How To Get Weed Out Of Your System. Help

How do you get weed out of your system?

Unfortunately, the only thing that gets marijuana out of your system is time.
Fatty tissues in various organs absorb the chemical in marijuana, THC. Traces of THC can be detected by standard urine and blood tests for about 2 days up to 11 weeks depending on the persons metabolism, how much they smoked and how long they smoked. THC can be detected for the life of the hair. Again, the sensitivity of the test ranges from person from to person depending on many factors including the amount of body fat, differences in metabolism, and how long and how much they smoked.

You should be more concerned about what marijuana is doing to your body then whether you will be found out.

How can I get weed out of my system fast?

I RARELY smoke weed. It probably had been a year since I had. 2 weeks ago I took exactly 3 hits of weed. Well I got a job offer and they want to do a BLOOD drug test. Which will prob be next week sometime. Can you help me get it out of my system FAST.

Is there a pill that can clean weed out of your system?

Thanks for the A2A.There are a number of "detox pills" that do indeed helping to clear your system of THC. The problem is that these pills show up on drug tests. Most employers test for detox drugs as well as the narcotics themselves so, while detox pills do exist, I would not recommend using them.What I would recommend doing:Drink lots of water; at least 3 liters a day.Excercise: excercise speeds up your metabolism therefore speeding up the rate at which your body rids itself of THC.Avoid other harmful substances like nicotine and caffine.Try fasting for a couple of days. This gives your body a break and is very beneficial.I know this is strange, but drinking 100% cranberry juice helps.Hope this helps,Griffin

Whats the best way to get weed out of your system?

unfortunelty there is no way to get weed out your system in under a couple of weeks. THC is absorbed by fatty tissue in the body which helps it remain in the body for around a month. Drinking beverages with lots of anti oxidants can lessen this time but it wont help on tomorrows drug test.

If I throw up can I get weed out of my system faster?

No. Your best bet is to drink a lot (and I mean like gallons of water). And run run run run run. (Or another form of exercise.)

How can I clean my system out with weed in 15 days?

ok so first of all let me say I've passed a few REALLY high stakes screens with my method.Moat people in here are right it's not going to take more than a month. That guy that said 60 days is fuckin drunk or really fat.Baisicly if you stop smoking immediately. It only takes about two days clean for the drinks or pills from the head shops. Omni has never failed me.Really though if your skinny to alittle husky you should be fine with 15 days. If you want to feels extra safe though…NEVER give your first urine of the day.drink a Poland spring sized bottle before bed. This should make your first urine of the day push out whatever toxins have leeched from your fat into your urineAn hour and a Half before the test drink 1 and a half bottles of water. Pee three times before you leave and your golden.This should dilute your urine enough to pass you without being too diluted since you won't have that much in your system at the time. Hope this helps.

Does milk help to get drugs out off your system?

No. If anything can do any good to get drugs out of your system it would water. Lots of water. But that’s no guarantee. If you are looking to pass a drug test, you would need to know what type of test is it. The usual “drugs of abuse” screen would be the easiest to pass. Most drugs wouldn’t show positive after 3–4 days, with the exception of marijuana which hangs around for ~30 days. If they do a gas chromatography or hair test, those are harder to pass. For example, the hair test can detect drugs going back ~6 months.Bottom line: if you are trying to pass a drug test your best bet is to just not do any drugs. It’s not worth the hassle and worry.