How To Get Visitation Rights For A Girlfriend

Visitation Rights for cousins?

My older cousins longtime girlfriend left him and got “engaged” May 2011. In November 2012 her fiancé left her at the altar, so she came crawling back to my cousin. After he rejected her she went psycho! She tries to show up to family functions unannounced and cause problems, she hacked his email and facebook and posted naked pictures of his current girlfriend.

When he dated her no one in our family accepted her but me, my husband and I went on double dates with them often. And in 2007 we both got pregnant and had our sons one day apart. Our sons are inseparable and I would always have him with me so he was like a second child to me.

But now that it’s clear my cousin won’t get back with her she called me and told me to make him call her and once I told her I didn’t want to be in the middle of whatever they have going on she told me not to ever contact her again and that I could never see my little cousin again!

Every Christmas since he was a baby I buy him toys just as I do for my son and he comes over on Christmas Eve and opens them, but this year she wouldn’t let him come. Apparently he was asking to see me so her grandmother called and let him talk to me.

Once she found out she was livid and now she has cut off contact with the entire family she wont even allow my cousin (his father) to come get him.

I really miss him and I did some research and saw parental and grandparents rights, but nothing for cousins or other family members. Does anyone know if I can legally get visitation?

Are their any rights in FL for an aunt to have visitation rights with a nephew?

Last year my brother and his girlfriend had a baby boy in june but in august my brother passed away. His girlfriend and her parents refuse to let my parents or I have any contact with the baby and it just breaks my heart. His girlfriend recently got married and now lives in PA and I've come to believe that my nephew is now living with her parents here in FL. I want to know if there is anything I can do in hopes of ever seeing him again. Please if you know of anything I can do I would greatly appreciate it.

My ex girlfriend wants sole custody, if I sign over the rights to her, do I still have to pay support?

in the letter to the court my ex says that I have not seen him in 1 1/2 years and she feels it is best for him to not go aroung not knowing who his dad is, but the funny thing is that she gave me aletter along time ago telling me not to see him and never even come by the house. should I take this letter to court and show the judge? I know that this is a touchie subject to alot of people but I am thinking of my son first.

Can my (16 yo) girlfriend'sparents forbid me to see her if she is pregnant with my kid (I am 17yo)? HELP PLZ!!

ok here's the problem, my gf just found out that she is pregnant 16 and i am 17, and she is afraid to tell her parents bcuz we are afraid they will take the baby and forbid me to ever see her again!! So i have been looking for infromation for about 7 hours now and have came up with nothing, and i wanted to see if anyone can help me?





California child visitation rights divorced parents?

My girlfriend has sole custody of her child. She's been divorced for about a year now but the father of the child hasn't seen the child for about 2 years now. Due to his failure to appear in court for the child custody hearing my girlfriend was awarded sole custody. Oh and she also has a restraining order (protection order) for herself and the child against the ex-spouse for the next 6 years. All of a sudden the father of the child wants visitation. Can anyone explain how this works in California (Los Angeles)? How much visitation will he get? Anyway to stop his visitation or have them monitor until the child is of age (18 years old)? Can the father of the child disrupt the childs current living status (i.e. not permit her to continue to attend the private school she current is enrolled in, not permit her to participate in her dance classes, etc.)? The child's mother resides in Los Angeles and the father has no established residence anywhere. He may try to use his sister's address in Los Angeles or his parents address in Bakersfield area. Would he be allowed to take the child to Bakersfield for any visitation he is granted? Ideally we would like there to be no visitation. But if there must be some visitation then we'd prefer it to be monitored and within the Los Angeles area, is that possible? We're afraid that the father of the child may take the child and run. He has no established residence except living with relatives and no established employment (he does not pay the court order child support). So it's hard to track his whereabouts. The divorce was very bitter and he has shown aggression in the past. If you are a Family Law Attorney, you help, answers, and any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. This will definitely tear our family apart. We've worked so hard to build a happy life for my girlfrien's daughter. I work very hard so she has the best education, etc. With the father now wanting visitation rights, I know he will want to pull her out of school just because he is spiteful. Please help!!!

Thank you.


Can my girlfriends soon to be ex-husband file for split custody of their child if he hasn’t been in contact for over 5 years & lives in another state? (No support what-so-ever $ either)

Are they already divorced? If they are still going through the process, he might file a motion for joint custody. However, since he lives in another state and the children haven’t been in contact with him for five years, his motion would probably be denied . However, he would probably be granted some form of visitation, since he has the right as a parent and the children have the right to know their father, but since he has not contacted them in over 5 years, he will probably have not bother to exercise his visitation rights.

How can the father win in court if his ex-girlfriend demands too much child support for their illegitimate child?

How much is too much. Most states have a formula where the income of the parent and the number of children to be supported are used in the calculation of child support. Hint: it doesn’t matter if the child is illegitimate or not. IT is a person who needs to be fed, clothed, housed and educated and that is the responsibility of both parents. If the mother has primary custody she is providing care of the child as well as part of the financial support. The father should not view it as a “win” the father should step up and provide for his child just as the mother should do so. The fact that the father and mother were not married is the fault of the mother and the father. That doesn’t affect the child’s needs for a warm coat on a cold day, food, a roof over the child’s head or an education. In addition the father should be part of the child’s life.You win by meeting your responsibilities not shirking them