How To Get Rid Of A Cold Sore Fast

How can i get rid of my cold sore, FAST?

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes virus and there's no cure for it, but there are things you can do to help it heal faster. There are several cheap home remedies that people swear by including using toothpaste like you mentioned, but it really depends on the individual and what works for you. For me, putting ice on it when I first feel it coming on helps a lot. Ice not only brings down the inflammation, but also prohibits the virus from multiplying in that area, keeping the actual sore from being too big. Once the sore does breakout, then I use a lysine ointment on it and take extra lysine supplements until it heals. It usually goes away after a few days. There was a clinical study at USC that shows lysine ointments help cold sores heal 50% faster and is better than most other types of ointments on the market. I don't know if it would work for you, but it definitely seems to work for me. Good luck!

How can i get rid of a cold sore fast?

Treatment Of Cold Sores

Anti-viral medication is prescribed to reduce the severity of the outbreak and the duration of the outbreak. If pain is present, any OTC painkiller may be taken. Warm or cold compresses can be used to ease the pain of the sores.

How to get rid of Cold Sores FAST?

Cold sores are caused by the Herpes simplex type 1. Which if a viral infection.

Generally, there is no way to make them go away because of them being Viral, they need to go away on their own. This can take anywhere from 2-6 days.

The only treatments they have for Cold Sores, can make them go away within 1-2 days faster. Most treatments are just to ease the pain.

How to get rid of cold sores fast?

Hydrogen peroxide may help as it is designed to kill the cells (ALL CELLS good and bad) on the area applied-it deprives it of oxygen therefore the cells dies and scab over (that is why you never apply to a deep wound it inhibits the ability to close and seal up properly)

It will kill the topical cells and cause scabbing...but the under cells much deeper still retain the virus and may even reappear depending on how serious this "episode" is

Definitely do not peel or scratch the lesion (that is what it is) Often while soft and in the blister stage BEFORE popping Prep H works to reduce tissue swelling around the area, Hydrogen peroxide has helped but i have also herd sponged on Apple Cider Vinegar helps tremendously as well..and to tell the truth i have used both Abreva and the vinnegar and found it HELPS the symptoms and makes it look less obvious..but it doesnt resolve the issue faster.

The same medicine prescribed for breakouts below the belt can help with those about the belt provided you take it at the first sign of a blister (itchy tingling swelling spot)

What is the fastest way to get rid of a cold sore ?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. To get rid of them you need an anti-retroviral medication.

The most commonly used drug for cold sores is called Aciclovir, (or Acyclovir depending where you live). This is available as a cream and sold under the name Zovirax (or Zovir).

Aciclovir can be used to treat an existing cold sore, or it can be applied as soon as you feel the "tingle" that comes before a cold sore develops.

BTW, the herpes simplex virus remains in your system even after the cold sore has gone, which is why cold sores will keep appearing from time to time. This seems to happen to me when I am under stress/not sleeping/not eating properly as my immune system is weaker during these periods.

How can i get rid of a cold sore FAST!!! :(( prom is coming up, and cold sore just sounds so BAD?

Here are your 2 best options (in my opinion):

1.) Use Abreva as mentioned. It is a topical antiviral and really is FDA approved, the other stuff (Blistex, Carmex, L-lycine) is not clinically effective in treating Herpes.

2.) A better option might be to go see your doctor about getting a prescription antiviral to take by mouth. This would not only treat the current sore but may also prevent any new ones from forming (depending on how long it is until the prom). There are certain doses used for treatment and others used for prevention. This is probably your best bet.

Good luck, and have a fun (and safe) prom!