that person, try sifting your thoughts.ask yourself why you have feelings for him/her and what if you stop caring about him/her.ask yourself why you wanted to do this.why you want to have no feelings for him/her.write it down. and repeat in your mind.write down every single problem you have with him/her.ask questions to yourself.and if you can, try writing answers from yourself.think how good/bad that would be if you have no emotions for him/her.give yourself some time, and during your free time try meditating.we humans are social creatures, we are among the few species that understand the emotions and value them. we bound with others and overtime we get used to them, we start enjoying their company. sometimes things don’t work according to ourselves and that’s cause some imbalance in life and relationship.if you truly devoted to your partner or someone you care about, you have to understand the situations from their perspective too.things happen, people come and this little time we have in this world, thinking about something that already happened and you can’t do about it anything now. is the waste of this precious little time.stay happy and learn to move on, never fully depend on anyone, have less or no expectations from anyone.good day. ^-^

How do you get over someone you have strong feelings for?

Time.  Time heals all wounds, as long as you don't keep on scratching them.Live.  Don't just exist.  Don't just survive.  Live!  Find whatever makes you happy and allow yourself to enjoy and feeling alive!  It won't come instantly but if you keep on trying, it gets better until you are completely living your life and never noticed how you get there.Focus.  Focus on good things, people who love you.  If you don't have much people you feel loved, open your life to allow good people to come in and shower you with joys of friendship or more.  You will still feel pain even when you try to do this but it gets less in time until it doesn't hurt anymore.Love.  Yes!  Love again!  This time, start by loving yourself.  Be kind to yourself.  Be patient with yourself.  Allow yourself to feel sad or be in pain.  It is part of the process.  Hug yourself and make a pact of making tomorrow a better day even little by little.  Congratulate yourself on progress.  e.g. You had a laugh or made new friends etc.Celebrate.  You are free from relationship that will not work and will likely just cause you greater pain.  Life goes on and you have in your power the choice to live your life with more happiness.