How To Get The Rest You Need Uncategorized

What is the correct sentence: 'take a rest' or 'take rest'?

Very sorry to have to point this out, but all the answers below are based on Indian English and not standard English. “Take rest” is an Indianism that has no meaning in standard English.“To rest” is a verb. It means to stop working. “A rest” is a noun. It means a pause from working.The idiom that we use with the noun is, “to take a rest.” This is a parallel structure to some other common idioms, “to take a break,” “to take a nap,” and “to take a bath.” In the UK, they say, “to have a bath” instead of “to take a bath.”If you say, “take rest,” then most Indian speakers of English will understand you, but those from outside India may think mistakenly that you are uneducated.

Can I reenlist with a chapter 11 els from the U.S. Army?

The rest of my company has graduated Osut training to be infantrymen, I m still here going through the process of a chapter 11 els. What caused me to get an ELS is that I woke up and shined my light at a pvt who was standing in the middle of our tent during ftx, we exchanged words and then he pretty much ran up to me grabbed my flashlight and my neck, this all happened within about a minute of me waking up so I didn t really think about what I was gonna do next. I got up, hit him in the face three times, and Spartan kicked him away from me. All the drill sgts were in support of what I did, even a few officers. Anyway the CSM ran into him in the hallway, heard HIS SIDE of the story and here I am getting ELS d. I have seven witnesses backing me up, but what I m concerned about is the reenlisting process for me with a chapter 11. Any advice or knowledge helps!

How do heavy Quora users handle constant notifications? The sheer volume discourages me from either following a new question or giving my notifications any real attention. I'm sure other Top Writers get much more than I do. How do you handle them?

Great question. As David Stewart suggests, the Ctrl F strategy is the most effective way of processing the numerous notifications you receive in a day. IHere is the order in which I check for certain phrases:1. 'answer you requested' - I ask a lot of questions on Quora and send out a lot of A2A requests. I think that one of the kindest things someone can do for you on Quora is answer one of your requests, so the first thing I will look out for is any such answers. 2. 'commented on' - if someone has taken the time to comment on a question or answer of mine, I'm always interested to see what they have to say.3. 'suggested edits' - it is extremely important to check this as you might have made a mistake or typo on your answer which gives the reader the 'wrong impression' of what you were trying to convey. 4. 'wrote an answer for the question' - one of the best aspects of the Quora experience is clicking on such answers and finding amazing, original content.5. 'wrote an answer for your question' - same as 4. 6. 'now following' - this allows you to keep track of who is following your boards and questions. 7. 'voted up your' - always the most problematic of notifications, simply because you can have these littered all over your notifications and there is no easy way to get 'rid' of them (occasionally, if you hover over notifications, it will say something like '22 people upvoted X', and you can clear those notifications in one go, but too often you end up clearing something else you might not want to clear), so I leave them to last.An additional problem is that there is no easy way to Ctrl F for 'board posts'. I wish there was an easier way to do this...

Bedroom colour combos for a teen?

If the bright colors are too childish for you at this point, I would recommend choosing a light sage-tone green or pale pea-shoot color. You still get the fresh, peppy look, but without the bright colors. (My favorite color is green, too - good choice.)

When you look at a paint chip like this you can choose two different tones within the same color scheme. That way, the accent wall matches the rest of your room perfectly, but still gives you some variation. I have something similar in my room, with a pale dusky lavender on three of the walls, and a deep purple on the wall behind my bed.

If you like the stripes idea, try vertical stripes with dark and light greens from the same paint chip, or even multiple colors with an added accent color such as bright yellow or white.

Above all, let your personal style show through.
It's easy to find something in a magazine that looks nice, but over time you'll get tired of living in someone else's perfect space. My recommendation is to go to the paint store and find a couple paint tiles that appeal to you right away. Most stores will let you take them home, so grab a few and spend a week or so thinking about what it would be like to wake up, study, or hang out in a room of this or that color. You'll find your favorite soon enough :)

Hope it turns out great!

Do you think this is Obama's Birth Certificate?

I think you should ask Hussain's grandmother. His grandmother said he was born in Kenya. To answer your question though, this looks pretty good for not being the original.

How is coercing people into monogamous relationships supposed to protect 'manliness'? Doesn't this foster dependency?

Jordan Peterson is a joke. He’s the worst kind of moron—a would-be philosopher who quotes Plato without getting the most important lesson from Socrates: to be smart, you’ve got to assume you’re a fool. Peterson thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room. And so everything that comes out of his head goes straight out of his mouth, too … well, except the parts where he could be clearer and state his case better, those parts he holds within so that no one can challenge him on the absurdity of his statements.But the dude has clearly started thinking that he’s so unassailable that he can say more and more provocative things. This is a beaut. It’s like something Ann Coulter would say, which makes me think he’s jumped the shark and gone straight into “I’ll say something provocative just to stay in the news.”Perhaps the best thing we can do is to just stop talking about him? It’s hard, though, because he’s so deliciously stupid and wrong. And who knows, perhaps if we ignore him, he’ll be pandering to his base without their ever seeing our corrections of his intellectual and factual fallacies.So let me answer your question in a more direct way: I am a polyamorous queer guy, and I am far more manly in my long hair and makeup and high-pitched voice than that little rump-faced, sweaty hoser will ever be. Every lie and threat out of that guy is just one more squeal of a little boy who’s too scared of the darkness to learn about it, and to see that actually, it’s being caused by his own fears, not being fought off by his screams and rants. He IS the darkness. And if he can’t become self-aware of that fact, he threatens to help engulf the rest of us in his own sick, childish disease.

Regarding Anna Nicole Smith and her son Daniel?

I have heard alot lately about Daniel possibly being the father of DannieLynn through paternity results which could be the possibility of why both have recently OD'ed due to the fact.

Do any of these pictures look to you like a mother son relationship or something more? All opinions appreciated?