How To Get Rid Of A Betta

How do I get rid of the bloating in a betta fish?

There are a few reasons why a betta (or any fish) might begin bloating, and with that more than one possible treatment. One of the most common causes is constipation. This could be caused by overfeeding or lack of roughage in its diet. If you haven't seen your betta defecate in a while, and it has stopped eating, then you are probably dealing with constipation.You can start treatment by fasting your betta until the blockage passes. You can also try feeding your betta a shelled pea, which has lots of roughage. This may help to pass the clog. If your betta recovers, try reducing the amount of food you feed per day and try skipping a meal every other day. If your food is too dry when the betta feeds, try soaking it in some water before feeding.Another possible cause is swim bladder disorder, which can come about from some injury or severe constipation. You'll notice your betta has a hard time remaining upright, reaching the surface, and staying at the surface. If your betta is having trouble reaching the surface, lower the water level to make it easier. If caused by constipation, use the methods above to help treat it. If injury is the cause, you may just have to wait it out.Lastly, another cause could be kidney failure. If this is the case, your betta will not be able to properly expel fluid waste, which will begin to build up in its body. This is called “dropsy”. Different things can trigger this like poor water quality and/or stress. If it persists, your betta scales will stick out, making it look a bit like a pinecone. You may also notice your betta hanging in the water at a strange angle. If caught early, it can be treated with epsom salt. Otherwise it is usually fatal. This once happened to a dwarf gourami of mine, very sad.

How do you get rid of female betta eggs?

Stop feeding her altogether for 4-5 days. It sounds like she has eaten a large number of pellets and they are lodged in her digestive tract. Try giving her little bits of cooked, shelled pea once or twice a day during the 4-5 days. Yes, the green stuff inside the pea shell. This acts as a laxative and may help her get rid of the obstruction.

I never feed my bettas pellets anymore, I lost a few to the exact same condition you describe. I believe it is caused by feeding dry pellets that the betta gobbles up and then the pellet starts to absorb moisture inside the fish and expands, making the betta look fat and ready to spawn. Since I have switched to BettaMin flakes by Tetra I have not lost a betta to this condition.

How can I make my Betta less scared?

Step 1: Make sure your dude has somewhere to hide!! Whether it's a plant or a little house, he needs to feel sneaky sometimes.Step 2: Get rid of any flashing lights or loud noises. Also make sure that your little pal doesn't have any other fish in there that will nip at his fins.Step 3: Stress coat. When fish are scared, they lose the slime coat that protects them from disease. API makes a really good stress coat solution that you can add to your water.Wait a week and watch and see if he chills out a little bit. If he doesn't, Step 4: see if your fish does better in a 5+ gallon tank with a heater. That's the ideal environment for a betta, even if it's a little expensive.Sometimes fish can seem stressed when they're really just fidgety or bored. One of my bettas constantly acts like a toddler with a venti frappucino. He's fine; that's just his personality. One of my other bettas gets easily bored. Counterintuitively, putting him in a 10 gallon tank with a clear divider that let him see another betta helped him act a little happier. He’s swimming around and flaring his fins when he used to lie on the floor of his tank and never move. So keep in mind that fearful behavior may not really be fear.

How do you get rid of the reflection on a betta fish tank?

buy a background. but mine only does it when i have no lights on in my room except for his tank light. i keep lights on in my room at all times except when sunlight comes through my window and when i go to be all lights go out even his tank light. because he sees himself when i turn all lights out but his
hope this helps(:

What is the white stuff in my Betta Fish Tank and how can i get rid of it?

A betta should be kept in a minimum of a 2.5 gallon tank with filter and heater. A 5 gallon would be even better. The filter eliminates the need to change water which should be done at least every 3 days if it's in a bowl and the heater keeps the water at a constant 80F which is what betta's need to thrive.

The white stuff could be any number of things. Water changes are the only way to eliminate it. You do know that betta's will blow a bubble nest which will look like a film of tiny white bubbles on the surface?


Betta fish's bowl smells?

The smell is dirty water. With what you describe it is normal, but not healthy. On a bowl this size I would be changing the water about every day. It doesn't have a filter so all the leftover food, poop, pee, etc just builds up in the water with him. It's like having you in your closet for a whole week before cleaning out the poop. It just is building up too fast.

How do I cure Ich/Ick in betta fish?

The first step is correcting the conditions which caused the ich. Ich is easy to treat but if the betta is kept in the same conditions it will just keep reappearing.It's worth investing in a liquid test kit so you can monitor the levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Don't use test strips they're garbage.It is hard to keep the water parameters good if the tank is too small, I recommend at least a 5 gallon tank. Regular partial water changes are important, I would recommend doing one before the commencement of treatment.Unless you live in the tropics, your betta needs a heater in his tank. I live in the subtropics and still use a heater for half the year. Cold water lowers the immune system which can lead to… ich. If you turn your heater up to 28 degrees Celsius it will make the ich treatment work faster.The actual treatment is easy, I've used Blue Planet's Rapid white spot cure and Waterlife's Protozin with success, but most ich/white spot products should work. Follow the instructions, don't forget to remove any carbon in your filter. These will and should turn your water blue.

Will my betta fish get mad if i get rid of his bubble nest?

Nope. Bettas do not get emotionally attached to their bubblenests. Don't worry, if you tear it down, he'll probably just build another one.

Good luck with your new betta! Bettas make awesome pets. But if you're keeping him in a bowl, consider purchasing him at least a 2.5 gallon tank and a 25W heater. Bettas really need more room than a bowl, and they're tropical fish that require temperatures between 76-82 degrees F. Keeping him in an unheated bowl is putting him at risk for disease and ammonia poisoning.

How do you treat a tumor in a betta fish?

Unfortunately, you sort of don't. If it is in fact a tumor, and it's advanced to the point where you can see it, you're talking advanced surgical oncology for a $12 fish.tumors in fish need to be removed the same way they're removed in humans - surgically. Surgery on a fish that small isn't make sure it wasn't some other illness (swim bladder problems can sometimes be swollen and look tumor-ish), but if it is a tumor you just sort of have to wait and see.